Have you guys ever tried not being creepy ass holes weirdos and angry dick heads?

have you guys ever tried not being creepy ass holes weirdos and angry dick heads?

im a fat chubby ugly loser but I still have the occasional girl chat to me online because im not weird as fuck

you guys are crazy. just smoke some weed step back look at yourself and chill the hell out

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>I still have the occasional girl chat to me online because im not weird as fuck
Wow, congratulations

bro im a fuckin psycho.

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>girl chat me online
>chat me online

Sorry buy, but unless I'm seen the vagina in person I don't give a fuck about talking to girls online.

What the fuck? What a dumb beta, talking to girls online is fucking stupid unless you know them irl

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But I did start smoking weed. Now I'm still the creepy aspie except I'm dumber and fatter. And older, but that's not the weed's fault.

I would have sex but I live in a small town so thats just not possible

still talking to a girl is better than being on here or completely alone

dont you find it kinda ironic that you call people betas but you posted here?

You can still date a psycho bpd girl desu, you'll both enjoy each others insanity
Idk user, having a convo with a chick is much more satisfying than not talking to one, also the pussy coming in will be inevitable if you don't talk like a spastic
I don't know how people can socialize with weed, it gives me brain fog and I get more paranoid on it

>psst, mentally unwell guys
>just do drugs

I'm married to a qt. I've been posting here since my beta suicidal days, you can't leave this place.

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