>never kissed a girl
>never held hands
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
>never been on a date with a girl
>never even hung out with a girl platonically
Not sure what bugs me more
did all of these thing, was just meh
would rather have money, LOTS OF MONEY
done all of that besides going on a date
6/6 for me
I'm a true 'robot'
fucked more than enough but never had a relationship or even a crush lol
>escorts do not count
lol fuck of normie whoremonger
I have hung out more or less platonically. Otherwise I have done none of the above at 27.
I am a KHHV u twat
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
Fuck off normalfag, sick of you worthless faggots dumbing down the definition of "virgin" so you can LARP as pure. You're a filthy, rotten manwhore who has defiled himself already. You can never be a robot.
My oneitis kissed me on the cheek on my birthdays from 1st to 3rd grade.
Never held hands
My glans aren't intact but I'm a virgin
Europeans are weird and walk naked around the house so I've seen my mom and both sisters naked, don't think that counts.
Never been on a date
Never hung out excluding cousins.
>I'm muh muh KHHV
>...e-e-except escords don't c-c-count
I think I never saw a post that made me so depressed...
Kissed a girl when i was like 5, that was the only time. None of the other above checked
>I think I never saw a post that made me so depressed...
kys and get off this board retard
I have held hands with girls and hugged multiple girls. I have went on dates and went out with the girls parents. I have been in their home. I have fingered a few girls when I was in my teens. I had this Mexican chick in high school who wanted the D but I was always religious I couldnt do penetration. I have done other things with girls a long time ago and all three of us where nude but no sex.
I have seen girls naked in front of me. I have sucked on a pair of titties before. Did I mention I have played with the pussy before and had two fingers in a vagina before. Did I mention I took those fingers, shoved them in her mouth and had her taste that good juicy slime. Did I mention I have also been out with the boys out to a strip club multiple times where women dance naked in front of you. I have thrown money at women before at a strip club. I have actually laid naked with a girl before but "once again we couldn't have sex "
Yea I'm a virgin but perhaps I've been closer to women than some other virgins here
I also didnt have sex because I thought I was going to get married one day so all in all it sucks but not the end of the world
I've done things just not as far as I would have liked to take things. Karen if I could have gone back in time I would have fucked you right there without a second thought.
Up until a month ago, I was a 28yo kv.
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
>never been on a date with a girl
Now I've done all of that besides sex.
Does skyping with a girl count as seeing her naked? If thats the case I am just a dateless virgin.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
I've held hands but that was for dance shit in Elementary School.
I guess accidentally kissing part of your teacher's lips while kissing her cheek doesn't count.
When I was in like Middle School I kissed my little sister when she was asleep for like a second. Don't know why the fuck I even did that or what was I thinking.
ive been on a date and hung out platonically
> he gives a shit about purity
fuck off volcels
>he doesn't
Reminder manwhores are just as bad as sluts.
Haven't done any of this things but I've got bigger shit to worry about than whether a roastie will sleep with me.
Never did any of these things. In high school, a girl did hug me twice in one evening though. Looking back on it I think she probably liked me. Too bad past me was such an oblivious retard.
Yeah I haven't done any of that but I don't really care.
Lol.... I bet you deny being an incel
I've never done any of these. Hopefully I'll do at least one before I die
I mean i depends on how you look at it. I have had girls ask me out and try to date me but I struggle to talk to people so it always gets messed up by me. I guess i'm an incel then but at least some girls still think i'm cute so I have a chance. (About to turn 20)
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands
I think I might have done that once, I've definitely had a girl lock arms with me and "stroll" if that's what you'd call it
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
I've been inadvertedly flashed a few times and the girls involved didn't regret it but other than that no.
>never been on a date with a girl
I have, a long fucking time ago.
>never even hung out with a girl platonically
Again, I have but it was literally going on a decade ago.
none of that holds and I'm still a sad angry twat. what now?
Hewwo I noticed you were on page ten fwien
>still a virgin
>never seen a girl naked
i've touched a titty before at least.
almost fucked a girl who was obsessed by me, she wasn't particularly cute though
nope to all of those honestly i think it was cause i studied in an all guys school all the way from primary school to hs so i never really learned how to interact with the other sex. where i live its super common and almost always expected that dudes greet girls with a kiss on the cheek but i dont do that since im retarded around girls (and people in general) so they all look at me weird and i dont know what to dowtf im even supposed to do.
i have done all 6 of those things and more
its nice
>still a Virgin
Only one that is true for me. Also why the fuck can not we put apostrophes anyway? It breaks the shitty script?
>never held hands
>still a virgin
these are it.
I was a lucky guy in highschool but it all ended. Either the girls are changing or I got uglier through puberty, or both.
5/6, I did hang out with a girl one time and I developed a crush for her, although she rejected me kek
Sounds like me, good sir
I did not except hung out with a girl platonically. But it wasn't a one on one but in a group of friends.
6/6 fucking kill me or1ginallyyy
>never kissed a girl
>never held hands
Does holding my mom's hand as a little kid count? Otherwise, check
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
I once saw a toddler girl naked when i was a little kid
>never been on a date with a girl
Checkity check check check
>never even hung out with a girl platonically
Does helping them with homework count?
I've done all of those things and I'm still a loser. Even if you get a girlfriend, what nobody tells you on this site is that they can still break up with you after the initial heat of the moment wears off and they realize you've got absolutely nothing going for you. Getting a girlfriend isn't the endgame, it's just the end of the tutorial level. The real game starts after.
That doesnt apply to me at all, but I still find your perspective interesting.
5/6 and nearly 28. Should I end it boys?
>still a virgin (escorts do not count)
>never seen a girl naked (escorts, strippers, porn do not count)
how do these not count?
Sex is sex. Nakedness is nakedness.
6/6 here, but I don't even mind it.
the secret is just to avoid thinking about it and occupy your mind with pretty much anything, as long as it doesn't involve romance of any kind
5/6? what is that one thing you are not?