How are women okay with this?

how are women okay with the fact that without the make up they wouldn't get a fraction of the attention or love they get? i would never be comfortable if i have to fake shit in order to be loved.

Attached: 1557399330267.jpg (720x720, 50K)

>fake shit
do you walk around naked, real boy?

I actually like the uglyish look of no makeup. I like "ugly" girls in general. Weird people look cute

I don't know, but you can kind of solve this problem by going to the gym. Gym rats don't wear nearly as much makeup.

is wearing clothes and not just walking around with your dick out fake now? stfu roastie

get out of here with that fake shit

she'd still look cute on the right without the acne and a better photo angle

also the pic on the right is probably photoshopped at least a little. i've found attractive girls look different with makeup, but not necessarily better looking

those instagram girls who wear pounds of makeup and don't post candids are almost always photoshopping like crazy and using very specific angles, and obscuring parts of their face and bodies (cropping them out or covering those parts with the phone they're holding, or just photoshopping them), in addition to all the makeup. if you do see any public candids of them wearing the same makeup, they look like dogshit

so makeup isn't really the thing here. it's the stuff introduced by the internet era, like filters, quick photo manipulation tools, and very carefully crafted angles and perspectives. you only know a girl's genuine appearance if you see them on video for more than like 20 seconds, or irl. it's like the myspace fat girl angle turned into both an art and science

I don't understand why people are so obsessed with being "natural". Humans are disgusting in their natural state. If an ugly girl can make herself look not ugly with a little bit of human technology I don't see why anybody would want to stop her. I don't want to see ugly women when I go walk around outside.

Girls are conscious about that stuff. Thing is, either you play the game or you lose by default.

cake face is ugly