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Post your results to gauge if you belong here.
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Personality tests are total bullshit. People change over time.
hmm, interesting. I love knowing more about myself
What can I say? I love chaos
Okay but the big five was developed by the CIA and FBI to screen people for certain signs and to easily give agents info on dealing with individuals in their mission.
>intellect/imagination: 8
am i brainlet
That just means 8% of test takers got your intelligence score of 50/100
I'm extroverted in the sense that I talk a lot to people I know and I do get upset easily if I'm not accepted by others, but I also don't feel very much attachment to others.
Looks pretty robot to me.
Really thought I'd get the lowest agreeableness. You must be very aggressive.
its over for me god dammit
Interestingly, it seems more people score below 50/100 on extroversion than those that score above. Yet most people score pretty high on conscientousness and agreeableness and imagination. I wonder why that is.
Extroversion: 9
Emotional stability: 9
Agreeableness: 21
Conscientiousness: 36
Intellect/Imagination: 88
You tell me if I belong here
Fucking hell why isn't there a tests that measures my edginess. Problem gonna make a special psychological test for Jow Forums... that can determine whether you are a shitposter, faggot or a poltard.
No, I'm just very self-centered. I almost never concede my own plans in favor of others, if I wanna do something or more commonly DON'T want to do something, I just ignore other people. Resistance comes naturally to me. It's not so much aggression, as me just doing things other people don't like very much and ignoring when they ask me to change. People come to me confronting me about things way more often than the opposite, and I just tell them I won't change. I'm not really very good at anything or very skilled, at anything except being an asshole.
am i a robot?
>extroversion 6
That's a sign that you may be a spergy robot.
Actually the extraversion is more like 15/100
The score on the right is how many peopld you score higher than, the bar itself is the actual score
Its not exactly what youre talking about, but its pretty close.
postng results
lol originaoallaolo
aaah thx nice user
Someones a doormat, lol. Just say no you retard.
>Emotional stability: 1
i know im a dormat :(
user, so when are you going to shoot up a school ?
Don't worry i surely aint the FBI
I'm saving that PowerPlay for the day rapefugees come into my country
uh okay
So what should i get out of this?
If you're an adult and your personality changes over time then you're weak mentally, lacking in defense or foundations for your existing traits.
Is this bad? Should I go?
Definitely wrong.
Peoples personalities change if theyre still mentally children, or are in the process of maturing to actual adulthood.
This is the abridged version, why not use the long one?
Maybe my life would be better if I was more extroverted and less agreeable.
>definitely wrong
When you described my point in alternative terms?
>if theyre still mentally children
Hence, "mentally weak". An adult with the psyche of a child can't be said to have a sturdy, impenetrable mind.
>or are in the process of maturing to actual adulthood.
Which is why I specified "if you're an adult". I'm an adult and I've had more than enough time to ponder and consolidate my moral and psychological leanings.
>shut in
>more sensitive than a womans clit
>baiting for acceptance on Guatemalan soap carving forum
Most peeps dont know what being an adult is. They think it just means your old enough to drink.
I think Im still kind of smart. I just generally dont like being around people.
Is this Robot worthy? It doesn't look like the chart of a healthy, balanced mind
pretty varied and disagreeable, that's probably why I'm here
Well fellow robots is this shit good or not
Looks like you have a balance in all the different factors user. Balance is good.
should I be here ? these look like pretty standard robot numbers but idk
What does this result mean, robots?
Get your eyes checked *fren*
That shit is a slow incline of each category
Mhhh not bad, thanks for the review user
More extroversion than I expected
Atleast they have all the colours and a bit of everything
Unlike me
You have ideal stats to me, user. I'm jealous.
I dont know what standard scores are, but here is my score.
At least im a mentally stable person unlike most of the people here
it looks pretty accurate
Hmmm... :3c
I got low extraversion and emotional stability (so high neuroticism)! And high everything else~! So my OCEAN (Openness (or Intellect/Imagination, as it is called here), Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) code is OwO-OwO-UwU-OwO-OwO! ^_^'
looks like you're a mess
Did I do good?
Thanks fellow nigger
was suprised i scored so high on extroversion
If you're an adult and your personality doesn't change over time, you're immature. Life experience changes you unless you're still a stubborn kid inside.
It took you an hour to take that test?
It's almost like we have a hard time connecting with others.
hey there fellow autists
Late to thread
If youre an adult, your personality stays the same because it is tempered to withstand the hardships of life. If youre talking about your character, that doesnt change either; it grows with experience.
I'm most probably retarded.
I wouldnt say agreeableness is that low. Whatever though, feel free to r8.
you guys do realise that you can download the picture right?
begone normal fag unoriginal cuck
am I robot? (I have asperges syndrome)
is this bad? the percentiles look pretty shit
emotionally unstable autist
I REEEEEE at people with extroversion over 15
Good lord I have been trying to complete captcha for over 25 min now
If life experience changes you then whatever philosophy or psychological stance you had beforehand was weak and underdeveloped. Hence your input on anything related to morality, mentality and spirituality is worthless.
Am I a robot guys? Here's my results.
Not very surprising, originally
I think I got a pretty average score to be honest
Tfw total brainlet
>tfw too intelligent for people
>bad at everything
Excuse me. Robot passing through.
The ipip300 is better, you get a much more accurate result although it can take quite some time to finish it.
lmao I got one
this was a fun test i guess the questions felt rather concise as opposed to others i've taken
so uhm, am I a normie?
I don't know wat this means lol
volatile lazy cunt reporting
pretty balanced i guess
Big 5 or not it's still a crock of shit since it's a self assment. To filter out thinks like emotional state skewing results due to undue negative or positive self perception the questions need to be a lot more behavior focused than the ones they have. I say this because I myself have been rather depressed recently and even though I know I'm being self critical as I answer I can not currently say with accuracy what the truth there is. The way I see it as the test currently is the further neurotisism skews to either end, high or low, the more unreliable everything else becomes.
Well well well what a mess i am
Was this another autism test?
The fact youre aware that your answers might be a little different because of your current emotional state, means you can correct it and answer it properly.
Can't tell if I'm autistic
This is like saying forecasts are bullshit because the weather changes
This post is completely original
How did I do robots? good bad? am I a retard faggot???
posting results
Damn. I'm emotionally unstable? Seems about right.
Took this a while ago. Asked some friends to take it too. Anyone find it a bit strange that normies never know how to take a screenshot? They always take a photo of their monitors. I'm a bit surprised that mostly everyone here has it figured out, even the brainlets.
Am I a robot? Or am I normie level?