If pedophilia was legalized across the world tomorrow, would society collapse? If not, what would the impact upon society be, both short term and long term?
If pedophilia was legalized across the world tomorrow, would society collapse? If not...
Well I guess it depends. How young can the kids be? Can Adults force themselves on them? I just think a lot of kids would be making bad decisions and end up having their lives fucked over and adult men would be more openly manipulative for kids.
Probably the significant effect it would have is that the murder rate would go up. Only if police started arresting pedophile killers would shit go down, and in that case what would probably happen is the government would be overthrown.
It wouldnt change much in the bigger picture though because any government that does such a thing would soon be overthrow. Laws are not drawn out of thin air, they are mostly based on what the people want, a government that goes against the core values of the people wont last very long.
>Probably the significant effect
The only significant effect*
I think the most immediate impact would be a dramatic rise in vigilante violence against pedophiles. Since police and courts would no longer be able to stop them, private citizens would have to band together to slaughter them.
Unfortunately, that would lead to a lot of mob justice and hysteria, and a lot of people who weren't actually guilty would just swept up and killed in the ensuing mayhem.
I for one would put myself at the disposal of my own local pedophile-lynching group. I would try to speak out for caution in the selection of lynching targets, though, to try to cut down on the number of innocents killed due to rumor or innuendo.
>I would try to speak out for caution in the selection of lynching targets, though, to try to cut down on the number of innocents killed due to rumor or innuendo.
This is how they know you're one of the witches. You're gonna get burnt next. Nothing personnel, kid.
Idk about your countries but pedos couldn't survive here
>The moment someone turns out to be a pedo/rapist he gets beaten up until the police comes
>They get stabbed/killed/raped in prison
Pedophilia (being sexually attracted to children) is already legal in most countries because most countries don't have thought crimes in their criminal laws. You mean "If fucking children was legalized", right? Society would go apeshit when people realized but then it would calm down after 6-12 months
Would there be any age of consent at all? Like even babies could get fucked? Or would they at least need language to consent?
Basically this
I would join one of those lunch mobs tho
Doubt much would happen aside from maybe a lot of vigilante and mob justice for the first while until things calm down. When pedophiles aren't raping children and doing crazy shit to date them and they're able to behave like normal people will just treat it like we used to,
It wouldn't get that bad it if they lowered the age to like 15
once they go under 14, all hell would break loose
rightfully so
The age of consent is 16 in many European countries. People don't go around fucking 16 year olds and its socially frowned upon for grown ups to fuck 16 year olds
what a fag. A 16 year old is a grown woman, biologically speaking.
If you are pressured by some 70 year old geezers to feel shame
then you taken the blue pill in your ass.
Its just fucking old niggas that try to make it look weird
We aren't in our 50s, 40s heck even our 30s
The laws are made by these creepy old faggots
>its socially frowned upon for grown ups to fuck 16 year olds
but why though. Literally why.
Same reason it's a bad idea to fuck your boss - the power disparity leaves the relationship open to all kinds of coercion. That, and the kind of adults who seek out 16-year-old girls tend to be deeply unpleasant people, the kind you don't want dating your daughters at any age.
I don't know. I'd keep fucking my 15 year old gf though.
16 year olds aren't very mature emotionally and might just fuck older guys because they want to rebel against their parents. Its deemed immoral.
i fucked my boss and got a raise
whats the problem
>I would join one of those lunch mobs tho
We could have a combined lynch mob / lunch mob.
Like, we'd find some pedophile (they are pretty easy to spot; you can pretty much pick them out by the way they look) and beat them senseless and then hang them from a tree. And then we can all go to Panera and get bread and soup.
So comfy.
But if pedophilia were legalized, age gaps wouldn't be a rebellious thing. They'd eventually be normalized, and the 16 year old would probably have to take acid to rebel instead,
I'd probably torrent loli doujinshi more often, couldn't care less about any other ramifications.
>the power disparity leaves the relationship open to all kinds of coercion
in that case the age of consent should be higher
Society would improve actually. There would be more people added to the dating pool thus lowering the amount of incels present. There is literally no downside.
Although I have a bad feeling that there would be pedophiles hiding in the ranks to eliminate suspicion.
Wouldn't there be even less virgins tho?
implying lolis would ever want you
There's a big implication that a 10 year old would actually want a pedo
Based as fuck. did you break up afterwards?
it's not hard to be ethical about it
the gov will be overthrown, no sane people would want to let that happen. pedos would get killed on sight and society would collapse a s result
If they wanted to smooth it out they'd just do what they always do and shove something that's frowned upon on television until it changes people's gut reaction to it.
Thats outrageous, who would ever do something like that? I dont think this has ever happened in all of human history.
I think AOC should be lowered to 15 but only for people that are 20 or younger. An age gap greater than that would lead to trouble.
People like to think they're doing a service by killing pedophiles but after a while that would die down. I don't think there would be that much of an impact, overall. I'm not advocating it but a lot of people can't tell the difference between something being illegal and being wrong. Personally I don't care for pedophilia but I don't care for children either, stupid little cunts.
Pedophilia is already legal if you have enough money. And society is already collapsing.
Adultery and promiscuity
>having an AOC at all
the government shouldn't have to act as parents, don't let your daughters be whores
Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's immoral
Same thing that happened with homosexuals being legalized. People will be angry and disgusted for 3 generations and then their children will celebrate it.
OK but when are they gonna hate gays again
Because they're fresh and unused goods and they're easier to get a hold of whereas older bitches are annoying as shit. Basically older guys would cuck the younger guys and younger guys would cuck the older women out of families. Basically old bitches are the only ones that lose in this situation
>Why is it frowned upon to fuck kids?
What, do you think there would suddenly be droves of pedos out and about, picking up chicks? Is it really possible? After years of accepting that it's illegal, I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't.
Same. I enjoy making sandwiches.
I wouldn't go lower then 16.
16 should be the legal age, in all conditions
in all states
It should be federal law by now