anyone born in the year 2000? hows college been treating you?
Anyone born in the year 2000? hows college been treating you?
lol you fuckin faggot. how can you hate ur life when ur 19? btw 94 and never went to post secondary. ur education doesnt mean shit.
>ur education doesnt mean shit.
T. Trump voting brainlet
bad. was suicidal nearly every day. early on in semester ran into group of people in my dorm and they were drunk and invited me to hang out. walked to the other side of campus and was waiting on one of them at another dorm for one of their friends. talked to girl i had been crushing on for the first month there. almost went autismo but didnt. they go to a party, not enough room in car. whatever, i was just happy to walk with them. another night was in one of their rooms playing truth or dare. qt ends up slapping me in the face. thisisit.jpg . she ends up fucking chad of group instead. group never talks to me. only friend i ended up making was with my roommate in a dorm with 1600 people with the same major group as me. when roommate left for weekend i would just cry in my bed, masturbate, and go on Jow Forums. was doing well in school but too depressed to care anymore, grades dropped a bit. many times deeply contemplated jumping off the side of the stairs. tried to learn to skate around campus. ate shit all the time. bike got stolen. got back with my ex, wasn't happy, broke up with me on anniversary.
>quoting the wrong post
ur education is showing again.
muh intellectualism
muh pepe memes
what were you doing when you were 19 user?
Working, drinking and smokin dope. I also had a bitch but she cheated on me.
fuck you. at least you had friends. i cant even talk to my roommates. my ex wouldnt talk to me either.
i think i would be happy if i had a gf and a job.
2 interactions with a group of people who then ghosted me and avoided me at all costs.
my roommate was my one real friend, which was a bright spot.
my ex was a piece of shit theatre major who was retarded and ended up cheating on me
lol. no, you would hate your job. as for having a gf it can be nice, but it can also be terrible.
learn2code stupid frick
t. I smoked weed 4 times in high school and almost flunked out now I'm a raging alcoholic
t. muh trump is tard muh politics
you had a chance and fucked up. what can you do
you fuckin retard. do you think you're a psychologist?
friend groups are shit anyway. i would only be comfortable when its 3 people at max when im hanging out.
my ex went to a much better university than me. shes studying to be a lawyer. and she got a bf really quickly after she got into the school. im always looking up to her.
i cant see how having a gf would suck anymore. like even when its bad its better than being alone
it really isn't, you literally don't know what you're talking about
there's pros and cons that you won't understand until you experience it.
It's whatever, I'm good at school but suck at socializing and stuff so of course I haven't made friends yet. All I do is go to class then go home and browse this shithole when I'm not doing hw.
There's people born in 2000 who can post on this board now. Fuck fuck fuck how do I go back
Entering freshman this fall. I started a year late because my autism was too strong to start kindergarten when I was supposed to. I consider suicide every single day because I can't find a job and I think that means I will never have a career and thus be a neet, and also because I am half a foot shorter than my father and my 16 year old sister is almost as tall as me. I hope it gets better.
any examples to help me understand it better?
that sounds like hell to me
having a job would suck though. itll get better when you have friends. or weed
Imagine fighting all the time, or being accused of cheating all the time, or her getting mad at you when you talk to one of her friends. imagine having to be a fucking mind reader to understand ur bitch. not to mention when ur single u dont have to share a bed.
GTFO you fucking normalfag nigger
if only you knew me.
wow you sound like a fucking chad. shed never think i cheat on her because i dont talk to anyone. and sharing bed is good no?
i remember back in 2010 people on Jow Forums talked about how people born in 2000 would soon be regularly posting on Jow Forums.
I thought I wanted to kill myself then, now I REALLY want to kill myself
sharing a bed is shit m8. and im no chad. havent had a girl in three years.
Sounds almost exactly like the beginning of the spiral I started at 18. All I can say is, I'm 29 now, you're here forever.
that just sounds like a bad relationship
its almost like communication is important
I graduated from hs one year early, I'm 19 right now so I've been neeting for 2 years mainly because of an illness, not going to college right now because I can't drive, I also want to get a job first to tell if I'll be able to actually stick to a schedule.
>not going to college because cant drive.
thats a shit excuse user. you can use public transit or just learn to drive. are you missing limps or something?
> drinking at 19
> alive at 94 y/o
hahahha kys
t. 2001 nigga
>born in the year 2000
fuck off babies
its 2019 sweetie ;)
fucking amazing. im 16 and in college, probably the youngest in the school. im studying music and shits p easy. my friends are amazing too. they all treat me like a younger brother and its wholesome. my depression is gone and im currently dating this qt. idk if i love him tho. we're gonna make it user :)
fucking hell, fuck off zoomer, jesus you make me sick
it's not fair, it genuinely isn't fair.
if you can't find a job unironicially ask your dad about it. not in a way that sounds like you deserve it, but in a way that will make him see that you want to work but just don't know how to go about it. i helped my dad write job applications and updating his resume because he can't even type let alone send an email. but he's connected with a lot of people that always could use someone willing to work. noting ever goes as planned so being disappointed that you don't have job security at 18 is pointless since you will never have it. the best you can do is to have good enough relations with people that you can always get something somewhere else.
the boomer "firm handshake" unironicially works but what they won't tell you is that the guy whos hand he shook was his dad's buddy from school. why do you think it used to be that the sons would take up the same trades as their fathers? not because they were good at it but because that's where they already had an easy time getting in through the magic of nepotism. this is a clown world and we all gotta start seeing that the stage is collapsing around us. that no one who is anyone got there by merit but because they knew someone who knew someone. so the best thing you can do for your career is to know people who know people. and the best place to start with that is with your own family.
>i'm 16
not on my fucking watch
Fuck college i dropped out in 10th grade school is for normies and niggers
JLaw dropped out in middle school, the modern world just doesn't matter.
im positive he meant he was born in 1994 lol
Back in 2015 people got shitted on for being born 1995-1997. Now those people seem like boomers compared to the post-election zoomers that weren't even alive at the turn of the century
fuck I wish I could quit university. And just live my secluded life, not bothering anyone and not being bothered by anyone. But it's not an option. I'll probably just suffer for few more years until I get my degree and then I will kill myself
>not being a middle school dropout communist
You're missing out
1st year was okay. Some classes I took were fairly interesting. I have a 3.0 GPA but I have time to work on that. I'll be taking a 5000 level course next year and it is in a topic I enjoy/understand so I think I'll do better at it than I did in the filter classes.
I made friends and we did cool shit but obviously I'm an ugly nigga so I didn't get a GF. I asked 2 femsects on dates and got shut down like a senior citizen trying to dunk on Shaq. I had a "Just fuck my shit up" phase when I was drinking vodka. When that ran out, I learned how to make prison wine from grape juice. I never used to do that type of shit before 1st year. I started because I needed a way to relax.
I was born in 1992, so back in 2010, people were probably mad about people my age being allowed on Jow Forums.
Late 99 here, I figure we're the same graduating class. First year was okay academically. Socially it was shit. I never hung out with anyone, save for one girl who was in my calc class. She's ghosting me now, I wasnt even romantically interested, I just wanted a friend for fucks sake
my life changed. apparently people like me now even though im autistic. turns out all i needed was a different environment. now i feel like an outsider here on r9k because im more of a normie, but im also an outsider with my new friends because of autism.