The chad Stalin vs the monorchid Hitler
The chad Stalin vs the monorchid Hitler
Stalin had a micropenis, Hitler had a 9 incher
D-do... do you think either of the fuckers had any clue they were fated to lead the most cataclysmic struggle in history against each other?
According to Mein Kampf yes. Hitler says it's his "destiny" to destroy bolshevism in it
Stalin really was a Chad in every way of the word. Guy reached all his goals and died fulfilled. Youd be hard pressed to find someone as succesful as him.
They were both chads.
I don't know why retards keep shilling the doctored photo on the left as Stalin
Pic related is an actual photo of him
Communism was shit and nazis were cucks, end of story.
Hasan Piker is the next Stalin
Imagine how excited you'd be to realize that you have now completely changed the course of human history forever, and that your name will be immortalized and taught to every child who receives and education for at least 200 years.
he looks like such a turn of the century thug, not surprising considering how many people he beat the shit out of personally
>people look different at different ages
Which empiress is hottest?
Virgin Hitler vs Chad Stalin
Hitler only had one ball
Hitler was a megalomaniac, and even if he wasn't likely to rise to power he still probably would've thought so. Stalin while often too paranoid was very aware of the circumstances surrounding him and his positions of power, and once he became leader it was clear to him an invasion of the Soviet Union was coming, hence the five year plan.
Was he a /skelly/?
>Two dictators
>Two ideologies
>One believes it will conquer the whole earth and destroy all existing orders of society
>They end up losing 3 decades after victory
They didn't "lose" and you can't really kill communism
Yes, stalin is an absolute Chad. Hitler is just psycho.
OPs inage is known propaganda
>t. retarded fascist sympathizer
No but you can keep it as far away from the free people as possible while using it as a lesson to improve capitalism because pure capitalism is dogshit
Holy fuck bearded Hitler looks like Jordan Peterson
You guys are forgetting that he was a turbomanlet.
>free people
lel. Capitalists will never realize how many concessions their ruling class had to make just by virtue of the existence of the soviet union as a threat to their global hegemony, as well as in terms of foreign policy. And that it's dissolution was a bad thing for everyone, even if you're an american worker. But the propaganda runs deep.
No propoganda pal, i just know that if a system worked properly it wouldnt rely on forced labor, i also know that a form of currency traded for goods freely between anyone has been the standard since the earliest recorded parts of civilized history showing how it was preferred by almost everyone everywhere. Keep coping.
>Y-yeah. My ideology that will conquer the whole world totally failed and shit but... look at how it made you win! Haha. Y-yeah. W-we made that happen... W-were the real w-winners
Because the point of communism was just wanton destruction right? Not like it's very explicitly an ideology meant to improve working conditions for all working people? And the soviets did that for both east and west. But keep being a cold warrior. I'm sure Reagan's policies have benefited you personally.
Uns're Brueder zu befreien von dem Wahnsinn des Marxismus, durch den deutsche Sozialismus.
>Workers of the world, improve working conditions!
T-that's what it says a-non. F-fuck..fuck you.. living with my parents doesn't mean anything.
>How would you know how good capitalism really is without a ruinous industrial shithole slave society to compare it against? M-marxism ftw!!
You win, user
>retarded memes
There are dozens upon dozens of examples of americans improving their shit or not being as evil as they would otherwise be because of the soviet union. And those are just the public ones. Cuba would look like Colombia right now for example, if they had succeeded in taking down Castro.
Depends on who you replace the communist dictator with.
The people of Chile certainly had their life conditions improved by pinoches economic, capitalist, reforms.
No sane person can defend centralized state planning as an alternative to market economies after seeing the ruins and murder of the eastern block, china, dr. kingo or any place where the market got replaced by a "more just" system.
He was a turbomanlet with a frame build, pock marked face and a crippled, misshapen left arm. No wonder he was such a brutal man. When you get dealt cards like these, you can entertain no delusions about statements like "everything happens for a reason" or "everybody gets what they deserve". You live to cause suffering to others as petty revenge for the suffering you were caused at birth and in your early life.
Stalin being evil is mostly a meme
>inb4 21 quadrillion dead
So the gulags and the nkvd terror was good?
Soviet penal labor and conditions were in line with any other industrial nation in the first half of the 20th century. Chech how Oscar Wilde died.
Purges were targeted at enemies of the regime and their brutality greatly exaggerated. Not saying Stalin didn't do bad shit too but nothing out of the ordinary for a leader at that time
thanks m8 i was surprised when op's post revealed that's stupposed to be stalin
Hitler and Stalin were actually just tsundere for each other. Hitler invaded and planned a surprise marriage proposal once he reached Moscow, unfortunately it never came and he ended his life out of sadness. Stalin in grief for his fallen lover bullied his wife so hard that she ended up offing herself. Literally and unironically change my mind
Imagine if Hitler and Stalin somehow teamed up to take over the world.
photoshopped pic of stalin, hebwas actually a pizza face mouthbreather
>Hitler only had one ball
t. kike
fug bros :( hitler only wanted to conquer russia so that he could have stalins big slavic cock. Shame that he wasn't an anime girl it's known that Stallin only liked anime girls.
Tis true Hitler dickmogged stalin
>Slavic cock
Stalin wasnt even Slavic kek
Yeah, same with Hitler
Fuck Ben Shapiro, if you could go back in time to kill both of these guys as babies, you should. They ruined Germany.
Hitler has only got one ball
Goring has two but very small
Himmler is rather sim'lar
But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all
You're really gonna diss Hitler like that when this photo exists?
They did him dirty in this thread for sure
Another fuhrer pic
They were both 5'8 manlets
That's what the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact could have been
His prison medical records around when he was arrested (before he became chancellor, obviously) do show he had one testicle, but the debate is over whether he lost it in the war or the other one never dropped. I'm in the former camp, supposedly he was wounded in No Man's Land and had to be carried back through machine gun fire by his comrades.
It's not that interesting a story, really, it's more amusing that there are academic debates over Hitler's testicles.
I'll be the next Hitler and cockmog him
why the fuck does stalin look like a Puerto Rican stripper named Ernesto