what do I do if my computer is so god damn slow. ive only had it a year and it is FUCKED.
I have nothing going on it but 2 browsers and its fucking DEAD. every time I switch a tab on a browser it just fucking freezes. it fucking takes me like 3 minutes just to switch browsers sometimes. sometimes whenever I go to type it will just fucking freeze forever and then all my words will just type 3 minutes later on their own.
I fucking am so sick of it. when I wanna make a post on Jow Forums its like open tab -> freeze -> type in page -> freeze -> open text box -> freeze -> type -> freeze -> browse for image -> FREEZE FOR FUCKING EVER.
it is so god damn slow dude. I have no viruses on it. all I have downloaded is images and fl studio wow and runescape. its so fucking slow dude. I ran a bunch of virus scans and nothing. I deleted everything I dont use. nothing. its so fucking slow just switching tabs can take all god damn day. trying to right click something in the system tray and close it...forget about it.
whenever I wanna do something I have to like click, watch it freeze, sit around on my phone scroll through my phone, take the next mouse click, it freezes again, sit scroll around on phone look around do something, do next mouse click, freeze get on phone scroll around look around on phone, next mouse click freeze
I have fucking spent so much time just screaming at this thing and clicking the same spot 120000 times while its frozen and just hearing the error noises from every mouse click