I had a girl telling me my moans are cute and she loved it

i had a girl telling me my moans are cute and she loved it
why u fucks told me it was gay?

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because it is gay. she's clearly lying to distract you from her ulterior motives. don't fall for it.

she ended up cheating on me with chad anyway :(

what'd I tell you


fuck her, guy moans are cute/hot, don't let these fuck heads on here tell you different

>fuck her, guy moans are cute/hot, don't let these fuck heads on here tell you different

You got a guy defending your guy moans. That's pretty fucking gay.

My girl doesn't tell me it's cute but that she loves to make me grunt and moan. it turns her on because it makes her feel sexier and that she's doing a good job

im a girl but go off

nothing sexier than being fucked in absolute silence by a sweaty trembling robot

I have had that happen with every single girl I masturbated with online. Is this just a thing girls do?