when did you realise that the LGBTQ commuity and its supporters are closet pedophiles?
how can anyone look at this and say its ok?
When did you realise that the LGBTQ commuity and its supporters are closet pedophiles?
God just imagine how cute that girl is gonna be when she grows up
Looks like a child version of taftaj, can't wait until we have cuties like that starting hormones at 10 years old and turning into adorable passable traps with tiny clitties
this is truly the best timeline more bussy for me MMMMMMMM
I'm just glad i was born in a shitty eastern European country where these freaks don't exist or if they do they are miniscule. I just hope we survive this degeneracy wave coming from the west, it's like a virus.
Exhibit A: trannies only fuel the degenerates that fuel these boards. Funnily enough, getting rid of them would probably clean these boards up a bit, but no one's willing to do it
Should incels be included in LGBTQA+?
A stands for Asexual
no kid should think that they are trans. Once there an adult ok sure but a kid come the fuck on its called being a tomboy and you either
A: grow out of it
B: just stay a tomboy as an adult
C:become trans when your an adult if you REALLY fucking want to
It's pretty fucking open. Something like 50% of gay men report being molested as a child, compared to 7% of straight men. Most important gay figures were raped or abused as kids, like Ellen Degeneres. Trannies are basically all autistic, too, looking at the numbers.
Issue is once youre an adult transitioning doesnt do shit.
I think the current method of delaying puberty until they're an adult and then allowing them to start is best. If they do decide then they never hit puberty and will pass, if they dont they stop taking the hormone blockers and start puberty normally albeit late
>and start puberty normally
Nothing about starting puberty 5-10 years late is "normal," including the results. You either do it the normal way or you don't.
The only responsible path is to remember that transgenders are a vanishingly small part of the population who should probably be treated by non-surgical methods anyway and it's therefore better to not transition any child for any reason whatsoever. It's a huge risk of destroying their lives permanently with a small chance of making their adult life marginally less weird. Not worth it.
> hates fags for borderline pedophilia
> overlooks actual pedos in the Catholic Church priests for years
Clown World on all sides toottoot
ITT shitlords sperging about Progress and Science
when I was 11 i asked my mom for hormones and surgery without knowing what transgender was. she said no and i tried to kill myself 3 times because of puberty fucking up my body.
>i tried to kill myself 3 times because of puberty fucking up my body.
all males should be put on HRT by default
they can always transistion back fTm if they so choose
I'm not a male sadly, I was born female.
also don't be dumb, it's a case to case basis but OP shouldn't judge situations they don't know anything about.
maybe you just have unstable person genes and would have tried to kill yourself over something else if you had gotten to transition.
I transitioned later in life and I'm fine now.
I have to go to therapy for the trauma I went through during puberty though.
>I'm not a male sadly, I was born female.
why the DUXK would you want to be a male?
are u fucking mentally ill ?
This. Everyone should want to become a female
It's just plain old gender dysphoria. MtFs aren't "that way" because being a woman is easier, they do it because they have something fucked in their brains. the other way is true as well.
>It's just plain old gender dysphoria. MtFs aren't "that way" because being a woman is easier, they do it because they have something fucked in their brains. the other way is true as well.
bitch you're crazy as shit
we all transitioned bc being a woman is easier and better
le'ts all laugh at the mentally ill cunt
Kill yourself tranny abomination scum.
that's not true, shut up!!!