I did it anons. I finished my Comp Sci project! Now I just have to write the report...fuck
I did it anons. I finished my Comp Sci project! Now I just have to write the report...fuck
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dude can you hack my brothers ip hes a jerk and hes mean and he stole my laptop now i cant play minecraft his ip is 192.168
absolutely, let me just reverse the packet flow to blow his firewall wide open
What was your project? Something to do with a server and clients? Is that C#?
Yes, and its a RAT
commander i am standing by to lunch all cyber nukes, they are cracking our firewalls, i can hold them off but not for much longe-
kill thyself peasant
damn it, alright, just let me send them a reverse IP directory traversal exploit. That should hold them off until we can preform a wide scale DOS attack.
Good for u user
Lol dunno if fake or not but post results
what do you use? Python?
Cool, what can it do?
C# is a comfy language and getting very popular now. Especially now that .NETcore can run on Linux.
Yeah I know what a RAT is, but what can you access and do?
Files, Remote Desktop, Shell, Chat, Server Management (Basically use the windows API to hide the task bar and shit)
>not using tasks
2005 tier
go develop in Visual Basic .NET you n o r m i e
That's quite an advanced project for degree. Are you expecting a first class?.
How much of this did you shamelessly copy from Stack overflow? Be honest..
>wait for five seconds in a try catch
Defend this
Im in High School, give me a break
Dont understand the question. "first class" wdym
how do you learn this stuff?
>using a while(true)
Defend this
The only stuff copied from stack overflow is some of the performance counting stuff and file stats. The above code is all my own
Where do you see a while(true)?
I doubt that ThreadKiller is getting frobulated
ThreadKiller is used to safely exit the thread. The intention is that the thread continues to listen and initialize clients until the user requests the shutdown of the server. so it is getting changed. What would you recommend?
Literally just put your action in a Task and do things normally instead of using IAsyncResult directly like an autist
so you'd use a AsyncService?
What's the deal with line 18 when you have a reference to TempPtr?
TempPtr is actually a stupid name. Its the profile of the connected client. What Im doing is accepting the client, starting a handler for the client, and adding it to a list so I can use it later.
Probably being but picky. It's good junior code man. TempPtr.Handler.Start(); would be doing the same thing by the looks of it.
are you doing CIE comp sci? i am too but doing VB rather than C# which would probably be easier.
I also have a final uni project due in 3 days and I still have the website to do, but its simple shit
>make app with xamarin to fill a form
>send form to webservice to save to a remote server, using rest api
>create website to display and print the info filled in the form
It's actually fucking easy but im stupid, I also would post my code but i dont want to get bullied
I'm not very good with super in depth theory but I had just heard about pass by reference and pass by value so I wanted to make sure that the handler in the list was working and not the local variable but I guess it was just me freaking out
I have no idea what CIE is but if its Gr.12 High School Comp Sci then yes
Not OP but my input is go with what's marketable. Go with C#. Plus you'll be able to understand Java considering how similar the syntax is. VB doesn't have a future.
Dont worry about what anons think. Its fucking Jow Forums, half these guys live in basements. Also, good luck with ur project
Did VB in Grade 5 (Very basic shit) and hated it
Dim VB As Sucks
Thanks fren, hopefully everything will work our for the best
Heh I remember those days going through a big ass C# 6 book. This is good stuff. Keep it up!
I want to get into php/javascript, and I know a bit of C#, how easy will it be for me?
good luck with PHP
Fuck javascript with a dragon dildo
use typescript
The syntax of JS and C# have some overlaps but I would strongly recommend first trying to grasp the core concepts and pillars of object oriented programming. It's critical. C# isn't very difficult.
don't have a choice in the language sadly. i've been teaching myself some css, html, and a bit of java though. give me your wisdom, anons
>be good programmer
>make six figures
>live on 42nd floor apartment
ok retard
And I am the king of Wakanda
Languages are not a big deal. If you know how to program well in one language then it's just a matter of learning syntax and APIs for various frameworks when porting to another. The real sonovabitch is learning all the associated technologies that support the project that language is written in. Like for Javascript you will probably have to learn Node, npm, webpack, and babel, maybe grunt as well, and that's not even getting into the testing frameworks.
*learns machine code*
Haha, now I am unstoppable
You are the king of being shit
you can say that you own a county, it doesn't matter. This is Jow Forums, you cant prove anything.
(and its insanely unlikely that someone making 6 figures is on here)
I know the core concepts user, I'm just inexperienced
That's nice to hear, I mean, if I take my time I can learn all the frameworks, right?
Thanks fren
Whats the diference
I think you're a bit unfocused, you're learnin html and css which are web oriented, you should look out for web oriented languages which java isnt as far as im aware
You get to know if the arguments to your methods are strings or ints or what
You get code completion for your objects and their properties
You get less retarded code in general
>if I take my time I can learn all the frameworks, right?
Learn how to use them adequately, yes. Some stuff you will stumble through and will have to be satisfied if you just get it to work at all. You'd need years to actually become an expert in all this stuff.