Whoah. Why does Europe get all the good stuff?
Whoah. Why does Europe get all the good stuff?
Shrooms are legal in Denver and Oakland now
Honestly, anti-depressants really don't work out well for most people and this is becoming increasingly known. However, all the people I know whose "depression" was cured with hallucinogenics weren't really depressed but had that normie tier sadness that gets cured whenever their friends take them out clubbing.
The only honest thing I've seen "cure depression" is an extreme lifestyle change towards a healthier physicality and mentality.
>However, all the people I know whose "depression" was cured with hallucinogenics weren't really depressed but had that normie tier sadness that gets cured whenever their friends take them out clubbing.
Yeah, this makes a lot of sense.
As much as psychedelics may be useful for breaking negative thought patterns or "neuron pathways" if your life is still objectively shit it's still objectively shit
At best it will help robots get out of the blackpill mindset, but it's still gonna be a lot work after that to start building a life
What a time to be depressed.
I refuse to take that hippy shit, or any medicines besides painkillers and antihistamines
>tfw will be able to get magic mushrooms on the NHS soon
Feels good man
Pretty much. However, depression can be a thing even if your life isn't objectively shit. The depression can be made easier or worse depending on your life style. If you're living a really all around unhealthy lifestyle the depression will be crippling. If you're living a very healthy and red-pilled one then it can just be a daily bump to deal with.
You are right that the biggest thing is breaking the black pilled mindset and replacing it with a better one. It's something that will take time for each depressed person to do and discover what will keep such a mindset at bay.
For me, it was living a highly regimented life in which each day I had physical exercises to do, good books to read, and a set of personal goals to achieve. While I'd have relapses they would be less and less shit each time until a "bad" relapse is me struggling to get out of bed and refusing to do my daily readings because I got into such a habit with everything else.
Here's my regime
>M/W/F Power Yoga with coach Sean Vigue followed by 30 minute walk
>T/TR None to Run of the appropriate level
>Daily reading minimum of 20 pages
I have one fiction and one non-fiction book selected at any time to choose from
These have been the biggest help because when I go on a walk or go to work I have something to keep part of my mind locked onto
Doing this for the last year or so has majorly improved my life to the point where meds were no longer needed and my psychiatrist called it a miracle because of how bad I used to be including 3 failed suicide attempts (Not from lack of trying).
no, they're not ilegal, not the same thing
I'm glad that's working out for you, I just don't have the desire or discipline
Also, my life is objectively shit and so for me doing all that stuff would just be escaping into distraction. Any dead time is time for bad thoughts to sneak in, so I can see how that would work for a while but eventually it'd fall apart and I'd feel even worse for having lived a lie that long
People always talk about depression in the abstract, but it manifests itself in actual thoughts about actual things.
I'm sad because I don't get to have a physical release, because no one loves me, because no one wants me around, because I don't have anything meaningful or useful to apply myself to or work towards, etc.
What do these "depressed but objectively doing really well in life" people actually get upset about? None of them ever say.
Some kind of generic DUDE WEED tier concerns about how small we are in the grand scheme of things?
I just don't have any sympathy for these people, even if were it somehow measurable their level of upset about these things were just as strong or intense as mine