Meet a fembot in one of those discord threads that lives in my city

>meet a fembot in one of those discord threads that lives in my city
>spend a few weeks talking to her
>talk about meeting up in person
>she suddenly starts asking if im into pegging and asking if i want to try it out when we meet

even the fembots here are fucking weird. are they all like this? she seemed like a normal girl then WHAM begging me to do pegging.

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Yes, every single one, only females with brain problems wander here.

Either brain problems or attention whores.

>tfw no qt fembot gf into pegging
Why would you pass this up? It's like a dream for me.

gather around

do not date people who post on here. they are fucked in the head like you. go find a normie

But are you into pegging or not?

honestly, why can't people here be normal irl ? it's not that hard guys cmon. I understand acting autistic on here but irl too ? why ?

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You seem oddly intelligent.
How did you figure all of that out?

This may be a test and she's not really into it. A couple of my ex gfs have used the same test and I was disappointed to find out they were totally liars, not interested in the slightest and didn't actually even own a 17" jet black strap-on!

Actually as far as ass-play or something I'm not sure if I'd be "into that", not like I would suggest it myself. Like the number one thing that would be a turn off is her smelling her fingers after or gives herself a dirty sanchez then asks for a kiss. Beyond that though the concept doesn't scare me, and that's really what the test is all about.

Try consider a role reversal: "can I stick my meatrod in your meattube?" All perfectly expected and totally legit, right?

So the question is are you uptight, can you deal with role reversal and can you deal with a partner on equal terms (egalitarian) or are you such a fearful coward the mere suggestion makes you panic and ditch her?

All that said ... beware of manipulative types who are looking for a "slave". This isn't the same as a healthy dom/sub dynamic at all. Such BPD personalities are less common than the genuine "do you freak at the mere suggestion of my finger in your butt?", but they are DEFINITELY out there. So always beware.

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Sorry my first post was drunkenly formatted and I fixed it.

Well, I'm 34 for one thing. You can learn a lot from life experience.

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