I went outside and filmed people without asking again. Received my first real hard kick.. from a feral female.
I went outside and filmed people without asking again. Received my first real hard kick.. from a feral female
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Based autistic user
Do you have social anxiety
are you socially awkward
Thanks user.
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with me.
wat. This is the complete opposite of what someone with social anxiety would do.
Sorry user if you do not have social anxiety or are awkward I cannot emphatize with you
There's another channel like this does anyone remember what it's called? They don't speak, film people
I only know of two others:
Surveillance camera man: the one that started it all.
Plainpotatoes: a nig taking it all way too far.
Lmao. Autist. Based tho.
SCM material is swell and dandy, I'll have to look up Plainpotatoes.
Have you ever heard of Surveillance Camera Artist? He used to do videos kinda like this, but then Tosh.0 and H3H3 got to him, plus his older channels got deleted. So he then changed his channel name to God Of Cringe and his videos have been shit ever since. Don't end up like God Of Cringe.
are you fat? originalio, you sound really fat which is probably part of what makes people uncomfortable
I havent heard of him. Thanks, ill look up his shit.
Most of the time these guys are breaking actual laws by entering buildings or private properties.
What happened after that girl in the blue shirt was done assaulting you? I saw a guy run up very fast like he was getting ready to attack or something.
Yup, that was her nigger backup. He wanted to fight me, but didnt do shit in the end.
As for her action, she would never do that without a nignog in the back. Bitch. Shed be absolute fucked if i showed the footage to the police
You should press charges against her. Why not? She assaulted you and you have footage of this. Easy money if you ask me.
You got assaulted by a qt.
She was a coalburner? Fuck's sake. Oh well, she'll pay the toll eventually.
It doesns work with money here.
I know, seeing her technique, she knows how to fight too.
She could be, or she could use the nigger as a beta-orbiter. Man, that was pathetic.
>that Russian girl who insulted your beard
tfw no russian mommy dom to berate me
Have you ever seen Insomniac with Dave Attell? I think you should watch it and draw some inspiration from it.
That's the one cheers brolad
what he's doing is more like old tom green
Shes right though, ive really let it go.
Its fixable by going to a barber. There isnt much one can do for a broken personality though
This seems kind of rude. I wouldn't like having some sperg following me around with a camera.
You're being filmed everyday.
He is just filming.
I love this shit. Please dont stop making these
he has to stop eventually, he is a russian citizen. they will deport him back to moscow.
ik ga je moeder aangeven bij de politie.
When big guy grabbed the bottle monkaS
she is cute do , nice legs.
great video oregon
HAHAHAHA nice bro
Should have asked them out retard
Why? To get a bang in there? Then what? Actually spend more time with a woman than an hr? The fucking horror.
Thanks bros.
Too bad you didnt like my project, user!
I love you man. What is you endgoal?
Please dont stop making these. Its the reason im on youtube.
Timestamp for kick? I just skippd to thumbnail and watched like 10 minutes of nothing happen.
just just
Im just filming
maybe you answered this already in a previous thread, but where do you live??? it looks beautiful
Looks like the Netherlands to me.
OP how do you have the guts to do this? madlad. do you have nothing left to lose? To me it seems like an unnecessary risk to your reputation.
Daily reminder that you can legally film people in public and publish what you recorded, some places have 2 party consent laws for this, but most places this is completely legal.
Great video like and suscribed
So fucking based, keep up the good work user and make those roasties feel unsafe as they should.
This guys right: Dont be fooled by the sunny days, most of the days are grey and rainy.
Nothing to lose.
Good to know mate.
Thanks bros. Any ideas for future episodes?
you post on here? i guess it's better than /b/ or Jow Forums.... somewhat.
>Thanks bros. Any ideas for future episodes?
Perhaps you could go up to roasties or normies and ask them random robot related questions such as: do you know what the beta uprising is? what's your opinion on incels? have you heard of the cock carousel? have you hit the wall yet?
Those are pretty good. Noted and am using in future episodes. Thanks
Is this the same guy who filmed that old guy eating ketchup in a car while listening to some /feels/ music then being like 'whoo you scared me ;-)"
Thats surveillance camera man.