How do we stop the demiurge?
Seriously fuck that asshole
How do we stop the demiurge?
Seriously fuck that asshole
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Lord of the Rings is more believeable than the "demiurge".
Nice try asshole demiurge asshole
The hole goes much deeper than that, mask upon mask, lackey after lackey. This world wasn't even created by any entity but emerged by itself, and was later overtaken.
Redpill me on that subject first, or maybe don't, i don't think i want to know.
Is this supposed to be a good or bad thing mang? Fuck I'm starting to sweat.
It is absolutely fucked beyond any comprehension, natural laws twisted, and you're a prisoner her forever.
>It is absolutely fucked beyond any comprehension
I like that
>natural laws twisted, and you're a prisoner her forever.
Originally there was only a spiritual world, a perfect divine world.
The demiurge created the material world and trapped us who are divine sparks inside it.
The demiurge likes to act like he is the real god and wants to be worshipped like the real god, but he isn't. He is just the creator of the material world. This is why evil exists and why the world is flawed. We are divine, but we are ruled by a being who is flawed and not divine (the demiurge). This is why suffering exists.
This is just a short version.
Damn, thank you for that explanation I guess.
pursue purity in your endeavours
you broke ass nigga
>"""""perfect""""" divine world exists
>allows imperfect being to exist and ruin perfection
Just get Satan to shoot Yaldabaoth in the face.
The way out is to read the New Testament and the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Soon the demiurge will be in hell (along with most humans)
based and redpilled
this is also the answer i would give
Christ saves
>He is risen
Father deliver us from evil!
OP is mega based and mega redpilled
Christ is just another part of the demiurge
But seriously OP is mega based and mega redpilled he knows whats going on.
If you dont know what OP is talking about, its kind of like The Matrix. Watch the Matrix movie and its basically whats going on right now.
The thing is, is that its more of a metaphorical ruling over us, than a physical one. But basically you have a bunch of malevolent entities that farm humanity for energy. Basically. Thats why they call it the Garden of Eden. Because its really the Garden of EATEN...eating you.
You human, you are the food. And they, the demiurge, they eat you. Planned Net earth is a farm, a sheeple planet, where people are literally farmed for their energy
>Believing Christ ~ The Son is the same as Jesus
>Oh my sweet summer child
>believing that humans are relevant at all and not mere prisons of flesh
vessels arent the same as their contents, my son
For a man hath no life in him lest he be born again
A flesh born of the spirit may be a miracle, but a spirit born of the flesh is the miracle of miracles
No Gnostic should consider themselves worthy of the name without a proper understanding of Hermeticism/Hermetism (same concept). The entire foundation of Gnostic Scriptures is a blending of ancient Hermetic and Judaic and even Sumerian knowledge bases
What's the difference then?
>Christ is just another part of the demiurge
Not true
Christ is a word which by definition means "The Holy Anointed" and Jesus himself states that when he proclaims himself a "Son of God" he does so in the same manner many Jews had for generations before him because in Psalms it states "Ye are Gods". He never proclaimed to be the only Son of God. In fact he says hes not.
Christ is the only begotten Son of God.
>Ye are Gods
Here he means judges, not actual gods
He tells the apostles to find both the Son and the Father WITHIN THEMSELVES at the last supper. In fact he even claims he IS the Father.
Christ is nothing more than a divine spark who became aware of his divinity and got truly red pilled. We are ALL sons of god - the true god. But the Christian church monopolized this and claimed that ONLY Christ was the son of god, so they basically monopolized our connection to the true spiritual world. This gave them a low of power. To say Christ is another part of the demiurge is wrong. Christianity yes, but not Christ. Christ was basically like Neo from The Matrix. He realized that this is all just an illusion created by the demiurge and that our true home is not this flawed world, but another world.
would make a lot of sense if the demiurge was larping as normalnigger invaders this whole time to be honest.
he tells pilate otherwise, shall i fetch the scripture in which it says it? he references Psalms when asked about proclaiming himself the "Son of God".
He looks like a benis
Go ahead
You haven't read the Nag Hammadi. Christ is GOD INCARNATE. He's the Father and the Son; the only Begotten Son of God. Yes, we are children of God, but we're not God himself
Remember brothers, never listen to those who say "look i got it over here, oh its over there, its out there, its inside here" the kingdom of heaven has not container, it is spread over all the Earth and the universe, yet men do not have eyes to see it.
Gladly! Turns out I was actually wrong it was not Pilate he tells about Pslams its the kikes who try to stone him before hes arrested by the Sanhedrin.
Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? 33The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. 39Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand,
Heyo keep your schizophrenic shitposting on please. Thank you very much.
Heres the thing though, hes the Father and the Son but he also says that hes within the Apostles and they are within him as well as Father.
Watch this
fuck off atheist, your unwanted
Hey lay off him, he's trying his best.
No video needed, even later on when asked about proclaiming to be the "Son of God" he says thus
66And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying, 67Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe: 68And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go. 69Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God. 70Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am. 71And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth.
The "Son of Man" is NOT the "Son of God"
Sure is delusional fucking idiot in here.
Don't be an idiot. It is worshiped because people are idiots. And living in the "divine world" is actually meaningful compared to back then if we wanna go that route.
think about what you just said for a minute
Its hilarious when Catholics realize they know nothing about Christianity
I just watched that for fun and when they read the entire piece from Pslams Jesus spoke of it simply reaffirmed that the Lord hath deemed us as Gods. Not that we are embodied as God but that we are Resurrected to be as one with God.
Done. What is yoyr point, cretin.
This is not fertile for you right now, be gone.
I'd say it's more tragic than hilarious.
yes, i only laugh so i dont cry
are you dog whistling my alchemy with that black crow?
Wasn't his thing is that he doesn't interact with the world he created?
State-sponsored transcendence from the material world