I know only Jow Forums and /soc/ for sure.
Which boards have actual female Anons?
also maybe /co/, they are very feminine.
/cgl/, /ck/, Jow Forums, /an/, Jow Forums
Spoken like a true newfag. /cgl/, /ck/, /p/, and this shitty board have lots of girls. /ic/, /y/ and /d/ all used to as well but times change.
the japanese weaboo ones
>Jow Forums
I can't believe this one. Really?
Tons of girls browse Jow Forums and /vp
/lgbt/ depending on your definition of female(male)
if you mean girls(male) then every single board
if you mean girls(female) then maybe /co/ and /soc/
Lol there arent any females on pol
For the same reason /v/ suddenly had lots of girls on it in 2014.
Yes, it's the largest board now though so it's to be expected
>For the same reason /v/ suddenly had lots of girls on it in 2014.
What was the reason?
maybe sims 4 released?
No you brainlets. Although that was popular. It was because there was a controversy that involved women and so they showed up to see what all the fuss was about. The difference is discussions of that controversy got banned and so they all left but on Jow Forums they stick around.
i wouldn't be surprised if this board has the largest amount of female posters
/reddit/, /tumblr/, /faceberg/.
i think Jow Forums has a lot of girls. ive made a ton of other girl friends here. but they all ghosted me... if ur a girl and wanna be friends i have discord
Nobody, and I mean not even the most desperate soul on Jow Forums wants to be your friend, cvnka
do i really need to get a new face claim? everyone thinks im cvnka. let me toga post in peace
calm down cvnka, it's gonna be alright
user we should be friends!
I wasted most of my years on /jp/
It was so closed so never really ventured outside.
/jp/ had like 3 girls to 1000 males.
If I had to say. First /cgl/ Second Jow Forums Third /soc/ Fourth /tg/
From most to least. Personal experience. Of course females are most visible on /soc/, because hey tits. As straight femoid I'm not interested really. I'd rather stay away as far as possible but I'm addicted to this board.
>Of course females are most visible on /soc/, because hey tits
And that's why it's the only board where you can actually verify their claims.
>As straight femoid
How could I believe you? I'm genuinely interested.
yes! lets be friends. do you have a discord or even a throwaway one?
/co/, /trash/ and /mlp/
please marry me toga-user
I'll even let you do some bloodplay if you want
Jow Forums has some girls. But they rarely reveal their gender because it's more frowned upon than on r9k for example.
t. met former ldr gf on Jow Forums
As a female (actual) I would say most boards. Certainly this one, obviously cgl. Ive posted on /toy/ /soc/ /mu/ /an/ and here primarily. Its naive to think theres no females on any of the boards
I actually don't believe it.
My friend's wife goes on /wsg/.
thats very exciting. please give me your contact info. please.
it depends are you hmko on discord ? i have a feeling thats you if so already got you!
too late sorry, I finished jacking off and I don't want you to kill me anymore
my bad
>my friend's girlfriend's boyfriend goes on /wsg/
hello cvnka
/ic/ has a few lesbians
They're on every board, most of them just don't advertise they're female because faggots and idiots start asking for discord names or whatever the fuck you kids use to try and get nudes or acquire egfs.
I'm not interested faggot. Why don't you go and oggle at soc tits fag. lmao owned and rekted, get cancer.
Spotted the larper.
Please stop pretending that you are a grill.
You gotta be very particular to find them. The easiest ones to spot are in cook-along threads. Not the ones made by Patti poster though, although those are good threads.