Life is a loop, life is infinite, free will doesn't exist, my life has already happened infinite times and it'll happen infinite times more. What I do from now on will echo throughout infinity; I am one with the cosmos, I am God, I am eternal for I have become aware of the infinite jail that is the universe. Matter cannot be destroyed nor created, only transformed, my conciousness is eternal and so is yours. Awaken, user, awaken to reality. What you do from now on will echo throughout your infinite life time and time again, be happy, be bitter, be whoever you want to be, user, because that is your reality and that is who you are going to be eternally.
Life is a loop, life is infinite, free will doesn't exist...
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao. nothing is eternal.
The universe will collapse back onto itself once more and it'll restart the loop of the multiverse, that'll happen infinite times until this exact same universe is created as it was created infinite times before ant it'll be created infinite times after. Your actions will echo forever, do as you please with that knowledge, user, you are eternal.
There's no such thing. This is the only one universe we've got.
>I am one with the cosmos, I am God, I am eternal for I have become aware of the infinite jail that is the universe.
Hardly. Thus far you've merely taken baby-steps into the greater truth. It'll get worse a thousandfold as you progress.
t. someone who dares not to delve deeper
The queen of England dies in the later half of October this year...
I've already accepted determinism. That doesn't bother me so much, as I'll at least be free from the trap that is consciousness some day. However, if I'm forced to repeat this life again and again for eternity, despite the fact that I'll have no memory of it and each time will be as it were the first, then that would truly be a living hell. Every horrible feeling I've ever felt will be felt again and again, forever. And my mind is too depressive to live this one existence that I'm forced to take the perspective of with joy. I don't have any energy, desire, or hope. So I can only hope for eternal rest, or to be otherwise free of the life that I'm experiencing right now.
So I can fuck a bitch with the phat ass if I believe hard enough?
Every option with a decent database is valid, the human being are not capable of completely understand of the universe and afterlife, we just don't have the capacity to have the necessary knowledge. It's like one bird know how one gun works, or one monkey know why the year have seasons, our intelligence have limits, we are developed animals, our society is barely civilized, legends are created, gods forgotten. Every option is acceptable with logic and database, nobody have the right answer.
>I am God
That's where you're wrong. Eastern mysticism meme rubbish. God is external to us
>Nay I say!
You just disagree to disagree, and you can't even refute anything that was said.
Fuck away from here, shill
No it's not. God's holy spirit is what animates all life including yours, with out that you wouldn't even be conscious or alive at all. Fuck off abrahamic retard
Mathematics is infinite numbers don't lie
>Strauss's general argument-rearticulated throughout his subsequent writings (most notably in The City and Man - 1964)-is that prior to the 19th century, Western scholars commonly understood that philosophical writing is not at home in any polity, no matter how liberal. Insofar as it questions conventional wisdom at its roots, philosophy must guard itself especially against those readers who believe themselves authoritative, wise, and liberal defenders of the status quo
File: smug_anime_girl_(boys).bmp64
Blasphemous and unoriginal but at least you're thinking.
Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.
You don't understand conservation of energy. When a person dies and their functions cease there is no energy lost. The chemical composition of the body is unaltered, the change in form energy takes is that instead of powering human bodily functions and locomotion that chemical energy is instead expended in the decay process and as food for the organisms that assist in it. Even if you assume we all posses some sort of yet unmessured and undetectable metaphysical spirit energy such reality wouldn't be incompatible with an stable and seperate afterlife so long as whatever form this afterlife takes ultimately exists within the same closed system as the material universe.
>There's no such thing. This is the only one universe we've got
The multiverses are parallel, we cannot interact with them, the Big Bang separates each reality, repeating itself over and over. The fact that we can't perceive them nor interact with them don't make them untrue, wake up, user.
We'll see
Sorry, user, but it is the reality you must confront, each step you take will be recorded throughout infinite universes, you will live this life infinite times as you already did. Most of us are trapped in a hell, this is nightmareish if you think about it that way.
You can fuck a fat ass bitch infinite times if you do it once in your life, though you will not recall the previous times.
We can attempt.
We, user, we are gods. Accept your faith, matter can only be transformed, you came from that tiny spec that became the universe. You are eternal, user, you are the cosmos.
Some people don't like their ideas challenged, it's natural not wanting to believe in something as incredible, or as some might say, nightmareish as eternal life.
God is in us, we are God, the spec that came before us, the universe that is upon us is God.
And isn't that hard to swallow?
Interesting image.
So if I spend most of the life fapping I will always fap?
Dust was once The Spec and will one day collapse back, we are The Spec.
There is no spirit, it is just math and probability. Since the big bang has happened and will happened infinitely, the probablities that we form in the universe exactly as this are 100%
You are trapped in your footsteps, the path you take from now on that you're aware of your infinite jail will be the path that you will always take, because you already read this thread infinite ammount of times and you will read this thread infinite ammount of times. You are God, user.
We can only perceive time when we are alive, there is no time when we're not living. It's a flash, the universe collapses again and it'll expand again, infinitely. Go deeper user, wake up from your eternal cell.
>Since the big bang has happened and will happened infinitely
Yeah, no. The big crunch/bounce model doesn't align with observations of the apparent density of the universe. As things stand infinite expansion and heat death as entropy reaches maximum or false vacuum collapse are the leading and best supported theories as to how the universe will end.
Did you just quote Nietzsches "Eternal return"
nice b8 retard but i already know
Can you direct me to literature supporting your theories? I'm interested.
So summarizing...
>entropy reaches maximum
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Literally, what are quantum fluctuations?
That being said, how could anything we do tell us if the universe were to reoccur infinitely or not? Anything that we can find out about how the universe ends doesn't tell us what happens after that. How are we to know what happens afterwards, regardless of the way the universe ends?
nietzsche was conducting a thought experiment regarding volition, not seriously suggesting a paradigm to understand time/the universe
Obfuscation... worm food theories (or is it gaia worship?) are the new Noble Lie
(You) are no more likely, getting some real answers out of anyone today, than in some prehistoric time...
(people knew the moon revolved for 1000s of years but flat earth was canonical)
So aside from empiricist questions like quantum fluctuations, there are some rationalist ones like Liar's Paradox and self-reference[source?]
(Literally where do I even start?)
Obfuscation... worm food theories (or is it gaia worship?) are new Noble Lie
(You) are no more likely, getting some real answers out of anyone today, than in some prehistoric time...
(people knew the moon revolved for 1000s of years but flat earth was canonical)
So aside from empiricist questions like quantum fluctuations, there are some rationalist ones like the Liar's Paradox and self-reference[source?]
(Literally where do I even start?)
Probably not, a continental school detached from physical reality (aside from some psych applications last ~100 years)
but analytical side had a problem of its own.
I like this side of Jow Forums
I dont need another religion user.
What you believe to be true is more important that what is actually true, right up until it isn't. When you pick a philosophy, make sure it doesn't contain too many unprovable statements or you will inevitably find yourself defending emptiness. I prefer to let beliefs arise from reality, and not vice versa.
>my message is spreading
This time we shall be gods. This is the true beta uprising.
no nigger.
You are God? Are you a liar? Are you truth? Are you false?
Light? Dark?
You are everything? Then you must be nothing.
It is not religion.
Reality? How can you be sure that what you see is objectively true?
Spread the word, user, inform everyone. We are the cosmos, we are eternal
Not only me, but you, us, everything; we are all a part of The Spec, wake up, user, take upon the ultimate burden. Be greatful for the knowledge you've come across and make your loop better.
Being a member of a greater whole does not make you the greater whole.
Imagine if Shakespeare wrote Romeo to say "I am Shakespeare". Romeo was manifest through the conscious of Shakespeare, but Romeo's statement does not make him Shakespeare.
If you are manifest through the one consciousness, does the statement "I am God" make you the one consciousness?
You are on the right path, but you still have quite a ways to go. We're both equals on this journey. Good luck.
It does not make me the one conciousness, I agree we are both equals. I never tried to state otherwise, though I see how it can come out as that. Thank you, user, I will follow this path of knowledge.
I didn't want to come off as condescending, that's why I mentioned we're equals. Sorry for the misunderstanding user.
It's fine, user. Spread the word.
Bumping for the truth, justice, and American way.
I approve of this image.
You can't be sure something is objectively true or false just by seeing it once. But after seeing it many times over, one can be more and more sure. See, but do not stop looking. Don't say "this is so" until you have no doubts left.
It could be that time ends when you end, user. It could be that the whole universe was created for you to live this one life, and one only. When you die, so the universe may die and be reborn, or remain void. Regarding death I don't like to make sweeping statements because nobody should pretend they know what death is. We can only measure death in relation to life, hence our fear of it and elation at escaping it. While we're alive, death is the enemy and so it's been since time began. I think of it a game we are obliged to play in exchange for the gift of life. So, do not fear death, but don't call it something when it is Nothing.
Anyway I'm rambling. Good thread. Blessings on your continued awakening.
>free will doesn't exist
counterpoint: nothing exists. it's all an illusion.
>Life is a loop
now that's a scary thought
You're long gone op, but I understand brother. I am you, you are me, we are all forever and forever. There is no escape. Together we loop and loop reshaped and reformed, I am now, you are now, we are now. Tomorrow has existed, yesterday is the future. Let's continue into infinity.
What about the destiny of transcending flesh and blood? Humanity is bound to become machine therefore invalidating time.
>TFW your consciousness is transferred to a computer lying within a robotic body
>energy and resources shouldn't be a problem at this point
Can anyone refute this ?
Unless the Antichrist is the first machine with the mind of the man
I feel you user. I really do.
>my conciousness is eternal and so is yours.
Nah. The wave doesn't get to say that it's eternal. Only the ocean does. The wave must accept its death if it wants to be the ocean.