>Be half-White/half-Iranian
>Born and raised in Burgerland
>Dad told me he's arranging a marriage for me
>Dad says I don't have a choice in the matter
>Apparently the girl is my second cousin
>She's 14 years old
>I'm 21 years old
>He told me once I finish college, I'm going to Iran to marry her
>Tell dad that I don't even know how to speak Persian
>Dad tells me too bad and I better start learning immediately
>Says this not up for debate, I either do this or get disowned and removed from getting inheritance
Is my life over?
Be half-White/half-Iranian
marry me instead op
Being Muslim sounds fucking amazing.
What does your mom say?
arrange marriages are a pick eh?
Its best to just dodge it everytime they bring it up
until they stop bring it up
bust a fat nut in her virgin pussy for us all, op.
get disowned then. ask him why she can't move here, or ask him why you can't wait until she is 18.
he's a fucking mudslime. What his mother says doesnt matter.
My mom just does what my dad says, she says I need to do it for family.
How far are you into college
Just don't finish college
you literally don't need him anymore after college lmao, just get a job and life your own life. Also, better never visit Iran again if you don't want to get stuck there.
if your parents are muslim youre supposed to get inheritance by islamic law. Even if you get disowned with no inheritance you are supposedly in college and are self sufficient, cont let your parents plan your life out for you
why was he allowed to date outside his race but you have to get matched with your cousin??
Sounds cool I wish I was you
stop looking for the fucking logic in it you fucking tard
get disowned and removed from getting inheritance then (make your own damn money).
Get a good job, don't marry (no point these days) don't have kids.
Life can be a very vast experience if you don't shackle yourself to wasteful habits/scenarios.
Ye better get disowned
I literally don't see the issue here. You get a nice pure waifu and you get to live in a non-cuck society. What's the downside?
There is a loophole in Islam where you don't actually have to do that and can bring shame on his name for acting like a backward.
Also if you out him as a closet homo...
Lmfao are you me? I'm legit also half Iranian half White and my parents want me to get an arranged marriage. TBF Iranian girls are cute af. But don't go to Iran, try to bring her here. Jews are going to invade it soon.
Real nigga shit
>learn persian in your remaining days of college
>marry her when you finish
>live for four years in iran (probably the most risky part of it all)
>when she becomes of age move back
>do what you want
>have wife
Your life ain't over, it's barely a speedbump
Hmm, thats not a bad plan.
Muslims acting like they're still in medieval times? That's not news buddy
just do it, you get a hot loli waifu for free
Ask your mother if she likes the girl, if she does then you shouldn't have any problem with her whatsoever
Is your future wife cute? Realistically she has a better chance learning English than you do learning Persian, as she is younger and as English is a brainlet language.
I dont really see what the problem is? Unless she is ugly, whats the big deal. If she is your cousin she probabbly shares a lot of the same values and it would be pretty easy to live with her. I think there is a high chance you will get along with her. I am actually very jealous. I wish my family was from a culture that did things like this. My parents didnt give me any direction or encouragement in anything.
OP i would be very careful with the advice you get here because a lot of it is probably people who are trying to push you into this because they dont want you to date white women. Not saying you shouldnt do it if you want to, just the advice you get here is basically completely worthless because of the inherent bias of most people here.