Is there any reason to be here?
Is there any reason to be here?
Because it's the breadbasket of the world. It's like asking why every middle-eastern/Mediterranean empire invaded egypt
Low-taxes, less stressful, not as full of retarded leftists.
this and also it's not jam-packed crowded. There's actually space around you.
It's nice to drive around on backroads here
319 reporting in
nope, now fuck off and keep out
The only non-flyover parts of PA are its two major cities, why is it blue?
>Texas, Florida, Illinois
Literally what
All blue states are blue because of the cities. Maryland outside the jewish triumvirate of Baltimore, D.C. and Annapolis is like a watery Virginia, except ocean city, it's Jersey lite
Texas should be an independent country.
>people go to maine and oregon
ok retard
It was peaceful and calm to live in North Dakota.
For awhile anyway.
People are nicer and everything is more chill there
this, california is fucking hell
Why is the middle one pink? Is it hyper flyover or something?
Yeah,, that is Nebraska
>The middle one
This is why it's pink
Colorado is really nice and pretty
Contrary to popular media portrayals, there's tons of money in farming and ag.
nothing wrong with rural areas unless you are a normalfag that needs 24/7 stimulation via cityfag socialization
Nope. No reason at all. Please stay in your cucked coastal shitholes.
Oregon gets waves of immigrants from California every year, people fleeing their garbage pile of a state but don't want to go to the garbage pile that is Seattle, so they pick Portland, which is slowly becoming a garbage pile that resembles SF and Seattle.
At least the rural counties are still fine.
>implying they fly there
I hear there are racists cousin fucking hillbillies there but i was brainwashed by leftist Dems since i was born.
Lower cost of living, less money stolen from you by the government, more jobs that don't involve serving the 1% their faggotty fruit drinks. Seriously, in California/Washington there was a slave class and then the rich. Never going back to that shit.
Well across the south there are lots of blacks. So yeah. Lots of consanguinity. Think about it. With the single motherhood rate in the black community, and given the insular living arrangements of ghettos or rural areas, how many half siblings are fuckign without realizing they're related?
Saw some post about how fags on the train home from the fag parade can be seen hiding all of their rainbow buttons and flags, because they are afraid of being jumped on the walk back from the train station
That is what shit is like in cities, ironically in rural areas full of bible thumping Trump voter rubes the most they would have to worry about is being told they need Jesus or some shit
Fuck off cornnigger.
They do, cause the drive to portland is boring as hell coming from the north or south. The Columbia River Gorge is breathtakingly beautiful, but the Willamette Valley is fucking boring.
Pretty sure people take wagons there
Only if they want to fucking die.