When are we going to war with Iran? Should I enlist now or wait until its a sure thing?
When are we going to war with Iran? Should I enlist now or wait until its a sure thing?
>enlist now
You gotta run while the running is good
Iran doesn't actually exist. They're just going to deploy you to Israel and the jews are going to have fun taking pot shots at you, while your ammunition is merely simulated so their children can be safe while playing.
Take the airforce pill when those fancy f-35's are in mass production.
I don't want to imagine you screaming to your mother dying on foreign soil right now, young man.
How will I die that way?
>tfw garbage eyesight so I will never get to be a fighter pilot
I guess aerospace engineering will have to suffice
>iran was modern nation in the 70s
>usa installs an islamist puppet leader called the shaw of iran
>iran now militant islamist country
>usa wanting to invade again
You die when your F-35 reboots for updates and suffocates you.
There is no reason to be in modern warfare despite actually hating your life.
This, why the fuck would you want to sit out in some shitty desert taking potshots from 1000m when the pilots and artillery controllers are going to do all the heavy lifting?
So I can die in a cool and honorable way instead of suicide. I can get a nice funeral and my parents can talk about me proudly. If I an heroed they would probably keep it quiet out of shame.
And if I dont die who knows, maybe I'll find god or a new lease on life or whatever.
You know this "war" is just the economy doing it's thing right? There's no actual invasion going on or anything.
>So I can die in a cool and honorable way
Fighting for this worthless cesspool of a country isn't even remotely honorable, nor is dying for it.
>So I can die in a cool and honorable way
Be a medevac pilot
Yeah, thats what I'm talking about. When are we going to invade Iran? Or North Korea? Or fight ANY of our many enemies world wide? Did our predecessors' UTTER FAILURE to kill a handful of DIRT FARMERS ruin my chances of dying in combat?
Becoming a pilot is too tough there is a lot of competition. Maybe I should be a medic? My cousin did that in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>>So I can die in a cool and honorable way
>ywn be a street samurai dispensing justice upon niggers, thots, and abrahamics
Are you waiting to see if theyll up the bonus when war starts?
Personally I wanna join cus im 27 and feel old as shit and not getting younger. I want a real life, a family, etc.
I am waiting to see if the war starts at all. I dont think much would change for me if I just cleaned the barracks in 29 palms for 8 years.
Yes, Good goy. Without Iran, noone will be able to challenge greater Isreal
>>iran was modern nation in the 70s
>>usa installs an islamist puppet leader called the shaw of iran
>>iran now militant islamist country
>>usa wanting to invade again
American education, everyone.
Iran was a modern state and culture when it was under the Shah. When the Shah left for his cancer treatment and Ayatollah Khomeini took power during the revolution, then Sharia law became enforced across the country.
You would have survived, got trained and got paid. You want battlefeild glory? Does it even exist anymore, what with all the modern advances.
Maybe youll do well enough to get trained with a skill you can go back home with
Not really true.
There's always the fall on the explosive device trick.
Thats true. I guess I'll never get to die as an adventurer.
Probably never. When Trump loses next election, the liberals won't let it happen. If anything, they'll probably cut military spending and discharge people instead of recruiting.
>enlist in USA air force
>find out that only one's that actually see combat are pilots, and they are officers.
>mfw I'm a E-1.
Enlisted are pocketpussies to the Officer BVLLS.
>mfw i just did a recruiter's job by just saying "meh planes" and "flying very cool".
you don't know what youre talking about user please stop substituting simpsons episodes for history
You were born in the wrong century. You're not fighting for a people or an ideal, you're fighting to guarantee the money in the pockets of some fat cat you will never see, in a corporatized charicature of war.
When did Trump get the Neocon brain virus?