So a cute girl I met on tinder asked me out. We're going to a bar today. The convo and everything is great so far so I really can't wait to meet her.
Do anons have any tips or encouragements?
So a cute girl I met on tinder asked me out. We're going to a bar today. The convo and everything is great so far so I really can't wait to meet her.
Do anons have any tips or encouragements?
>met on tinder
that is, a random thot decided to leech off.
"go on, make her day" [semi-cit. Clint Eastwood]
pic unrel8
You'll come back here with a -50 box and no number,nor kiss, nor bj.
Also she will bitch the whole date.
You are not meant to date that girl, and you'll fail horribly.
Don't go.
OP here
>Already have her number
Not looking for a gf really. Just want to have good time talking to a person I like.
What's with the crab bucket mentality btw?
if she's asian and you're white don't wear a condom and you'll get a wife
Tell her to split 50/50 on the date. If she likes you, she wont mind:)
Remember to ask about her interests, people love to talk about themselves.
Thanks, noted!
The splitting thing won't fly tho, bc I live in a rather conservative part of Russia.
Lol, this guy.
He gets on date and he thinks its worth actually going. What a cuck
yeah I just did the same thing the other night, good luck user I know you got it
Don't overthink things and just have fun
Break the touch barrier early, even if it's just you touching her elbow/arm
good luck!
Yeah I got a tip for you. A big fat mushroom tip... for your anus.
I hope you're 6+. Enjoy your Chlamydiae
Ask her some innocent questions probing her interests and get her Instogram WhatsA[[ or whatever. Have an excuse planned beforehand that allows you to bail out. If she's pig ugly, dump her then and there. If you fancy her ass, study up on her interests, play the part that she wants and bang her.
Hey OP, here to the rescue.
I went on various successful dates on tinder. Do not listen to those incels.
So first of all, try to make it intresting. Ask her about passions and try to get her talking.
Easy conversations may be about:
> Food
> City, country of origin and culture
> Travelling and foreign cultures
> Music (I find this personally hard)
> Movies (if she's into it)
> Whatever she is doing professionally (only if she seems satisfied with that)
> Beverages, Coffee or tea
> Books
From that you either can:
> Invite her to dinner if before dinner
> Ask her for a movie/tea at your place
If she agrees you're 90% done. The problem here is trying to understand if she is into something more long term or just an hookup. I personally do not know how to do this. I simply resorted to asking sometimes, when I did not understand. For instance once a girl literally told me that she wanted something more stable, but she was the kind of person I wouldn't go for a relationship with, hence I just walked away. It's ok if this happens too. It is really situational. Play it cool, offer the first drink. Do not insist in paying the second if she wants to pay it.
Good luck, if you have any questions please ask
I'm going on a tinder date today too, wish you gl mein friend. I'm a little bit insecure, because I still live with my parents, don't have a job, scared that I'll appear as some kind of manchild, but really hope we will just have a good time.
Just relax and beeeee yourself. Or lemme word it better. Imagine this is an interview for gf. You are gonna relax and talk about things to get to know each other better. No pressure. If you like each other's company then you get another date, then another until you are bf/gf. If not, then fish in sea etc etc. Begin with small talk, or general talk on what she likes to watch on Netflix, where does she go to school at, innocent things. Then as the convo goes on the boundaries of what you can tall about can become more personal. Remember to talk about yourself too, this isn't an interrogation. Also some important rules: never tall about anime, Jow Forums, or Jow Forums at all. Save that for like date 3 when it is time to reveal your powerlevel
>> Food
Pure shit.
Everyone loves good food.
She may be vegan - you're doomed because at least once in your life you ate meat.
Some mildly autistic females may get interested in exotic food, but that's more a hassle than a convo starter.
>> City, country of origin and culture
Pure shit.
There's no such thing as "culture" outside of western countries and Japan. Also, either you're somewat expert in that stuff, or you're doomed.
>> Travelling and foreign cultures
Pure shit.
Travelling is a literal waste of time. Women only travel to post selfies, that is, only for attention. Most of the time the tab is on you.
>> Music (I find this personally hard)
Pure shit.
With the very exception of classical music - the only music that's still good after centuries, because it requires you to listen with your heart and your brains - it will be an useless talk about "what do you '''Alexa Play shit''' when you're bored".
>> Movies (if she's into it)
Pure shit.
Females can't actually enjoy a movie requiring you to carefully watch. They just want movies where the Good Guys eventually fall in love with the Good Gals, and that's that. They demand uncharacterized faggotries - like the one of the fat girl colluding with the slim girl about starting some gigantic scam.
>> Whatever she is doing professionally (only if she seems satisfied with that)
Pure shit.
Almost always she will whine about being underappreciated. That's a fucking lie, because a good working female taking responsibilities and being knowledgeable and loyal, simply doesn't exist. Do you remember that women-only firm building a bridge who collapsed minutes after it was completed?
>> Beverages, Coffee or tea
Pure shit.
Just like the food thing.
>> Books
Almost pure shit.
Females can't read classics or any valuable book. Even if they do, they just demand entertainment. They could read the entire Theory of Relativity by Einstein and only remember that no women were involved in any of those science feats.
you said you're not looking for a gf and thats fine, though i met my gf on tinder, a cute little shut in girl who decided to make a tinder as an effort to meet some people and distract from loneliness. most girls on tinder are normies/roasties but not all user, not all.
In other words, if a girl excites your wiener more than your brain, then she's a random slut, notwithstanding her features. Never forget you are way more than your penis. Never forget the "sex" part is a ridicolously low percentage of the time you will spend with her - especially if dating/engaging/marrying.
If you feel you need to entertain a girl, then it means she's bored and boring, and you're just wasting your time to get some sex action. It can be addictive like gambling: the more she doesn't have sex with you, the more time and resource you waste, ultimately feeding your incoming depression.
Finally, "girl on Tinder" is the epitome of cuckoldry. She's there for three reasons only:
1) attention
2) Chad Thundercock's dick
3) proving she's a wasted skank who couldn't land a Good Man, even less during her prime years.
Pic somewhat related.
this is my dream oh my god, you give me hope, user.
you gotta be quick on the scoop though user, i was the first person she met with from the app, if she had met with someone with less pure intentions she could have either been ruined or scared off the app.
You shouldnt be meeting people on tinder
why originalijo
I thought I was an attractive guy but I barely get any fucking matches. the ones I did get all fucking ghosted me out of nowhere even after perfect conversation. I feel like a retarded ugly piece of shit now and I don't know I'm supposed to just pick myself up and feel ok again and forget my shitty experience with this godforsaken app
That's the biggest downside about dating apps. There are literally billions of brainsemened low-iq mongoloids on Tinder who are thirsty for that puss, so girls have veeery big standarts and a lot of to choose from. Most of the matches I get are those who don't even bother to keep a good conversation. You either have to be 10/10 model, or tryhard like an idiot to get some attention from most of the girls. Of course there are decent girls, who are not attention whore, and I'm going on a date today with one of them, but still, Tinder is a shithole, best suited for attention whores. Don't go hard on yourself, life isn't a tragedy, its a comedy.
Fuck her with the force of 1000 white hot suns. Own her body. Dominate her. Make her yours.
Do it for rich.
that was one thing i found shocking when my gf showed me her tinder after we started dating before she closed it, almost every single guy she swiped right on rendered a match, women can be 100% discerning in who they match with. if you even match with a girl in the first place that likely means they've seen something in you or she's new to the game.
>can't wait
You already fucked it up. Expectations is the root of all suffering. You've got some perfect ideal going on within your head, but you've already dropped your spaghetti. Women can smell the neediness on you. You're like a starving man man thrown in front of a buffet and then asked to go through the social intricacies of dating without stuffing a foot down your mouth. You need to act cool, but the fact that you posted here means you've already invested waaaay to much emotional energy into this.
dude, if you have to do bait at least put some efforts in it and make it believable
Not bait. Legit going for it in 3 hours. Will prob make a post about how it all went down
>a cutie girl i met on tinder
have fun with your slut user
>life isn't a tragedy, its a comedy
The saddest thing about this idealogy is it is the only way not to go crazy
If you're OP that guy wasn't replying to you, check it. OP, this is cute and wholesome, you have fun with your tinder gal, haters gonna hate.
Let him try faggot
If you manage to get laid, don't come here ever again. Cos you won't classify as a robot anymore, just a normie with some electronic/mechanical enhancements.
>Do anons have any tips or encouragements?
yeah don't get ass raped in prison if she regrets the sex. also only the rich can afford justice if you get accused.
he said he lives in russia
you have to pay for everything for females in russia or they wont like you
if you dont pay for everything, especially the first time you meet she wont consider you a man