Daily reminder that girls as young as 14 will feel disgusted and automatically think you're a creep if you only view them as cute and you don't approve of their slutiness and you don't call them hot.
that's from some 14 yo's girl jewstagram story
Kids say the darnest things
14 year old girls shouldn't be that sharp in terms of discerning social outcasts. this is really fucked up. social media was a mistake.
Why the fuck do I have to be purity obsessed and a fucking lolicon just because I like cute things. I don't understand anything.
Prom at my school cost like $100 just for the ticket and was held at the aquarium, which is like a $3 ticket. Fuck that shit
It totally had nothing to do with the fact I didnt have a date
>social media was a mistake
This.Why the fuck couldnt technology and internet just evolve without having everrything center around social media?Instant messaging apps and forums were more than enough for our monkey brains.
>ew,just notice my growing breasts and my plump ass you weirdo,my idols(popstars,models,actresses) told me that's what makes a girl valuable so start valuing me already!!!
>It totally had nothing to do with the fact I didnt have a date
You're probably gonna reget it in a few years but eh,everyone has regrets.
Messed up the reply.
>It totally had nothing to do with the fact I didnt have a date
You're probably gonna reget it in a few years but eh,everyone has regrets.
You from Illinois? We did the same thing at my HS
What is that thing in the background? Is that supposed to be a 14 year old girl?
>You're probably gonna reget it in a few years but eh,everyone has regrets.
I'm 23 and still have no regrets about not going. I didnt have a date so what was the point? I didnt go to grad night either
I'm from southern California. No offense to you but we're known for our cool locations. The aquarium was a massive letdown when the previous year got to go to an amusement park or something. I'm sure you're a bit more limited in your area
No that's a famous black guy that the 14 year old girl wants to fuck. She typed her thoughts onto his picture and posted it on instagram. She's a white girl btw
>>ew,just notice my growing breasts and my plump ass you weirdo
Fuck why did that give me a boner? Also, I read that in Asuka's voice in my head. That's a very Asula thing to say, which is probably why I dislike and pity her so much.
It's hot but also repulsive at the same time.Depending on the girl that it comes from.
Some gay black youtuber,the girl is kinda obssessed with gays,it really shows how much she CRAVES sexual attention,because she can't get that from gays.
I never saw anyone larp so much in my life.It's either an age thing or she has some mental disease that will drive her insane if she doesn't lie about anything for a day.Bet she'll never be capable of a stable relationship unless she finds some desperate beta.
>tfw no underage gf to bully me and flash me
I can only get so hard user.Stop it.
>Prom at my school cost like $100
Are the jews in your highschool managing the expenses of the prom by any chance?
Read any historical romantic story, nobody calls anyone cute, but neither do they call them sluts and whores.
cute is an obsessive word of trannies, only effeminate faggot ever use it
>gorgeous and beautiful is too beta
>cute is too effeminate
>hot is too horny/thirsty
How the fuck are you even supposed to compliment girls these days?Also they use "cute" a lot to describe guys they like,so why can't we?
they use cute to describe justin bieber type of guys, but now the heresy has spread and they know use on more type of guys.
read books and get inspiration what kind of words to use. so you can be a based knight in a modern soi age
>implying they wouldn't see you as a fucking hat tipper if you use pompous words from books
Lmao,please don't unsheathe your katana user.
then you challenge them to a duel, user
hat tipper are mad fun of because they are fat and greasy, I personally don't have t worry about that.
>girls are so sick of the daily thousands of compliments that they're getting to the point where you must start being careful which one you use or you'll be seen as a creep
>meanwhile I wasn't called "cute" or any positive word by a girl around my age since middleschool,and I would probably tear up and be euphoric for the rest of the day if a girl on the street randomly called me cute
Remind me again how we're equals,will you?
abandon the modernist delusions and pursue girls, know that genders are not equal, equality is a lie, females aren't bold and aren't supposed to be bold, they may be whispering to their girlfriends how much she likes you, but it's up to you to walk up to her and intimidate her into sucking your cock and then cutting her head off
You're an adult, calling them something more than cute indicates you have a mental problem and should seek help.
On YA media, cute is euphemism for not actually pretty or beautiful, that's where this is coming from
>calling them something more than cute indicates you have a mental problem and should seek help
She's 14,and pretty much fully developed.
>On YA media, cute is euphemism for not actually pretty or beautiful, that's where this is coming from
But they fucking call every guy they find hot,"cute".
>caring about what some dark meat roastie thinks
Shameful user
She's a white girl,user.And girls' brains are pretty much connected to a hivemind cloud,it's literally how their thinking process works.So pretty much 90% of the girls think like this.
Yeah, she wants guys her age to call her hot
It's kinda gross in all honesty but teenage kids are horny as fuck and always have been, what exactly is the problem?
(unless you are upset you can't fuck 14 year olds now because they found you out lmao)
no girls give a fuck what you r9k losers think about anything
>tfw forced to go to prom even though I didn't have a date and didn't remotely want to go so I just sat in the corner with my expensive suit and waited for it to be over
Does that count?
Also I'm British so can I just say fuck you to Americans for bleeding this shit into other countries' schools
>(unless you are upset you can't fuck 14 year olds now because they found you out lmao)
I'm very upset about that.
My prom was hosted at a community center in a low income neighborhood
Fucking leave robots in fucking peace nobody gives a shit about you either
>be me a couple years back, 18 y/o Eastern Europoor
>forced to go to prom in spite of not speaking or interacting with almost anyone at the entire school
>they sold alcohol at the indoor football stadium - like thing prom was held at
>had like 4-5 overpriced beers while sitting in the corner, smoked a cigarette or two then fucked off home
Definitely was worth wasting like 200 euros on the ticket and the fucking suit I literally never wore again
Not him but I have quite a fancy vocabulary since I've learned English as my third language and translate more or less literally my thoughts.
Fortunately, I do not mingle with the kind of primitive and shallow people who consider having a decent language to be pompous or arrogant.
If I ever meet someone like them, I would be glad to see them repulsed for it shall make our interaction way shorter.
But it never happened besides I have quite an accent, people find it endearing.
Proms were invented by rich parents, for their popular stacies and chads children,not for autistic poor losers like us.
I just fail to see what's so wrong about being called cute and instead preferring people to completely ignore your face and only focus on your tits/ass like obssessive horny animals.Are they in that much of a hurry to grow up?Are they feeling like lessers "women" if they are called cute?
why are you bent on calling them cute, tranny?
hot doesn't mean only tits and ass, it mean sexually attractive, you can call them 1000 words, obsessing over cuteness is a sign of pedophilia or of being effeminate.
t.horny teenager slut who got railed by the whole football team last weekend
Just because I prefer a feminine, young looking face over a hypersexual promiscuous slut, dressed to reveal her ass and tits,for a gf, doesn't mean that I'm a pedophile or a tranny.
I'm male(can post dick pics to prove it) and I like tomboys and arthoes.
hot doesn't mean a bimbo, it's a subjective term, it what you find hot.
most would in real life didn't say cute and if someone used that work, it was awkward. I'm just telling how it is, stop using it before you turn into tranny, if you aren't now.
Isn't this the ugly schizoprenic gay nig that posts here?
Nah,that nigger is kinda famous on youtube.
Why do we care about horny teenager opinions,again?