The "Slave trade" is a bullshit hoax. Slavery is a psyop, it never fucking happened. Its just there to divide and conquer, put white against black. It's part of our fake fucking history.
They say that they stacked slaves in the ships like sardines. Are you fucking kidding me? Boat with no engine? Travelling with all these people? And supposedly it would take over a MONTH.
Could you imagine all of the chaos on a fucking boat? People would go nuts on that boat. With all of the possible disease being on the ocean, that boat would become a biohazard.
How did the Blacks learn English? Why did they abandon their language? Its fucking bullshit too. Blacks like any other race would NEVER just abandon their language like that. Like really? Just poof they lost their language? Its fakery.
Are you fucking kidding me? LOL. What a fucking joke. It was contracted work. They did contracted work, minimum wages. They didnt force anyone to come. They came at their own will.
But slavery never fucking happened. Never happened in America. Do we have any actual records of slavery? Records that are proven to be legit and not forged? Its a load of shit.