>that time you followed an internet guide to train yourself to be incontinent and willingly made yourself disabled because of a stupid fetish
That time you followed an internet guide to train yourself to be incontinent and willingly made yourself disabled...
how do you even do this? original
Shove marshmallows up your ass so they get all melty and becomes literally impossible for you to keep yourself from shitting it out so your butthole gets all weakened.
if you train yourself to instantly let go whenever you have to pee, your bladder muscle gets weaker and weaker from lack of use until you start wetting the bed at night and eventually your pants without consciously realizing
then you have to wear diapers 24/7 and it's basically impossible to potty train yourself again because that conditioning is usually ingrained at a young age
I don't understand why anyone would subject themselves to such a thing for any reason but those monsters seem to want to just shid and piss and fart whenever and waste money doing it. Disgusting.
Sounds pretty comfy desu
Sounds original too desu
how does that even work? do you piss yourself at your job or just stay home all day pissing whenever you feel like it?
m-my diaper is my toilet now...
i don't think anyone at work has noticed yet
There's no fucking way you work around other people in a dirty diaper without them noticing the god damned smell you moron, they're just not saying anything about it directly to yoyr face. Nice LARP
i don't mess in them if i can avoid it because i usually have to shower immediately afterward to be clean
(but sometimes if i'm not at work and it's not worth the effort of ripping off the tapes and refastening them it happens)
pee doesn't smell of anything that can't be covered up by baby powder and/or deodorant
i spend most of my break time changing in one of the bathroom stalls so i don't leak
Why do people always assume the worst most extreme scenario. I know plenty of people who wear but actually shitting them is relatively rare, and to do it around other people. Unthinkable. Most people who wear diapers dont seek to advertise the fact.
>tfw no maid job where my master makes me proudly keep my dirty diapers on full display
>tfw no Stacey diaper gf
congratulations can you qualify for disability now for being retarded?
>i don't mess in them if i can avoid it
So then you do have control over it
>i spend most of my break time changing in one of the bathroom stalls so i don't leak
People definitely hear you changing your diaper then. I'm sure they've seen your dirty ones in the trash too.
Not him but ive personally never recieved any bad reaction to my incontinence in the work place when people have found out, and they do sometimes. A diaper waistband showing (boss mentioning it then asking if i they could do anything to make it easier for me, added a larger bin in bathroom for me. one coworker walked in on me changing and we just laughed about it. Sure theres jerks everywhere, but this isnt high school and most people are sympathetic and discrete towards incontinence. They dont assume you are a massive pervert for it
They definitely talk behind your back.
>heh, did you know user wears diapers?
>oh, so that's why he always smells like shit?
>yeah. what a retard
Now that's dedication.
What, are you some kind of normalnigger? Gonna regret it? Think you've got anything worthwhile in your life that you're going to put before getting off?
You can go to the bathroom and change just like anyone can go to the bathroom and shit, retard. Not to mention there are supplements you can take that completely eliminate the smell of shit
>People definitely hear you changing your diaper then. I'm sure they've seen your dirty ones in the trash too.
This is the typical normie response. You don't go 24/7 without having accepted that sooner or later people will find out. Imagine a state of mind in which you don't care. Most people are going to assume its medical incontinence and be too polite to mention it anyway. Are you really going to be the one asshole at work who makes funny of someone behind their back for something they can't control? Doubt it
Doubtful. As i said. It isnt high school. Maybe you should move on frim the mentality too. A boss would not risk that kind of thing as its highly illegal discrimination. Coworker i actually fucked for a while is still one of my closest friends.
Also you just cant stop thinking about shit can you. Weird. Nobody even mentioned it
My mother has pretty bad ibs so she had an operation so she could use colostomy bags. When her bag is full, you cannot smell anything. Probably would not work with diapers though
t. Bullied in high school
In the real world kiddo, people are a lot more accepting. I mean for one thing their job could be on the line if they talk shit about someone with a disability. And even if it wasn't, most people don't care about other people's lives, they've got their own stuff to worry about
See Pretty simple. Just realize anyone who's into 24/7 has given this far more thought than you.
Women would probably say something like this though. Guys probably would not care
On the contrary ive recieved only sympathy from women. I can think of a few asshole bro types i wouldnt want to know mind you. Dont let your women hate cloud your judgement. Its an immature asshole thing, not a gender thing
More likely the opposite. I mean I'm not gonna say I'm surprised you have deep rooted mistrust of women if you're on here, but women are way more accommodating to tards and people with disabilities. They mostly get by on life based on personality and social skills, it's in their interest to be nice about these people (even if they don't really mean it), because the alternative would be getting ostracized
Yh her bags have some type of smell nullifying agent in them so you can never smell anything. I actually feel kinda sorry for her. I feel like it helped the uncontrollable pooing problem because now she just does it in the bag rather than in her clothes but I cannot help but feel there may have been a better way. Now her stoma can be quite painful at times :(
why is it that when i see a disgusting fetish it's always men? What the fuck is wrong with you faggots. I just recently learned about bug chasers, and what do you know... it's fucking men!
>it's basically impossible to potty train yourself again
man what lows can people go to satisfy the need
t. fellow diaper degenerate
This is a very smelly thread
Boy user you really outdid yourself this time. Did you really make yourself incontinent or did it start as medical?
Women know it's not socially acceptable to make fun of you at work, but they definitely talk behind your back.
If you made yourself incontinent on purpose because of a fetish, you're clearly some kind of weirdo, and everyone can pick up on that.
>you're clearly some kind of weirdo, and everyone can pick up on that.
You know another typical sign of autism is thinking that people more socially adept than you have secret knowledge about you they don't actually have
There's literally hundreds of thousands of amateur diaper girls on tumblr, even after they tried purging NSFW content. I'll post some when I'm back at my computer
If you made yourself incontinent so you'd have to wear diapers on purpose people won't need "secret knowledge" to know you're a degenerate weirdo.
i was a dumb pervy teenager with way too much time on my hands
i've spent the last year trying to undo it but it feels so hopeless
People commit multiple murders without anyone around them thinking theyre out of the ordinary mate. You think people can tell things about you at a glance because you don't understand how social interaction works
For one thing - didnt actually make myself. I have severe nerve damage from an accident. And i doubt very much people in ops life assume he did it intentionally.
I wager this is also true. Not only did i continually have sex with the one woman who found out, but also looking at this from the viewpoint of a well adjusted person without a persecution complex. Its nothing. People generally arent inclined to make fun of a sensitive medical condition. Hell, another guy i work with has bowel cancer and hes been making light of the fact hes going to have a colostomy bag, but man not a one of us feels anything but sympathy to the guy.
>tfw no diaper gf to pad up and cuddle and gush over how cute she is and cuddle and put on my lap
>Tfw no mommy gf to gush and dote on me
>tfw no overly assertive mommy gf who never lets me use a normal toilet or act like an adult ever again and teases me constantly with the fact
Dont pull at my heart like this, this is exactly what i want and i know ill never have it.
dumb shameless babu
Almost home, will dump diaper girl pics
I would jump through some serious hoops just to have a mummy gf.
I-im not shameless! Theres nothing wrong with wanting a mommy gf to put me in diapers and make it so i end up dependant on them, even if she makes.me into her baby theres nothing wrong with it!
id unironically would want a gf like that, but only if you can reverse the damage after some time. permanent incontinence is a big no no
I think the smell of a warm wet diaper would change your mind. Nothing has mad me erect as fast as that.
you can change your gfs wet diaper without her having to become incontinent tho.
i just have to imagine the smell, the embrassment and the soft small body of hers and i am instantly diamonds
Yeah but imagine if she was
Shed have to come up to you all red faced and say her diaper is full, she doesnt even know how, she never went on purpose, you get to see her in pure shame as you tell her if thats the case then she can stay in diapers forever
Or, a different situation, she wets the bed, night after night, giving you reason to put her in diapers for good.
End your life you worthless pedophaggot scum.
I want to chop off my left leg, but its more of a mental illness thing BIID than it is a fetish. I feel you though, OP.
Is this a thing? Can't you just potty train yourself again?
incontinence would just take the fun out of bullying and teasing until lil babby wets though
Eh yes and know. I've read a few untraining blogs (all girls, if that makes a difference- women do tend to develop incontinence more easily) and they suggested that you can technically potty train again but you'll never have control like you used to, you'll need to be far more careful about making it in time.
I guess because part of untraining is stopping yourself from subconsciously holding it, whereas potty training as a child is learning to control your muscles and recognize when you need to go
I wish someone would teach me potty training again. I keep trying to do it by myself but always fail
LARP, but cute
>tfw no mommydom gf to force me to use diapers
Why live
This is what happens to children who are forced out of diapers too soon.
This is what happens to babies who need to go back in diapers, even if they insist they're an adult.
>>>>>>>get off my board