Does Jow Forums support trans rights?
Does Jow Forums support trans rights?
r9k stands fully behind trans people!
I support everyones rights and call everyone a faggot regardless of their sexuality or gender.
There's a pony in that image.
Why are Light Yagami, Fancy Pants from Fancy Pants Adventures, A bottle of mtn dew voltage, the drink guy from ATHF, Cookie crisps, a meme guy. some person with a hat and beard, another anime guy (who might be trans idk), pokemon, a gay anime guy or a loli, a fucking rubix cube, dr phil, the fence thing from edd edd and eddy, a pony, the meme awesome face, diamond candy things, addicting, and fucking string cheese there
Sex changes should be illegal, and tranny should deal with their mental problems in actual constructive ways.
This is what teenagers consider humor.
because mental illness needs to represented by retardation.
everything that has to do with lgbt faggot stuff is a mental illness. how many times does this have to be said ? go get some help, you may still be able to be fixed
but always remember, you have a
mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness
it really is a clown world
everything beyond the second line was directed at op. not you
Based and redpilled.
>Grandma, shut the fuck you dirty nigger faggot.
i personally wouldnt go trans but i dont really care if people do. however i fucking HATE the trapfags that constantly post about getting TOPPED on GRINDR. oh yeah and that one little faggot that keeps posting the voocaroo threads SPEAK THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING WIMP. but yeah idm if you're trans, just stay off r9k
I'm retarded, somebody translate this fucking image for me.
Literally the only thing I understand is the Master Shake reference.
Nele Buttner says pedosexual rights!
go honk yourself off a damn cliff you beta.
I don't care about it as a concept- no reason people can't chop off and staple on whatever parts they want- but I can count on only one hand the number of transgenders I have met online who didn't annoy the piss out of me.
They're either obnoxiously fragile or bitchy and aggressive.
They make me dread having to ever meet a transperson in real life.
Seriously, what the hell is this image froOOOOOOOOKAY.
lol I once heard somebody say that Bavarians are the Rednecks of Germany and now I believe it
I would support their 'rights' much more if they didn't ruin this board
>Mental illness
Sorry pal, facts dont care about your feelings. Read DSM5
Kys you disgusting creatures
if by 'trans-rights' you mean basic human rights afforded to every citizen of a country which allow them the same freedom of thought, expression and mobility as any other, then sure; they're humans ain't they
but if you mean uber-rights which make folk who suffer with gender-dysphoria a 'protected class' impossible to criticise -- well no, that would be insane wouldn't it?
Yes, although I still wish we could go back to a pre-tranny Jow Forums where this topic was barely ever discussed outside of trap threads. I hate the spam from pro and anti sides, it really kills boards
Trannies deserve the same rights as any citizen gets from their state. But trannies don't want that in general, they want special treatment, exemptions and for us to ignore logic and biology in favour of feelings and delusion.
Based and true equality pilled