Holy shit. This is it. The robot 9000 album. Why did none of you fucks tell me?
Holy shit. This is it. The robot 9000 album. Why did none of you fucks tell me?
This is by far the best kept secret of the board.
or you're just absolutely retarded
maybe im just retarded but I feel like I never see this album poster here
So why is Ryan Gosling our father?
Lurk more fag.
Have you seen Drive, idiot?
This is what normies listen to to seem "unique" and "quirky"
To be fair to Radiohead, this album is significantly more difficult for normies to get into than say, The Bends.
>Holy shit. This is it. The robot 9000 album.
Uoure not even 6 feet
the only song i like on this album is karma police. especially the part where he's going
>I lost myself AAAAAaahhh....
great stuff.
Why don't you tell us all about your patrician tastes user?
I heard that Radiohead doesn't play their popular music at their concerts just to fuck with normalfags. They sound like bretty cool guys.
No, OK computer is about feeling like you finally woke up to the bland brainwashing technology has brang to our society then being indoctrinated back into it, an android on the verge of being fully human or machine, but can't quite escape. Only a lad is pure condensed moral degeneracy
>little girls = Pedo's on here
>perfect system = npc's
>on the outside= robots
>capitalism = poltards
>you really got me = jannies / literal bots
>only a lad = trannies/negroids
>what you see = incels/blackpillers
>controller = Schizo's/poltards/conspiracy negroes
>imposter = people giving famous people / ecelebs shit?
>nasty habits = sexual degenerates on here
You listened to OK Computer once, realized it had an introverted outlook on life, and then decided to go "OOOH SOOO ROBOT RIGHT FELLOW ROBOTS". Robots are the minority here now, r9k's a pure condensed shitheep of autistic degeneracy. I'd argue OK Computer fits possibly Jow Forums more for redpilling or some shit like that, or if you want a more popular album for us robots then pinkerton kind of works.
>just tried to listen to subterrean homesick alien.
gay as fuck
>paranoid andriod
k this is ok...*puts karma police on repeat*
Did you forget to take your medication today?
i'm 6 feet 2
What about Lucky?
I hate radiohead so much, this is what people listen to so they can pretend to be socially awkward
Yes of course, Ryan Gosling, 6'0, handsome, and famous, is literally us
the real Jow Forums theme song
It's not Gosling, it's his character in Drive idiot.
im literally listening to that right no-
AYYYYYYYYYyyyYYyyy...standing on the edgee
this is pretty robo-tier if anyone didn't already know him. peep grinch's ultimatum too
You should try Kid A next, user. Its even more robotic.
Actually that would be The Glow Part 2 or Spiderland or Pink Moon. OKC is a really popular album with broad appeal since it sounds good and most people could probably relate to its themes in one way or another. But, it is still good despite what the contrarians in this thread say.
Kid A is kino. OK Computer kinda blows
Giles Corey - Giles Corey is the only album that comes close to resembling r9k
No this
>starts listening to Kid A
yea its better.
Kid A is a lot better and feels more introspective and robot-ish to me
Radiohead is /our band/
Despite how popular they are, they are actually despised by normies and the band absolutely despises them in teturn, and always have. Only a true robot would understand and enjoy their music that speaks deeply to us, for it speaks of emotions and experiences we are all too acquainted with and it is put out into music that expresses it.
i love you
When I was just beginning to realise my fate as a robot after many failed social encounters around 17-18 I used to just wander the suburban streets at night under the stars listening to nothing but Kid A and Ok computer. the feelings and catharsis were so visceral and liberating. it was like a perfect sync between my inner and outer world. a feeling of complete alienation but a certain level of comfort in that alienation. I've never really been able to relive those feelings because I'm more numb now
Hmm, yes. Next, you'll be going on about kafka and camus. This website really does destroy any chance of building an actual character.
do you still feel comfy?
It really isn't. Sure, it's about isolation and the monotony of modern life, but from the perspective of a working normie.
Great album though. But something like Kid A is much more r9k.