>turning 27 in 2 weeks
Turning 27 in 2 weeks
Turned 27 3 days ago, it's worse than you could imagine.
turned 27 back in april. Gonna KMS at 30
hopefully you have transitioned and are now a qt girl OP
Turned 28 last month.
I'm still young r..r..right?
already 27 turning 28 wrinkles are starting
Im glad there are other 27+ year olds who share in my delusion.
26 here, don't worry though I'm just behind you guys I'll be 27 in no time!
>people born in the 90s are becoming middle aged
What the fuck, I remember when the culture of this time, such as the Beanie toys, grunge, and VHS tapes, not to mention recycled media from the 80s was the thing everyone consumed and it was fucking everywhere, and now the people born AFTER these things came out are middle aged. It's very strange. People born when Pokemon came out are now graduating college and people born when all those Saturday morning He-Man and Turtle cartoons came out are in their 30s.
Another way of looking at this is people born after 9/11 are fucking right now.
'90ers are 29 this year, not quite middle aged yet, but the wall is looming menacingly
I'm told mindfulness can help. That if you just pay attention to the moment and try to enjoy it, without thinking of the future or past, you'll be happy or content. Think there's any truth to it? Or just a way of deluding yourself and distracting you from the fact that you're aging.
im 29 but still young looking and im tall so i really dont give a fuck. im well set until my 40's
I turned 27 a few weeks ago. Feelssadman. I can't use the excuse of being young and having a lot of time to figure out what I want to do with my life. I'm too old to go to school without the stigma. And even if I did, I'd be graduating by 30. Fuck my life.
I'm told that most people don't actually care if you're older in school. And that some people will respect your "life experience" though I guess that doesn't apply to a shutin loser like me.
>life experience
>shutin loser like me.
Yep same here. It would be pretty fucking embarrassing to admit I wasted away my 20s indoors
Do you think, maybe, the fact that your life is so uninteresting that it could be considered interesting? Maybe if you told people "I was a shutin recluse, but I finally overcame and am going to make up for lost time", just the fact that you're different from everyone would be interesting. Maybe it's more likely that they'll just think "get this creep away from me" though...
>looked literally 12 until 27
>now I look 29 at 29
Feels like a bunch of bullshit man.
Those people aren't worth being around then...
I mean who are you really going to fool anyway if you really are this socially stunted.
>considered interesting
It could be user, it could be. I guess if I'm coming from a genuine place and just trying to live a better life, people may appreciate that and even admire it. But Idk, putting yourself out there like that, especially after years of being shut in and having severe anxiety with bad social skills. Being alone out there can be so hard when you see everyone else making friends so easily. It's difficult to be vulnerable and deal with those problems in front of other people.
Wait until you hit 30. The real madness starts to kick in by that point.
>tfw 27 and a half
>tfw look like a sleep deprived 15-year-old
Go away, chad
Yeah few months away from that. Losing my glow fast
I think that's a part of being yourself though man. I lie all the time about myself. My age, my job, my education. But that's because those people didn't matter to me. I didn't think we would be friends or i would need them.
I feel so much better and the other person does too when they find out who I actually am. Yeah it's difficult to swallow but they're gonna find out anyway.
What is the glow because I am 29 and have also noticed people don't look at me the same anymore.
Also years of isolation and misery have worn us down and it shows in our eyes
Well isn't that just romantic.
28, haven't left the house in over a week. Doing school online so I don't have to talk to people, but I feel like I'm wasting my time putting effort in. Looked it up recently, 85 fucking percent of autistic people with college degrees are unemployed, and that's only counting the ones who are actively looking/"able" to work. Fuck, even then thats just "normal" autistic people, not ones who have 5 other damn mental illnesses.
I turned 27 about 2 weeks ago. Worst birthday I've ever had. Never have I felt like such a failure and had the weight of all my responsibilities, failures, mistakes, and missed opportunities bear down so hard as they have this past month. Good luck user.
>just turned 22
>already starting to bald and have noticible wrinkles
Bad skin and bad hair genetics have literally ruined all the hope I had. I spent all my good looking years indoors doing nothing.
Turning 24 this month. I won't make it to 25.
>Turning 29 in November
I'm not losing the glow, thankfully. I seem to age like Keanu Reeves People at my workplace (many in their 20s and late teens) have said they find it hard to believe I'm 31. One of them asked me if I'm old enough to be behind the bar (only 21 years and older). They say shit like "the years have been kind to you" and all that.
It's more of a mental thing for me, and the fact that I can't workout as hard as I used to (I get injured a lot more while lifting). Also, the fact that I've gone nowhere in life, still living at home and am a virgin. 30s is when clown world starts. You really begin to lose it.
I aged 6 years from 28 to 30. Let this be a warning to you 27 and 28 year olds.
Yeah im 29 and starting schoo in a few weeks. Im terrified I wont be able to attract qt 18-22 year olds
Die eeeeeeeeeeeee
Tranny dieeeeeee
>still live at home
>worthless degree (but no debt)
>still SOMEHOW have hope and excitement for the future
if you isolate yourself you completely, you lose perception of how far behind you are. it keeps you young. All the friends i alienated are getting married and have "real" jobs. meanwhile im still waiting for my dad to call "dinners ready!" up the stairs. oh boy oh boy!
Yeah 30 here. Still have a naive hope for the future. Keeps me going. Despite living alone
29 yo, same. Also mental illness makes finding a job impossible.