Anyone willing to pay for my proxy?
Anyone willing to pay for my proxy?
Do you even have orbiters to sap dry?
You'll have to suck me off for it
They say I do, but I don't think so. Most people don't even believe I'm a girl.
I've never done anything that sexual. Not sure about it.
hi laura, i've hired a midget to live in your house and move your shit around when you're not looking. he may also peep on you in the shower. but if you catch him, ask him for his apple turnover recipe. it is quite delicious.
Man's legs.
I'm not sure this house even has an attic, user.
Who are you and why do I keep seeing your threads?
What the fuck are you on? kys faggot tranny lover. Dumb incels don't even know what is what.
Please, even your hands look manly.
Didn't you want to kill yourself to be reborn a girl because you gave yourself gender dysphoria with anime?
yup, you have no hips. that is a very manly bottom half.
Goddman if this ends up ruining me.. You faggots got me.
I cum extremely quick
It's a tranny psyop that is trying to frame itself as a popular user here as a tranny
Also man hands
Also a manlet
Also man boobs
LOL literally a man
ok I'm convinced
move to america and be my boywife
>replying to a thread by manste
Come on guys, help the board out
>that finger ratio
Dude without a doubt.
I have this theory that the real aiste has been actually killed and replaced by someone else pretending to be him
Same but it wasnt homicide but suicide. That someone is gunjy.
Probably a bunch of different people. He claimed to be Lithuanian once, but when I spoke to him, it sounded like google translate
Spoke to him in lithuanian I guess, because ESLs do have a tendency to sound like google translate.
>someone makes an identity without any way of confirming that it's the real one
>people swoop in and take the attention
It's simple as that, you could download all of these pictures and avatar fag as this fag too
>expecting incels not to be retarded
I literally have normal tits and no stomach.
Kas tau primena Google Translate?? Kazkoks nesusikalbejimas buvo? Gal pats kalbos nemoki?
>unwarranted incel namecalling
More proof youre gunjy, who by the way claimed he was leaving Jow Forums too. What a coincidence. Are you a "nice person" too?
Aiste was a psyop that started to frame Kek as a tranny to demoralize users here into taking HRT and to trick his female orbiters into thinking he went trans after all the niggers tried psyoping the world into thinking they were behind Keks clout
You already claimed to be a female once before changing your song and declaring yourself as a tranny. How do we know with certainty that's you?
You know how things work. Tits and timestamp. No shitty cropped images.
>she doesn't want to be my buttwife and have boysex
ok but I guess I'll never be able to troll your boyterus into getting buttpregnant
give birth
Whatever it says it won't be hard to get a real girl do the timestamps because as user said it's a bunch of different people.
Is that OP? I see a pwussy
Im starting to really think it's multiple people since his posting habits tend to change a little from time to time
Everyone start posting REAL women so op gets pissed and leaves
That's a taint, m'nigga.
This isn't OP its just him trying to make people think it's him
Still waiting for those real women user
he just posted anri you newfaggot
Still waiting, weeb. Post those real women
>even if a*ste posted a timestamped pic and ID anons would not believe him
Remember when I kept interrogating you and asked for one, just one favor and be honest? Well, here's the result. All this will be for naught, you're clearly still invested to a degree to care about changing anons minds, but they won't believe anything at this point. What's worse, the tranny stigma will follow you forever should you try reusing this made up persona.
Story time please? What happened?
I really hoped you'd be dead by now, Aqua.
aiste lied people died
aiste lied and was killed