Trannies will never pass, they are hideous pieces of shit
TRANNY hate general #004 - /thg/ - kill all trannies edition
Its maam
Kill yourselves you tranny faggots hahahahahaha haha
I don't want to kill anyone based on their mental illness, but thank got someone's finally beating back on the transvasion of r9k
some eye bleach for anyone ITT. you're gonna need it
forgot my eye bleach, already blinded by trannies. send help
Why is it always white men doing this?
Doing god's work OP, trannies have no place on this board.
Their egos and mental illnesses can stay at their designated place.
Jannies should do something good for once and start deleting those faggots threads
black immigrant muslim here actually
how can your world view require others to broaden their horizons while yours stay so narrow
Bud, that's not a counter-argument, and you aren't going to find sympathy hate here so what's this for?
Basically kill all white guys at this point.
Hi TRANNYhategeneral, nice to meet you. I am Tranny.
I'm Jewish. You do not see this kind of behavior in Israel. We do not allow it.
Control yourselves and perhaps you wouldn't be treated like cattle.
The real Jews live in America only. You are all fake Russian larpers.
ITT: incels mad that they cant even date cute trannies.
sage time!
sage time part 2: electric boogaloo
beware the kappu smugpost
wooooow, that's a nice little bunch of bullshit you got there
- Love, A Transgirl who passes, and gets more pussy than 90% of Jow Forums.
r9k tranners unite
you can't stop the tranny train
saging again lol xd
i think i've successfully killed this thread lol
please laugh, i'm begging you to laugh and have a good time right now. reason being, you're not going to be in a healthy mental state when you begin to age and get sagging jowls and love handles like other late middle-age males do and i feel genuine pity at the thought of what you're gonna be experiencing mentally when your illusion becomes impossible to maintain. that is, if you're a male turned "female" tranny.
Trans men are men!
Trans women are women!
Gender Dysphoria is not a real mental disorder. It is instead a symptom of another disorder altogether. Dropping facts for you r9k anons.
All trannies suffer from what's called Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the main symptoms of this disorder is "identity disturbance", where the individual constantly re-invents themselves as a completely new person with a brand new fashion sense and hobbies to try and distract themselves from being perpetually depressed. In moderate cases they will simply pick up and drop hobbies every other week, or drastically change their fashion sense. In extreme cases, they will develop feelings of being assigned the wrong gender at birth and pursue a way to change this by any means necessary.
The mental health of trannies does NOT improve after transitioning. Ever. Just like women with BPD who think dying their hair crazy colors after a breakup will magically change their mood (new hair, new me LOL), mutilating their genitals and taking a bunch of hormone pills instead causes them extreme regret and suffering on top of their already serious issues with depression and general mental instability.
Encouraging anyone to transition is literally enabling someone to destroy themselves via their own mental illness, almost like the trolling of ChrisChan has gone mainstream and is being used on the portion of the general population with mental disorders.
This also explains why the LGBT community is often full of infighting and insane politics that nobody actually understands, and why so many LGBT outbursts go viral. Folks with BPD, of which the LGBT community consists largely of, are impossible to get along with. They are two-faced manipulators who throw child-like tantrums anytime they are met with even the most basic of conflict or a difference of opinions.
The worst thing about the trannies on this board is that they are all newfags, whom most certainly didn't lurk before posting
wow i've never seen such an idiot try to be so smart before
oh, I'm laughing, but laughing at you. I have plenty of money, and surgeons can work near magic that plebs like you can could never understand. your little threats of illusions cracking? not a worry at all to me. My bank account stretches long and my wallet is fat, unlike your 2 inch cock. cuck.
don't forget that it's almost a certainty that any cock-chopping tranny that didn't slither out of /lgbt/ almost certainly has a R*dditor streak a mile long
except that's not true at all. fucking retard.
i've been here since before Jow Forums and Jow Forums existed, try again, cancer.
absolutely SEETHING tranny trying to be smug
>surgeons can work near magic that plebs like you can could never understand.
please show me some visual examples of surgical procedures that can make any 65-70 year old look not only like a person of the opposite gender, but look a full forty years younger. (at least 40; the irreversible marks of age that give away trannies begin to show at age 30 imo)
i'm genuinely curious and excited. doling out pity isn't very enjoyable
>what is a young transitioner
Seething trannies eternally btfo.
This is known internally within pretty much all psychiatric clinics. I've received this particular info from a doctor in Texas. Every tranny that comes in for psychiatric help comments that they "don't feel like they have a personality" and report no improvement in suicidal thoughts or behaviors after transitioning. It is 99% of the time an underlying BPD diagnosis and they are all treated as such.
It is not widely publicized because the professional advice given to friends and family members of someone with BPD is to literally shun them - you'll see it referred to as "going no-contact."
If the connection between BPD and transgenderism was ever made on a national media scale, and even a small percentage of the general public started researching how to deal with these people, it would be the Holocaust 2.0. They would never be hired at any workplace and most of their immediate social circle would simply stop talking to them.
This is partially why they are pushing hardcore for muh trans rights. It is a preemptive strike before the general public is told the truth about what are mentally unhinged individuals who snap at the slightest hint of confrontation.
no examples exist yet dumbass, the trannies of yesteryear all look like fucking ballsacks, but the new age ones, like moi are still young and hot. Fucking cousinfucker.
oh wait, you're serious?
>gonna need a source on that, cuck.
take your meds dude
you clearly need too
all i'm asking is some visual examples, user. i want to see just one picture of a 70-year old transgender man that can convincingly masquerade as a woman and look one-third as young as he actually is while doing so.
Yes but you obviously haven't been on this board since it started, it has changed dramatically, and for the worse
i'll get back to you in fifty years
>trannies in complete denial
Next time you go to therapy, ask what disorder your psychologist thinks you have.
obviously you're a retard
yeah its changed to shit its basically better /b/ at this point
dont mine me im just saging again
>"ha...ha ha... just let me type all caps to show that i'm laughing loudly...that'll show dat le ebil transphobe"
>"surgeons can totally do stuff rn you'd never understand, nvm that they've never done it before by my own admission"
i give it 5 years before you join the 40%
Hmmm, this sounds interesting, I remember reading that real gender dysphoria used to be treated with a drug, and it completely cured people in most cases
i have done that
you have no idea what you're talking about
i've been in mental health since i was 12
Wait, what are you arguing for or against the changes? Make your hormone imbalanced mind up
>i've been in mental health since i was 12
>ive had mental health issues since i was 12
thanks for proving my point
since you so confidently spouted out that it's apparently possible at this moment to perform appearance-related surgeries that are, by your own admission, actually impossible, i'd still like to see some examples. No one is as seemingly confident as you are without a great deal of reason to back that confidence up
nah, in 5 years, I'll be sitting in paris, or some fucking caribbean island, drinking to my hearts content, and enjoying life. you'll still be fucking your sister and working at joe's crab shack, or wherever it is you fucking peasants hide.
omg you're an idiot
have a good day idiot
saging again because this thread is getting out of hand
sage sage sage smugpost sage
>"hee hee...ha..i indulge in Hedonism, transphobes btfo..."
i give you my pity in advance for events pertaining to your life that are currently irreversible, you looking like a gnarled old man attempting to look like a girl, and this is how you repay my kindness? my, so aggressively defensive.
sage meme loL! hehe
hedonism is based and your thread sucks. stop being a tradfag loser lmao
mhm,, that scent. the scent of burning sage bush...
love me a taste of that sage smoke. mhmm...
I wish you the best with your dysphoria, but you're not going to look like your anime girls, and you shouldn't make anyone else think so.
What is it with trannies and posting pictures of anime girls? Do they self-insert that hard as fictional women they can't be? That seems mentally unhealthy and a level of escapism that can't really be sustained.
How is that any different than Jow Forumsacks posting SS officers that they would never even allowed the chance of becoming?
How to properly deal with pedo demonspawn. Any one have any more?
Alright? This thread isn't about Jow Forumstards, tranny.
>this thread isn't about trannies, Jow Forumstard
Aren't they both just attention whores?
This thread IS about trannies, though. It was made for the specific purpose of being about trannies. Your statement makes no sense. Your sole use of whataboutism is kinda fucking lame.
All those sages and it's still at the top of the catalog. Sloppy job
>This thread isn't about spreading my ideology
It's just a meme *honk honk*
Just like trannies. Haven't you ever heard of Bridget? You think people actually want to be the girl? What are you, a newfag?
And I thought only leftists got triggered by memes
I love how making a tranny hate thread consists of just posting their photos, lmao
Cmon seething trannies, just post your photos :) i am sure you all look great guuurls
Kill all trannys now and forever
Tranny u will NEVER be a woman lol
>Bringing up ideology
What level are you even functioning or existing on?
i tried. time to become part of the 40 percent now i guess
posting pics of agp hons doesn't prove your poinr, user
I woke closely with some business associates.
They got their nose in some business if ya catch my drift
*honk honk*
Defend capitalism, but remember to consume
DEMONSPAWN, it's not too late to change your ways. Most of the effects of HRT are reversible. Stop flushing your life down the toilet.
Tranny who posted they pass earlier post a pic and prove it lol
>Supporting capitalism
These aren't prerequisites for disliking trannies, you know. If anything they are prerequisites for supporting trannies.
Post your picture and prove your point the
I've got a few jokes up my sleeve.
What's black and white and red all over? The white race after white genocide.
Who controls the banks and media? White people, they built modern civilization!
*honk honk*
>keeps saging despite failure
>gets called out for misleading others with a mental disorder
i dont have to prove anything to you lmao, im not gonna purposefully selfdox just to own some retard online, its not worth it
Interesting posts, user! I like it!
sowwy, i'll try better next time
You cant sage when you post an image, newfren
no this is not true shut up
Trannies should be killed, all of the sick fucks
>Tfw sissy porn isn't interesting me anymore
Soon I will be free from this hell.
Thank god I never listened to BS
I can't even hate trannies, i can only pity them
They need serious help, they are ill, but sadly society encourages their illness instead of fighting it. Every tranny suicide victim adds more blood on kike hands.
>thinking capitalism is a good thing
God you're almost as fucking dumb as a tranny
Dude, its not gay to suck a penis like wtf
The feminine penis meme is real
hard-hitting truth
hard-hitting denial
well let's see, why don't you post a pic of yourself ma'am?
He wont show, pic very releated
Would love to gut a tranny and light it on fire immediately afterwards.
Jow Forums is the only way to save Jow Forums you retard. More right wing extremism is how we run off the trannies and racebait posters.
I asked my therapist about the whole "trans" phenomenon and her answer was interesting. She said that the first thing to remember is that "trans" people are qualifiable into a single group. First, there are people who pass every test that clinicians can administer and seem to be perfectly mentally healthy except for those feelings. Second, some people are clearly acting out for whatever reason in line what's expected from a social contagion. Third, there are individuals who have undergone some sort of trauma in their lives and if they'd sit and allow a professional to "untie" that "knot" then there's a possibility those feelings would fall away.
I like my therapist.
>...are NOT qualifiable into a single group...
Fixed that.
This is how all psychs should operate. Unfortunately most of them just want patients and will use their innocent clients by perpetuating their delusions and making them dependent on the medical system.