how do i get a mentally ill tranny to obsess over me?
How do i get a mentally ill tranny to obsess over me?
Give her attention but not so much attention she gets cocky
How do i make sure im keeping the right balance?
If you notice her starting to get less desperate and trying even a little less hard to be as cute as possible then reel it back a bit.
Okay that's actually helpful
how do i know when's the time to ask her for pictures?
And why in the seven hells would you want that?
You don't, when she gets desperate enough she'll send you some on her own eventually with your name carved in her legs
I'm starved for attention
Jeez that sounds ideal i hope it happens fast
now i just need to find a tranny
You mean when HE gets desperate enough HE will send you pictures of HIS dick with your name carved into HIS ballsack
Looks like someone had a traumatic, specific experience.
Use Discord. And of course it'll take time to find the right one.
1)acknowledge their existence
2)that's literally it, they will be all over you because the majority of them are ugly and desperate
where do i find them then
and don't tell me discord as its too broad of a term
Post your tag and I'm sure one will add you
>who hurt u :(
video game discords, MMO's specifically have very high tranny populations
but that kind of has the prerequisite of playing the games, no one likes that weirdo who's just around but doesn't actually play the game
then there's 'social' discords, literally /soc/ and /lgbt/ and other shit that gets posted on Jow Forums tranny/gay threads and junk
run-of-the-mill discord tranny here, going to give some advice:
most trannies are on here are incredibly starved for attention. be nice to them (but not too nice that it makes youu look like a fucking beta) and they'll pretty much flock to you.
we're also incredibly mentally ill, as well as vulenerable. i'm not sure whether you'd be willing to go this low, but you don't need to be a top-tier manipulator to get what you want out of people.
some are shy, but all of them are seeking validation. most will send pics without hesistation in the hopes of being called cute or fuckable. seriously, the amount of endorphins being validated releases in some people is enough to make them addicted to you.
as for some general advice, don't act like too much of a dick and don't act like a faggy nice guy and you'll probably be good to go. it's not hard to bag a tranny as long as you're not a complete fucking retard.
I'd say a fourth of trannies are like that, and half are narcissistic dickbags, and the remaining fourth are just "pretending" to be women and doing fine
I see, so just act like a normal guy then
btw where can i find you guys
rate threads
best of luck
why would you give advice to people trying to take advantage of you
Thank you so much user, i will make one tranny very happy i promise
now i just need to figure out how to not come off as a chaser
have you really hung around that many trannies? most are what i described pretty much. you do get a couple based narcissists like me, but honestly most of them are just subby, easily breakable attention whores.
discords, they're fucking everywhere on discord.
gaming discords and channer discords are probably your best bet though. or find some really faggy lewd server like sos.
i may even be able to help you in your search if you promise not to thirst for me.
>i may even be able to help you in your search if you promise not to thirst for me.
>have you really hung around that many trannies?
tons and I am one myself, but yeah there's plenty of the first kind and they're not hard to attract
>why would you give advice to people trying to take advantage of you
because i simply don't give a fuck. trannies are going to be taken advantage of whether i give my advice or not, might as well teach em the right way to do it.
drop your discord tag then.
>have you really hung around that many trannies? most are what i described pretty much.
Depends on where you look, the SJWs and the ones that are actually successful in life usually aren't like that (still have issues, but other issues)
Im not trying to take advantage of them, it will be a mutual relationship
Here is a step by step guide on how to get anyone to be attracted to you, no matter the gender or whatever the fuck.
>be physically attractive face and body wise
>treat them like a normal person and a good friend
>anytime the conversation turns sexual or anything like that you press hard and act entitled to their degeneracy, basically peer pressure them
Positive results not guaranteed.
i used to pretend to be a girl and had quite a few trannies obsessing over me, but I abandoned that lifestyle to be normal
now I don't really know how to make normal friends honestly
stupid autogynophiles
Why did you transition? Was it because you had too much dysphoria, or because you preferred being a girl?
These threads make me SEETHE.
As an AGP guy I can't help but envy you trannies, the attention you get, you get to be called girls, you use these female avatars etc etc, seriously, i really hate you.
But at the same time I couldn't disappoint my family enough to become one.
Who's Kys and what did they do to you?
go outside, in some crowded place and shout "I'M FUCKIN GAY!!" multiple times