How are you doing today, janny? I still have 2-3 days of proxy data left.
How are you doing today, janny? I still have 2-3 days of proxy data left
I have to say your avatar is still shit.
Well at least I got my hair done. That's a step somewhere. Self-care is important, user.
Did you pack your stuff for Norway user and are you excited?
I'm actually already here. I don't think I'm as excited as I was. You end up realizing that moving somewhere else won't fix you as a person. At least it's not so hot here haha.
ayyyy ceeee t
Why does he hate you and keep deleting your threads? What do you do?
Maybe because you're already European and I'm a Brazilian mutt (I'm not Kierkegaard)
Based mentally ill faggot
How are you, user?
Originally avatarfagging, now it's proxy use. But I think they also hated me for making anti-christian/abrahamist posts.
Why does everyone think you would dox them and hurt them. You're not a bad person right user?
I still don't get why you don't just talk to orbiters on discord or something instead of using Jow Forums as your personal blog
I don't know. Maybe I'm a bit mentally unstable sometimes.
I don't have or look for orbiters. I also do things because I can, not because they make sense to do.
Wouldn't the idea of makin one friend outweight the idea of 100 dayli shitposts tho user desu ?
I'm just not capable of having even one friend. I can't commit, so I just drag them down. I ghosted my only one over a year ago. She's doing very well for herself, as far as I know. I think I'd just drag them down. So I'm here to drag you down instead!
no because he's a tranny attention-fag who wants the wider spread "fame" of being an obnoxious spammer, because therefore everyone will know him
I mean to be fair he kinda archived that and i can gasp the concept of "better being hated then not known at all". I just never seem to understand if people here have given up on themselves even more then they have on society or if it's just a giant circle jerk bait. In the end i can't do anything then kinda feel sorry for people and wanting to help them but then again seems like you can get burned quite fast like that.
Don't you think letting her go, so she can have a better live kinda proofs that you're not as horrible of a person as you make people believe?
Seems like a rather pointless endeavor and a huge waste of time, user. Fits me well haha.
I didn't let her go so she can have a better life, I did because I couldn't commit myself to being even a somewhat decent friend.
Man it sucks to be here, take me to Norway as well, so I can die from the freezing cold instead.
So does this bring you joy or do you keep yourself depressed without any other goal then punishing yourself?
I don't know. Maybe it's not that hard to move to Norway. You could try.
No. It doesn't bring me joy.
Then why didn't you try to use your knew home for a new start like i told you 2 weeks ago. You could've simply tried to enjoy something else for once in a while and maybe pick up a new hobby but the first thing you did was drive right back into here. Why?
I still need to do my bucket list before I die or eventually kill myself.
Well my proxy will run out soon and I have no way to recharge it now. So maybe I'll have to. Mom said she'll take me see the mountains next week. So there are things to look forward to. Maybe.
What's on your bucket list?
A bunch of things that I wish I can do, like visitng a certain country, a certain people and fulfilling my mother's wish, if she had any.
No matter how much fights we both had, I still love her and want her to do things that she always wanted to.
You should enjoy the time with you mom user. And maybe one day you can let someone in and recover, just don't get yourself down every day, since that won't change a thing.
May I ask what country and why?
Not sure if I can. She's being so so nice to me right now, I kind of hate it. Do you love your mom?
I was only alone family wise and the only one i had was my mom and even in the worst states of my live she believed in me. I am just to anti social to spend as much time with her as she would deserve but i try to better myself so that i can atleast make the one person proud that never gave up on my sorry ass, i love my mom and you should always cherish the people who love you for who you are user. So thats why even if everything looks bad right now, aslong as your mom cares for you i believe you have a reason to work on finding happiness even if it is only for her