But I did start smoking weed. Now I'm still the creepy aspie except I'm dumber and fatter. And older, but that's not the weed's fault.
Evan Bailey
I would have sex but I live in a small town so thats just not possible
still talking to a girl is better than being on here or completely alone
Grayson Sullivan
dont you find it kinda ironic that you call people betas but you posted here?
Oliver Powell
You can still date a psycho bpd girl desu, you'll both enjoy each others insanity Idk user, having a convo with a chick is much more satisfying than not talking to one, also the pussy coming in will be inevitable if you don't talk like a spastic I don't know how people can socialize with weed, it gives me brain fog and I get more paranoid on it
Daniel Martinez
>psst, mentally unwell guys >just do drugs :^)
Bentley Jenkins
I'm married to a qt. I've been posting here since my beta suicidal days, you can't leave this place.