>when he has no social media
>creep alert - dropped
When he has no social media
social media is for weak, feminine men
i'm sorry you only date weak men
Pls no fembot no I want to take you to Rome I already bought tickets
Most respectable jobs and schools red flag you as a weirdo in the selection process if you don't have a social media account. This is a terrible bait thread but you're only hurting yourself by not having social media.
I have a normiebook to keep in touch with people but do I really need a normiegram or whatever the fuck?
that's a fucking disturbing thought. Having to give your information to some stupid Jewish brainwashing machine in order to even get a job. Grief.
But I am a weirdo. Fuck society
Facebook is fine. They just need to be able to find you and see that you have a relatively normal account.
I forgot to add that I'm a burger, and I am not aware if it applies to other countries besides us. So its probably not as bad as it sounds.
It didn't take the Jews to make everyone realize that antisocial incels are violent unstable and not to be trusted
Remember to always keep your social media profiles private. They can still see that you have one but not what you have on it.
I have soshul medeya but it makes me look like a fucking loser
That's alright. We only want to see what your life is like and if you are dependable, not a pos etc. If you dont have one we throw your resume in the trash, which is a shame because some of you neet dudes have great prospects
>t. Hiring manager
pathetic normalfag wannabe
normies will find YOU a weirdo loser with or without social media, bud
>If you dont have one we throw your resume in the trash
Big mistake. Big. Sad.
God fucking damn I was born in the wrong generation. Boomers didn't have to deal with this shit.
yeah except he's not applying for a job. I know a few (not a lot but a few) people who simply dont enjoy fuckbook so they dont use it, nothing wrong with that.
Femanon just wants to backtrack every aspect of their life and there isn't anything intrinsically wrong with that as long as shes not doing it out of insecurity.
>>implying all brobots aren't insecure
Yeah, but boomers had to c-call the office three times a day to "show initiative" and get the job
>i never even had a chance.
life was a mistake.
And that day, nothing of value was lost
>most respectable jobs
not even close
first off this does not include any low paying or minimum wage jobs as they take anybody they can get. second, jobs in fields that are in need of new workers, like anything STEM that isnt a codemonkey. also, anything that involves hospitals. so i guess if you want to be a lawyer, then you might want to start posting pics on instagram.
It's not too late. Just make an Instagram or something and meet people. Having references helps too
What schools do that? That doesn't even sound legal for public schools.... Then again AA racism against whites is legal so what do I know?
As for jobs...... Lol no. Not unless you are applying for jobs that require regular interaction with the public (namely marketing or anything to do with managing talent/celebrities/ect). As an engineer normiebook rarely comes up at all, but if it does it's more of a red flag than anything else.
I don't have a social media account because *ahem* fuck social media and fuck normalfags
This sounds as believable as everything on /x/, you need to work on your bullshit
You're all too fucking salty and need to calm down. Just because you're proven faggots doesn't mean you're bad people. You just need to work on self reflection. And switch to decaf. LOL
I refuse to subject my self to anymore surveillance than I have now. I dont care how good a job is, I will never make a social media account again.
>Most respectable jobs and schools red flag you as a weirdo in the selection process if you don't have a social media account
That's mostly an american thing, like fucking niggers
Can you tell me which firms you work for so I do not bother with applying to them then.
Literally and unironically why do i need to have social media?
I don't have frens and i don't go outside my house, ok?
How is that a problem in terms of my working abilities?
t. Hiring manager that posts on 4chin
Yep, mhm. Im a lawyer and youre bad at pretending, much like my very guilty clientele
my personal life isn't their god damn bussiness
How does one filter these fake femanon bait threads?