>7" pp
>Job: militaryfag
>Anime, vidya, piano, science etc
>race prefered: Asian white or brown
Gf application
I'll never go out with a midget
Fuck it I'll bite as well
>just below 7" pp
>Job: pre-law unifag
>reading, guitar, sketching/painting
>race prefered: Latin, Indian, black, mixed
I'm not a midget. 5'7 is the manlet cut off
you won't be getting any white girls you nigger
Die nigger
In an original way
>18 yo
>5'3" or somewhere
>no pp
>anime, manga, fashion, and other stuff i can't remember right now
>race preferred: um not sure
>doesn't prefer only white
Modern men aren't worth it desu.
this is dumb but I have nothing else to do
>Gf application
>European Caucasian
>>Job: Professional shitposter (is neet)
>Music, reading, cinema, history, writing, cycling (so you know I'm not overweight)
>>race prefered: I have no preference
Would've been interested but I'm not your preferred race ;u;
Drop a discord, let's talk I'm interested
>18 years old
>job: studying aerospace engineering
>hunting, vidya, drumming
>race prefered: Asian and huwhite
Whoops forgot pp
>pp: 18 centimeters
ok but are you the gf
>7.5" long, 5" circumference
>Electrician in training, I don't like it and it's not what I wanted to do but the salary is decent
>race im looking for: white
>7 inch ding dong
>no job currently, studying bioinformatics
>vidya, history, philosophy, random niche subjects
>Race preferred: any, I'm an equal opportunity love machine
This is something I dont understand, who in this thread is a boy and who is a girl?
Also, to clarify I'm a guy a looking for a girl.
>21 yo
>field of study : computer science
>anime, manga, vn, ln, learning languages
>no racial preference
OP here. Just to clarify I'm female looking for bf
Well, brainlet, each person is meant to be describing themselves. Therefore, those with a pp are likely the boys.
See the post just above you, brainlet.
> 18 y.o [Perfect age, not a complete zoomer and not a shitty old boomer. Youthful and strong.]
> 6'0" [Above average in most places, not too tall to the point where I look lanky, perfect for aesthetics. True White man height.]
>White European [What else needs to be said? While it is dying out it's still the most desired in the world unless you're a ugly incel]
>6.5" pp [Perfect size, not too long and not too short, just above average same as height.]
>Job: Cringe, I'm not a boomer.
>Reading, Movies, Vidya, Working out, Airsoft.
>Race prefered: Asian, White, Latina, Brown, Black. Probably in that order.
Mirin all other bros with similiar stats, stay strong kings.
> 6'0"
>White European
You might want to check your family tree.
>no job
Sorry pal. Gonna pass on this
Cute desu. What do you do for work?
Are you implying I'm too tall or too short for a white man? Nonetheless mirin heightism incel bro!
Imagine being this insecure, God damn
.5" pp [Perfect size, not too long and not too short, just above average same as height.]
Jfl at this cope
I'm a guy(girl) who fits your criteria
post discord?
be my gf
i will take care of you bby
No I'm talking about the fact that you are american, since you used the imperial system, and calling yourself white european.
white women are finished
And no one wants to date you either, homosexual skeleton feminine lanklet piece of shit
>job: graphic, product, clothing designer
>animu, vidya, animals, fashion, music, creepy shit
>all races desu
Im and I help with my fathers company during vacations. During a normal week I don't have time for that though so I just work at a supermarkt
Not everyone is fr*nch worshipping faggot.
Imperial is still in common usages in the contexts of height and penises. Especially when online.
Can you please fuck off and die? Thanks!
>White boy
>In community college but joining the military in a year
>I like (older) music and the average robot ordeal
>Would rather have gf be more of a friend that shares interests and hobbies
bf application
>latina (born in latin america but my family is fully Italian and german)
>Job: IT
>writing, painting, biology, languages (I speak 3 of them) and singing
>race preferred: white
>Imperial is still in common usages in the contexts of height and penises.
No it's not, stop making up excuses (and shitty one at that) you're american and pic related is probably what one of your great great grand parents looked like.
Are you looking for a gf or a bf?
Would you drop discord?
>getting mad at a relationship preference
>White (Slav, live in Texas)
>Job: studying mathematics and computer science in university. Currently working at a machine learning summer research opportunity
>Interests: reading/writing, lifting, playing guitar and sing in a few bands, learning French and Japanese, hiking
>Race preferred: white
I will lift for you and make you mixtapes
>Throwaway: [email protected]
>5 7
>white (europe)
>anime, vidya
>no preferred race just not much into black girls
Date/marry a black guy, Asian guy, a Latino guy, whatever. Just don't date/marry white.
Any girls (female) want a boomer sugar daddy?
>5 foot 10 inches
>8x6.5 PP
>Job: Financial Analyst
>Idc what you like. Just be quiet and I will pay you to be my gf
>Preference: white or asian
>when you've been on the chans so long that you don't know if this person is encouraging or discouraging white births
I'm a white guy that wants the former.
what's wrong with me. why did I get skipped :-;
I'll post my stats for glow in the dark niggers, or fembots to laugh at me
>5.5 inch pickle
my favorite stuff
>For Honor, Shingeki no Kyojin, Twitch meme Politics, and Shikkoku no Shaga
>race: I prefer 2D but I'm willing to give foids a chance
>Full stack web developer fulltime and do embedded freelancing consultation
>Electronics, breadboards, writing software, exploring spoopy places, weeb shit, home improvement projects, vidya, consuming garbage movies and TV
>I just want someone who is nice and would care about me, I don't care about race. I want to take care of a fembot.
How about a feminine boy? You are my type.
Sorry, I'm straight. Plus, I want kids at some point.