Everyone excited for E3?, edition
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people who play games are fucking sad lmao
Idk how an adult male can play a video game for more than half an hour, absolute state
no mate, your attitude is. just because you can't find it fun doesn't mean you need to put others down.
you sad seething bastid ya
Please somene helpe how do i stop valloim effects I want to be straght edge foe e3 it only happens once a year I forgot about it
Do you think eciting things ill be announced? I don't wanna miss out non it lifve
What if a next gen MMO is announced? I'd shit my pants and rake in the bennies lads whilst going for world #1
>no mate, your attitude is. just because you can't find it fun doesn't mean you need to put others down.
Why do you care what I think?
why do you care so much that people can enjoy video games?
computer game bad
love island good
oh now there's rain
glad I got my shit done earlier
It's an opinion, grow up
Yeah you should be able to do that. Would mean sacrificing your evening and weekends, but life is easier with a degree
Can you appeal it lad? He sounds like a right twat
Clog me with thick british cum please
open wide slut
Actually going to try and convince me parents to move to Scotland soon so I've got somewhere to live whilst I wage for a deposit and become a /cheappropertychad/. Financially it's a no brainer for them. They always wanted land with sheep and goats. They could buy something like that for 300k and live very close to a major city. Get a flight to see family, probably like 50 quid a ticket. They've got no friends or ties other than work which they can change. Hope they do it within my Dogs life so he can enjoy the nice big garden and country life.
"I honestly believe that the British would be a happier, healthier people if the males would exchange their hormones for that of the fairer sex"
t. Sir Oswald Mosley
If I won the lottery, I would buy a mansion like this and spend the day sitting in the garden shitposting on britfeel, drinking stella, and yelling obscenities at the postman
tell me the cons of buying a flat above a kitchen showroom lads
such a gamble this
Surprised you're not obsessed with her Shippy
>Can you appeal it lad? He sounds like a right twat
I will unless the decision to give me a 2:2 is overturned. I'm still a bit upset that he was so harsh with my dissertation. I genuinely cared about what I was writing about and thought it was at the very least interesting. I guess I'll never know
>monthly repayments
Oof. I'd personally rip out and bin all those gay paintings and curtains. Make it like a playboy mansions, have chicks buzzing about nude ready to be fugged. It's quite unreal that someone lives there though. They will pocket 7 million quid. Oof.
Rains have come frens. Time for the raindance frenz.
Wait, so he wants the women to be randy, dominant and violent while the men just want to have babies and be loved?
I wonder what the most bang for your buck OU course is available regardless of passion or interests.
>No, the women should stay as women, but the men should become like women too. Everyone can be nonviolent and lovable
we've become the /propertyfeel/ over the last few weeks.
>"it's an opinion"
>*insults gamers*
>"I don't get why you care"
Fucking invalid.
How do people even get that much money? I mean fair play, I would if I could, but I just can't get my head around it
This was me
>>"it's an opinion"
>>*insults gamers*
>>"I don't get why you care"
>buy house with a lot of land
>buy a cow
>plant wheat
>plant tomato
>make your own cheese with the milk
Self sustaining supply of pizza's for the rest of your life. Stick in a nice cannabis bush and you're set for a long while.
*sundances like a fucking madman*
is tjere any e3 news owrth staying uo for? Eyes are gettind droopy
I can only assume it's CEO's high ranking bankers/people right up there in finance, business owners, actors etc. Can't see sports people living there, it's too cultured aha. But given some at the top flight are on, say, 100k a week, 40% tax, comes to around 240k a month plus any sponsorship deals. Sure they've got cars and what not but if they were smart and bought a 600k house somewhere quiet, payed it off in a few months and lived a tight lifestyle for a while, it takes no time to get the deposit(given this kind of thing still works like most houses on the market) and then that 32k a month is nothing. Plus all the bonuses they get this sort of home is so very achievable for a footballer. Now that's 100k/week, but some get 200k/week, I think Gareth Bale is 600k/week.
It is unfathomable really. I think the bet365 owner is a woman that pockets like 200 million a year or something absurd. High society fascinates me and they've got the nerve to push political ideals on us too aha.
I am starting to get bored of them. My nephew started playing roblox earlier this year and it is pretty fun playing that with him. Never played it when I was a kid. Some of the obbys are cool. I really like dungeon quest. I definitely do not have the patience to sit down and play a regular game anymore though. I get bored after 20 minutes and go back to staring at my bedroom wall.
lord give me strength to resist anime boobies
Hiro is actually managing to make money off of Jow Forums. he has a minimum estimated worth of 100k, then again, that could come from other things I have no idea about
>so, tell us again how the accident happened?
Considering how many porn adverts I see I imagine he's probably making a nice amount.
>reverse google search
>find this
>It seemed to be a good idea until Satyan had to go for a dump just as the washing machine was going into full spin mode.
>ywn settle down in the lovely, quiet village of Twatt
imagine moving from cockermouth to twatt
>locals were mad because people kept stealing the sign
I'd build a house at the highest point of the town and call it The Clitoris
hidden down some dirt road obscured by the woods
Had a nice comfy rainwalk in the park tbqhwyl
had a comfy rainwalk with the doggo too lad
Where do you live that allows tomatos to grow all year?
I was enjoying myself this morning, walking in the rain. Then I arrived at work
>ywn attend the Sunday service at Twatt church
The chads even drive panda's waheyyy
britfeel are more the kind of guys to move from twatt to cockermouth
>tfw A level geography case study was about cockermouth
>not going to the superior Shetland Twatt
Hopefully Aberdeen mate. Get a greenhouse tbqh. I remember that new story where a dude grew a green house full of weed. If weed can last throughout the year, then I'm sure my tomato's can too.
>tfw you will never be a resident of wetwang
>live in Twatt
>work the oil wells north of the island
It was a lovely view too.
>Episode 614: user attempts to smoke greenhouse tomatos to get high
Well, lads. I survived another day of unpaid labour. A few hours is hell, I can't imagine 30 hours a week. I'd rather suck off Amir.
What is the UK's most Chad road and why is it the A5?
definitely the applecross road
The Xbox conference was so dull I can't be buggered to watch the rest
I guess modern gaming just isn't for me
That is a fine rival, but can in take you across the country AND incorporate natural beauty?
That looks a nice road lad, would like to drive that some time. Applecross is good but the tourists ruin it. Especially when you get dumb americans trying to get campervans up it
>ywn shuttle you panda 100hp down at breakneck speeds
Seriously though it doesn't even look like it's in Britain. The view is unreal. Fuck the yanks and their campers there needs to be restrictions; NO yanks.
is the panda 100hp the official car or britfeel?
No, there's just a small group of fags that won't stop talking about them like they're hot shit
The cringe mongs at E3 cheering and saying they love some lad who directs shit games
is moot at e3?
Probably yeah lad
>If weed can last throughout the year
It can't
There can be 2 outdoor crops of cannabis per year. One in march/april/may when the light is still 12/12 and one in september/october
Cannabis is photoperiod dependant it only flowers when the light is 12/12
Autoflowering strains could potentially grow all year outdoors however the frost in the winter would kill them off
Can't you spoof it using heaters and UV light?
For autoflowering strains yeah you could use heaters in the winter but it's going to cost a lot
Photoperiod dependant won't flower in the winter because there's not enough light and there's too much light in summer
Yes you could artificially extend the light cycle with lights or extend the dark cycle by covering the greenhouse, but you obviously have no experience with any of this so don't worry yourself with it lad, if you want to grow weed do it indoors head down to your local grow shop and buy a kit for like 200 quid
>make a thread on /v/
>it gets to 500 replies
I hope everyone enjoyed it :3
Oh I'm not the same lad, I was just curious because I've watched documentaries about legal weed growing and most of them seemed to be doing it indoors with artificial light
Just heard about that on the radio. She's still not as bad as the average abortion doctor and none of them get prison sentences
Because the Romans built it and it's still in use today
It's been about two weeks since the Britfeel minecraft realm has been up and we now have a functional village with a pub, houses, blacksmith, library, farms, a mine and quarry located next to the frontier - a massive expanse of extreme hill biomes, thick spruce forests and deep ravines.
This is peak comfiness, my friends.
Soon we will form Feel Street and style our the outside of our village with thick hedgerows.
>there are people here who unironically support women having the vote
>there are people here who unironically support the average brit having the vote
>he isn't Richie pilled
Post link, please. I want to build a castle.
These things are fucking amazing for the cost.
Based Richie Edwards
>most of them seemed to be doing it indoors with artificial light
Yeah most do indoors. Btw UV spectrum isn't often used, it can be but the lights that produce the UV spectrum too are expensive compared to the standard HPS high pressure sodium or MH metal halide lights that produce red and blue spectrum respectively. Street lamps are HPS and HPS grow lights have the same yellowy/orange glow to them. HPS is for flowering MH is for vegetative growth. There are also dual spectrum HPS that can be used for both veg and flowering
All are welcome, come and have comfy fun times in the Norf.
Indians highkey the coolest people east of europe
They have the best sense of humour imo. Country's a bit weird for sure but they are easier to relate to than others
That is a correct statement, yes. It's light, nippy and handles like a treat. I saw that one months ago and it's a heap. Wheels are from a 500 and it looks awful. Picked my panda up at 48k, 4 winter wheels and tyres for 2500. They are nice cars.
>You'll need a copy of Minecraft for mobile, console or Windows 10 to accept this invite.
>tfw java edition
yeah they are really good. have you tried cracking an egg into them yet?
Been served a section 21 notice frens - official notice of eviction from my rented room.
>user, you're gay, aren't you?
This looks very nice friend. What are you playing on? Windows 10 edition? VERY tempted to but it today.
When do you have to leave by? When are you actually going to leave?
"No, didn't think I looked stereotypical camp either"
Richie Edwards
He's a good lad
"Why is your face so spotty mate? Don't you wash?"
Nah but after just having a look at it, I'm definitely trying it next time.
Richie lives a comfy lifestyle picking strawberries on a farm in Lincolnshire, he might have a cup of tea later and read a book
>When do you have to leave by?
Two months to vacate.
>When are you actually going to leave?
God knows. Finding a new place isn't something i'm looking forward to.
We're playing on Windows Ten. I picked up a key for the price of a sausage roll
Yeah I dont fucking know why there is two versions floating about. Windows ten is the one with cross platform so Android, Xbox, Switch, PC (Excluding Ps4) can all play together