/Wagecuck/ Thread

>interviewing for a fastfood cucking job tomorrow morning
What should I expect? I literally just walked in and asked for an application and the short hispanic manager lady came out and said she could interview me the next day. Apparently they really need employees.
Is fast good work really as bad as anons make it seem? Looks like it can be kinda comfy if the store isnt really busy.

Also general wagecucking stories/venting. How was work today?

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>Working with brown people
You're going to wish you'd stayed a neet.

Got me a physically demanding factory job lifting boxes and constant moving

Slow days are social and fast days are a work out

Id rather have a mexican team than a black one, hispanics are known hard workers

some of them are, others are just as lazy as niggers, particularly the young wannabe gangster cholo thugs you'll be working fast food with.

The biggest upside of being on fast food is the people you meet, specially on summer. A weird collection of individuals will give you plenty of good stories, specially the druggies that are so common on these kind of places.
If you want to survive just work enough. Not too little, not too much. Either way you are going to suffer.
Submanagers, in my experience are the worst second to the paycheck but again, you have to start somewhere.
Dont expect too much and you wont be dissapointed. You are sorrounded by people that just like you want to leave and be paid. Be nice and you can expect (most of) them and you can expect that energy back.
Most clients are assholes that dont understand the struggle. Dont take it personal. They are hungry and you want them around the least possible.
Dont shitalk co-workers, much less bosses.
Expect to dislike whatever you are cooking.

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All the low paying jobs are shit, it's all about the people you work with, trust me. I've worked many different jobs and in different industries. The best ones are the ones where you can pass the day by talking to your coworkers

My cousin said the machines make the burgers now at mcdonalds so its just a punch of button pushing and wrapping sandwiches n shit. Its been a while though

I live in a predominantly white small town with a lot of old people. I really only say 1 black female employee and the rest were mexican or white

i work as a parking attendant shit is pretty cash i can just browse chans and watch movies all day long

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