How can white roasties ever compete?

Just look at this paragon of femininity that is the Asian woman.
> Bob cut
> Short and skinny
> Shy and awkward, but in a cute way
> Wears glasses
> Clearly nerdy
> Wants to impress
> Doesn't think she's God's gift to mankind
> Doesn't think she's a comedian.

Too bad Asian guys, but your women love us and we love them.

Attached: 1560192142327.png (607x609, 423K)

please do not use asian women for your asinine racebait.

WRONG, I have a korean husband.

White men are nothing special.

It's not racebait if it's 100% true.

Attached: 1559754455835.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

sure its not. cya

i'm asian and i do not find this woman attractive at all. why do nerds cream over these types of women?

>teehee, i'm a demure asian woman with a goofy accent. i'm soo innocent! :3

bile fills my mouth when people think asian women are any better than white/latina/whatever women. all women are the same. if anything, asian women are the most self-hating and dispicable of them all.

>im asian
sure yew are buddy!

Sorry, racists, but Japanese are Noble Honorary Whites.

>heterosexual white men are freaking out
They are freaking out because the nerdy white woman Nakamura Ikumi does not want to date them?

Behave yourself, Jow Forums
This is inappropriate

Attached: 2019-06-10 15_16_51-Ghostwire director Ikumi Nakamura has developped quite the fan art following [se (1386x316, 56K)

>honorary whites
what a pathetic moniker