How does one stop being an incel?
How does one stop being an incel?
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Have sex
>Both the Pajeet and the kid have the same face
you can't since it is by definition an involuntary state decided by external factors
A good first start would be to stop your stupid ass meme addiction.
Stop coming to this place.
Stop believing that women are evil and they all try to exploit you
Stop believing that if womens don't go after you it's because you're not good enough
Stop diving the class into boomer, zoomers, normie, Stacy, Chad, etc.
Try to earn a living.
Lower your standards.
Go to bars with friends
Stop coming to this board
Stop coming to this board
Realize that the only person responsible for your predicament is you, not women or society. Then start working on your flaws.
I'd rather know how to stop being a perv.
I'm literally obsessed with the female form. Trying to creepshot juicy asses I see in public, or spying on my sister etc are things I just cant control myself from doing. It's like a "need".
Once you take the "red pill," it's hard to go back to the way things were. Sure, you can put on your happy face, and go meet girls, and get a decent job and live a decent life. But you will always be pretending.
Begin by hitting up strip clubs and getting the experience of grabbing boobs and asses. This can get you from khv to teenager that has been around the block. Then hire escorts by saving money and going to one of the cool places like Germany, Holland, Thailand, or Tijuana if you are a burger. Throw down racks and slay tons of hooker pussy. Then come back and realize that you don't need to play the cuck game of dancing to get a girlfriend. Live your life, and if you get horny pay for pussy. Now other non-hooker women will notice your masculinity and nonchalance. When you go on dates you can be relaxed: she's trying to impress you not the other way around. You can buy pussy.
What does red pill mean in this case? Believing memes of basement-dwelling manchildren virgins?
What if you dont want to pay someone for sex but instead have them be as sexually interested in you as you are in them?
That's called being a teenager who thinks the world is like a Disney movie.
>Stop believing that if womens don't go after you it's because you're not good enough
What?Then what other reason is there?
The redpill is nothing but a stupid meme. It might be based on some accurate societal observations, but the whole redpill narrative coming from those observations couldn't be more obviously from the mind of extremelly isolated and out of touch individuals. You're basically believing some genuine tinfoil bullshit.
Did it ever occur to you that you might be the one person who think you are not good enough the most? Don't you think that things would be better for you if you stopped torturing yourself all the time? Basibg your worth on how women see you is some prime cuck shit.
Can't blame you though, as men, we are raised on the idea that inspiring desire is a mark of value when it's just superficial shit. Start accomplishing things for yourself instead. There's far more value in a job well-done than from what a thot think of you.
I used to be an incel until this year.
>Be angry cynical teenager until the age of 19
>Go to college
>Seek therapy
>Join fraternity
>Learn social skills
>Lose virginity at age 21
>Slowly gain confidence and "fuck it" attitude
>Gain fuckbuddy and have regular sex
That's mostly it. I've always been pretty good looking, I just was incredibly awkward and sheltered.
Women have hundreds of reasons they don't want to fuck you that having nothing to do with you personally.
>PMS cycle
>Previous relationships
word. I'm and it was a huge revelation when I discovered my self-worth didn't have to be based on the approval of women. It makes it way easier to approach them. You stop caring if you say something stupid. Sometimes I say stupid things on purpose and have a laugh about it afterwards.
>tfw been in a relationship for two years, have a few friends I sometimes hang out with too
>tfw I don't even agree with most of the shit on this board
>tfw still can't stop coming here for some reason
the fuck is wrong with me?
You have to recognize women as people. I know this is very difficult for a lot of you but treating women like humans might actually get you somewhere.
only looks matter.
if you're male and ugly you will probably die a virgin (prostitutes don't count) you will never have a girlfriend, you will experience romance.
people disagree with this because we're raised on the idea that the world is malleable, that we live in a meritocracy without blood prerrogatives, where only effort and willpower matter. Pointing out how hard ugly men have it challenges the very foundation of this idea, the pillar our society is built on. it's not surprising to see people react so strongly against it.
I know a couple of ugly men who get laid from time to time. Your agrument is invalid.
>Stop believing that women are evil and they all try to exploit you
So were just going to act like that doesn't happen at all? No women on earth EVER used men for their own gain?
I know ugly men with multiple exes and see ugly dudes walking by with average looking /sometimes even quite pretty women on the street every day
Being an incel is honestly some form of immense self hatred and mental illness combined
You keep telling yourself that because you're too weak to admit the truth. Which is that you are a shit person with a shit personality, something which is entirely in your control to change.
>make social gains (by FAR the most important). Make conversation with anyone and put yourself into uncomfortable social situations.
>Get to a low bodyfat with a little muscle. Don't need to get huge, just ottermode is fine
>start a skincare routine
>get a fitting haircut
>get clothes that fit
Worked for me!
Of course they do, just like men sometimes do to women. People are people and people are sometimes assholes.
>one woman somewhere is a horrible bitch
>oh noes, that means I better never talk to girls because they are all horrible bitches
Incel logic.
Ask your self the question "I have never once made any effort to get a gf, why is that?"
they are much better looking than me.
>Start accomplishing things for yourself instead
None of the things you listed there are for himself. It's all virtue signaling normie shit
>Stop having high standards, it's hurting the womynzz
>Stop thinking our poor innocent womynzzz might ever have bad intentions
Why are (you) even on this board right now? Shouldn't you be working for mister Noseberg? How else are you gonna afford going to the bar and paying 10 bucks for a single beer?
No they're not. Stop making excuses. They're simply not cowardly chickenshits like you and actually asked girls out.
That makes literally no sense. If they were assholes, then women wouldn't date them, because women only date men who are pious, kind hearted, and with a pure soul free of hatred and bigotry.
Just give up. If you're actually ugly your chance of getting a partner is zero
He means lower your standards because otherwise you'll never get laid. It's not about virtue signaling, it's about supply and demand.
Are you sarcastic or retarded?
wrong. If you're in decent shape you're probably more attractive that a majority of men.
I've been trying to get a girlfriend for 19 years and still nothing. 33 year old virgin btw.
But when finding a mate, men literally have to deal with either rejection or women leading men on. How are incels supposed to deal with that in a normal way?
>I've been trying jack shit to get a girlfriend for 19 years and still nothing.
Fixed that for you.
Incels are supposed to deal with it the way all other males do. Oh wait, you're special snowflakes, you can't do that, you deserve everything given to you for free that everyone else needs to work for. That's why you're NEETs living with your parents.
It's a normal part of life and doesn't say anything about you. Learn to accept it and move on.
>Women leading men on
Learn to have a keen eye for it and move on when you realize she's taking advantage of you.
In my experience, you get the most results with being blunt and straightforward when talking to girls. You'll either get a quick rejection or a yes and girls won't get the chance to abuse you.
>I've been trying to get a girlfriend for 19 years and still nothing.
I have to fix that for you, hold on a sec....
>I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas.
Fixed... Get off your lazy ass and keep trying.
i saved up money and bought a house
got a good job
i have a full set of 32 teeth
approached over 200 women a year for the past 5 years, in person
not overweight
got a hair transplant last year
still nothing
also i got a rhinoplasty 2 years ago and thinking about getting fillers for my chin and brow to get hunter eyes, also considering a steroid cycle in the near future. not sure if i'm willing to go that far yet.
>approached over 200 women a year for the past 5 years
Yeah no, calling bullshit on that one. Do you mean "I swiped right on 200 women a year on tinder" maybe? How many women did you actually first talk to normally, and later ask out on a date? I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.
made it my goal to approach at least 4 women every weekend at bars, malls, etc.
usually stop counting after 100, 200 is more like a rough estimate
Pretty sure you're now memeing and telling the story of the autist who approached 1000 girls on the street and then got a reputation as the town creep. Because if you'd approach that many girls you would have learned from each experience and got girls by now.
and if i'm not memeing?
then what
Then you're either lying or the most retarded person on the planet.
>Stop coming to this place.
i havent been here in a year
>Stop believing that women are evil and they all try to exploit you
never believed that in the first place
>Stop believing that if womens don't go after you it's because you're not good enough
if a person is not attracted to me, i am not attractive enough
>Stop diving the class into boomer, zoomers, normie, Stacy, Chad, etc.
do you think Jow Forums invented generations? as far as chad, attractive men do exist, you know
>Try to earn a living
already do, besides what does it matter? am i less of a person, if i cant find a job? do unemployed people not deserve love?
>Lower your standards
how low should my standards be?
>Go to bars with friends
never had friends, unfortunately, only acquaintances who never wanted to do anything with me
If you fuck that catgirls ass, would your dick hit the cats face?
This post is a good idea on how to make yourself better . And increase your chances of getting laid .
>see picture
>read comment
>look at picture again
Thanks user
>How does one stop involuntary breathing air?
The rope.
Sorry for the late reply people
The redpill is just a nonsensical generalisation that doesn't apply to the whole world. I understand that perception varies from the observer, but distorting the reality isn't showing the truth. Now with this, I am not saying that all the redpill stuff is bull. The world comes in different shapes and shades, and you don't have to put on an happy face to live an happy life. Just mediate. Don't accept any extreme. Listen to both sides. Read and talk and discuss ideas before choosing a side. People that make their own mind are also regarded in a better way. The truth is in the middle, don't blind yourselves.
I refused very attractive girl for their ineptitude and boredom.
I have ugly friends that have status and have girlfriends so sweet I would do anything to enjoy their company.
Anyone is driven by something. And sometimes, even giving affection might be a drive. But if you don't let yourself out, how people are supposed to pick you. We're 8 billion. You won't be important. You won't be beautiful. Accept it. It doesn't mean that you won't be important for one person only.
Start doing kind acts. Go to your local shelter and ask to help out. Do small things, enjoy what they are, and people will start to notice. Then you might meet someone.
Seneca wrote: "It wasn't beautiful Ulisses, but many females he had and possessed".
You like this place. It reminds of what you were. And now please gtfo normie go on Reddit, over there people are nicer.
So literally no one is an incel.
That's some real red pill shit right here.
What if I'm a skinny fuck who can't put on weight no matter how had I try?
you're not tracking your calories. It's impossible not to put on weight if you eat at a surplus
Hi user.
Had a friend, she liked skinny guys. She finds those attractive. Met a very skinny guy who did fencing. He was somewhat very elegant. This to say that not all women are equal, i.e. not all women like fucking armchairs coming from gyms full of shit and steroids.
Don't try to change your body. Dress something more suited to your appearance.
Fuck off, failed Chad scum if you were ugly you would have never gotten into a frat and never gotten laid
Except most of it is just lies to tell yourself so you can adapt to society like a cuck. Even the laws in place make it favorable for a woman to manipulate and pretty much abuse men. Unless you know what you're doing, following this advice is going to just waste your time or end up with some psycho bitch who really doesn't care about your feelings (because it happens).
How do I find out how many calories I should eat per day?
Calculate TDEE, consume less calories than you burn, use MyFitnessPal to track everything
No, I mean it in the sense that living through other's expectations in general is a prime trajectory to misery. If all you care about is what others think of you and how they see you, can you say that you really know who you are? It's perfectly normal to compare ourselves to others and care about social expectations to a degree, but it should never become something that leads your life. You will never get a woman that trully validates you and make you feel like you"re tge best all the time. That shit is impossible, especially without any sense of self-pride and accomplishment.
In other words, you usually attract people in relation to what kind of vibe you give off. If you're a self-hating, desperate beta, you will not meet a girl who cares for you and who will try to heal you, you'll attract dominant, abusive women with a shitload of issues who will constantly criticize you on your shortcomings. I speak from extensive experience. So this is why that, in my opinion, you should focus on building up self-esteem and self-respect by doing things that make you feel proud of yourself rather than doing things to seek approval.
>Then you might meet someone.
lol. It's over
Ethnics are the only incels
By agreeing with anything fags and women say, and voting liberal.