Why haven't you taken Kratom bots?
it's absolutely based and red pilled and totally legal
Why haven't you taken Kratom bots?
it's absolutely based and red pilled and totally legal
i've taken it like 10 times and every time i take about 10-15 grams. it does almost nothing every time except give you very mild effects. mostly just sedation.
one time i felt it work decently, but i for some reason decided to drink it straight with water. puke emoji
never again
pop the pills
I like kratom. I bought a soda today just with the intention of taking kratom with it. going to make up a round of capsules tonight and pop them like crazy
It does nothing for me and marijuana is less expensive
lol what. it cost me 60 dollars for a bag of kratom that lasts a month taking it every day
It was good at first, but I lost my discipline, stopped following my strict dosing schedule with frequent breaks, and now use too much too often.
If I take 10+ grams at once I feel sleepy and sick but if I take less I feel nothing. Sometimes if I do this multiple times in a few hours I'll feel a little buzz.
I don't like it anymore but I wake up every morning with restless legs and a runny nose and this insecure feeling of "I need kratom" and it's easier to just swallow some than deal with withdrawal for three days.
I never felt much from the powder too, but the tincture extracs gave me a real mood lift. I suggest you try that. But they are pricey.
>wake up every morning with restless legs and a runny nose and this insecure feeling of "I need kratom
>easier to just give in and take it rather than deal with the uneasy feelings
Welcome to addiction user, enjoy your self-inflicted hell-prison
I love kratom but only red vein.
Extracts are good but expensive.
Powder is great
Less is more with this leaf.
One teaspoon in warm water feels like the best cup of coffee you ever had. If you don't have tolerance it will blows you away. Subtle euphoria, energy with no jitters, calm and confident.
Higher doses can be OK if you like opiates and can help with opiate withdrawal but also can induce nausea and won't give you the energy boost that low doses provide.
Low dose red vein is the way
look up how to make your own tincture and extract pretty sure you just need basic kitchen shit
god even with drugs you people are autistic. time for my daily specific timed dosage every day of 5.6 grams taken within 10 minutes.
jesus fucking Christ just take it when you are sad or have free time
I'm sure you could make your own, but you might end up with the same amount of tincture for the same price of the powder you're buying. But I don't know anything about making tinctures.
no lol you always get 10x the amount you pay for
Interesting. I was thinking you need a lot of it to make a little. Like essential oils.
Been addicted to kratom for years, switched over from opium/heroin/pills, all in all its way healthier and safer. About to do a 1:1 mix of red and white hulu kapuas in a few minutes.
you have to brew it and wait around forever tho you can make extracts
I'm fucking addicted bros this isn't what I wanted I just wanted to not be depressed
I was just looking it up. It looks easier than I thought.
$60?! For what volume?
I pay $20 for 40 grams.
looks like alcohol and kratom together with citric acid and some flavors
the extration is just acetic acid, lemon juice, and water. just let it simmer all mixed together 2x straining the herb and then let it sit in an oven until the water is gone
yeah i might make a tincture too i really want something like this im sick of taking the plain leaf and it feels so pleb taking all that powder, the extracts are what you want
I heard it can be bad for people. And addictive fuck dat ish (also heard of news of peeps dyin from krato)
I think most deaths usually involved other drugs too, and kratom extract, rather than plain kratom.
I do believe that its addiction potential is downplayed though. Unfortunately, kratom is currently controversial, and both sides have extremists. One side saying it's literally heroin, another side saying it has no side effects and cures AIDS etc.
Opiate addicts who are getting off heroin and other drugs usually have no trouble getting off kratom. The withdrawal just isn't as severe as other opioids. People will say "it's not nearly as bad as heroin withdrawal is", and I believe marketers are slightly manipulating this to mean "the withdrawal is nonexistent". But people new to drugs, opioid virgins who are looking for a "legal high", can become addicted if they choose to abuse it. And, because they've never really experienced drug withdrawals before, kratom withdrawal can feel terrible for them.
You are way overpaying. Im getting 250g for $30
what's the red/white buzz like? and have you tried yellow strains yet?
Using in order to escape depression is the path to addiction like how do you not know this
The only way to emerge from depression is to find peace within yourself without substances. Paradoxically, though, there are non-addictive antidepressants that could save your life. SSRIs are s crap shoot, but a DNRI like Wellbutrin is more of a sure thing. It's like a slow motion, mild cocaine high. Pretty good
Greens are more energizing and reds more Calming, far as I can tell that's true not just a meme. The yellows, however, seem to tturn me sideways. Kinda u comfortable and weird feeling. Def some other alkaloids at play there.
I tried whites. made me talkative as fuck but hated it had nightmares ate like a fat pige
I take reds and greens now. reds feel more sedating I guess its really fucking hard to tell. I know greens and red have made me nod
tfw you want to try gold bali cant find it anywhere
my dream is to make my own red and gold bali tinctures
You know what's better than kratom?
A tub of whey.
You should buy some.
And lift some weights too.
But I do. Know what's also fucking awesome? A scoop of chocolate whey in almond milk with iced coffee and a heaping tablespoon of red vein kratom as well, all blended up.
Masks the taste, blends nicely actually with the protein shake, protein rich solution slows the absorption of the kratom, combined with caffeine giving you a filling, energizing, and euphoric breakfast to kick off your day that also helps build muscle.
I been doing this awhile and it's fucking based.
if it wasn't expensive i would try some kratom mixed with almond milk but at this poind im just looking to make my own extracts
right now i just buy a soda and take some kratom pills down with it