Are trans girls the real robots? We get hated by everyone and I always get rejected by so-called robots because of the genitals I was born with, it's like we are the true outcasts of society.
Are trans girls the real robots...
Tranny spamming hours again?
Sure, sounds robot to me.
Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
Leviticus 18:22
God has shown me that I should not call anyone detestable or unclean.
Acts 10:28b
The world's sin is unbelief in me
John 16:9
nah just go to a club and get AIDS, it should be easy for you hahahahaha
Well yes of course, trans girls are guys and only guys can be robots.
No. Trannies are accepted everywhere by normies, liberals, feminists, and other gay freaks. Robots are not accepted anywhere and this is another attempt to infiltrate our communities because you're a massive attention whore, as this thread proves. Transexuals are the product of normie brainwashing. You can dress up like a girl and people will accept your delusions, but robots cannot do anything to become normie/Chad.
this. honestly just fucking kill yourself op. you're a fucking disgrace to your parents, your family, and everyone that used to love you. you have a mental illness. just kill yourself
you are rejected by the robots like every other normalfag out there, because youre one.You are rejected ONLY by the robots while the whole society accepts and loves you. Also you chose to play this stupid character and thats why we hate you. The thing with robots are they are hated by everyone, and they did not chose this. Thats why trannies have no place on this board. no gtfo of my sight
tired of the fags here trying to unironically meme that everywhere in society accepts trans people. that really, really isnt the fucking case. dont instantly assume that everyone accepts trannies just because a few megacorporations virtue signal and stuff liberal bullshit in peoples eyesockets 24/7. that's not how it works. trannies are still incredibly misunderstood by most, no matter what you might like to think.
Absolutely not. The core trait of a robot is his inability to form deep bonds with other humans. It's not about how bad you have it in life, but how permanently isolated you will be due to your inability to gap the shortest bridges.
i have no respect for a woman trying to pretend she is a man, or a man trying to pretend he is a woman.These may be your sexual fantasies, but not your social status, do whatever you want at home but this is not my fetish so dont rub it on my face outside of it.
>You can dress up like a girl and people will accept your delusions, but robots cannot do anything to become normie/Chad.
Robots can dress up like a girl and people will accept your hilarious cosplay as the real thing.
I do this too and now I too am accepted by normies even though I am still a robot and a man.
also trannies are a made up thing for attention and character creation wich you otherwise didnt have. There are homosexual men that have male characteristics and act manly, like romans or ancient greeks, and i can respect them, but i cant respect a man with male muscles and height, acting all girly and trying to talk like a fucking bimbo with his male accent
read blanchard, im not agp
yes i agree hons should be executed, unpassing tranners are fucking gross
>unpassing tranners are fucking gross
a passing tranny is so rare that we shouldn't even talk about it as existent, so im going with the general rule and say trannies are disgusting men with that i have no respect of, the end
>Want to at least be able to act like myself online
>Get called a tranny anyway
I'm not even making an effort to be a dumb tranny.
I hate being alive.
more trannies pass than you think, or at the very least achieve /cuteboy/ aesthetics. the reason the internet is so saturated with pics of agp hons is because agps are fucking autistic and very unabashed of their trannyness, even though they look absolutely disgusting, theyre too retarded to realise that and post shit anyway. qt hsts girls are usually a lot more shy when it comes to posting pics online, hence why you dont see many passing trannies often.
Christians are the worst thing to happen to earth
Galations 4:16
tranny aesthetics (call them cuteboy if you want) are disgusting and not passable. Also im not talking only about their image but also their behavior and way of thinking and talking. Even if they were passable it is only because of the looks, but to have a relationship with one, both need to be honest and true to each other, and a tranny who acts like a girl is not honest and never will be
Don't tell people to read Blanchard you fucking retard
There are plenty of trannies who don't go out dressed as a girl in public you know.
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
they still try to act girly, and they are still disgusting attention whores, try all you to say otherwise but you too know im right, you too should stop pretending
Jow Forums are just like trannies. They get converted by brainwashing and can't stop attention whoring their ideology
this exactly is what r9k has become because of trannies and normies storming in the last couple of years. You think robots are attention whores while you are only talking with people just like yourself who are in here for the same reasons you are, searching for attention.
That's true, most people don't understand how trannies are evil pieces of shit who love grooming kids and even forcing them to be infected with their disease, mutilating their bodies inside and out and having no chance of ever living a normal life again.
I wouldnt reject you. I would massage your feet until you fell asleep every night.
pretty much
everyone elses problems are literally:
its sooo fucking tiring hearing about this mundane easily solved first world white people "problems"
literally the only other people that are even close to trannys in life suffering are schizophrenics.
Okay, here is the deal. Being a social outcast does not necessarily make you a robot. Because to be a robot you have to be an outcast because of lack of social skills. Thats basically what it is to be a robot. Trannies overwhelmingly not only do not lack social skills, they actually tend to be hypersocial in because sociality is a feminine trait. Have you not seen the countless tranny discord groups and the millions of e friends they all have?
So no, trannies and faggots are not robots.
just dilate already you sound stressed
I don't trans girls. I empathize with them and often connect with them much more.
That said, I can only be attracted to them if they pass to a degree. The genitals they were born with are irrelevant to me.
they change their appearance knowing full well that it'll attract attention from others regardless if it's negative or positive
real robots avoid unnecessary attention at all costs
Trannies are disgusting, irredeemable abominations and should be euthanized by the state.
Most of you act in ways that a real girl wouldn't. You don't even talk like a tomboy, more like a guy who is trying to act feminine.
Trannies dont get censored on social media
>im not agp
i just saw you in another thread talking about being a tranny in a relationship with another tranny though.
the only other option is HSTS and youve already disqualified yourself from that one.
Don't try to turn it into opression olympics, that goes for any people who do it, not just trannies. A robot is someone who doesn't understand how to be social, with the name coming from how akward, clunky and silent robots usually are in social situations. It doesn't matter what you were born as, what you identify as, what your skin color is, gender, age, none of that bullcrap matters. If you're a person who can't understand how to be social in the way most people can, you're a robot, plain and simple.
>we're good and cute and fuckable, we just don't post our pictures but we exist!!!
no you ugly nasty faggot
libirals love trannys
everyone hates guys with autism
i tried with a dozen and there just neurotically narcissistic normalfags
Society at large rejects trans people. They get murdered, get legislation passed against them, and no one will fuck them. You're just an idiot.
no, trannies are more hated and despised than incels and robots, you will never fit in or be loved, just kill yourself now "beautiful one"
send fuck
you are retarded dude ofc straight men will reject you youre a man go for gay guys
its not being robot its being dumb willingly doing this to yourself and wallowing in self pity gross indeed leave this board and go back to /lgbt/