Does autism even exist? Or is it just a meme perpetuated by (((them))) like ADHD?
Does autism even exist? Or is it just a meme perpetuated by (((them))) like ADHD?
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I mean yes, but if you're down the conspiratorial hole enough to believe ADHD is made up then I dunno what to tell you mang
Autism is real, but not "high functioning autism".
>adhd isnt made up
bruh look at this dude
Half your country is on amphetamines because of a meme disorder
I'm a diagnosed autist (atypical autism) and I can feel the effects of it, so not really.
>imagine being so brainwashed to think that autism & ADHD is a meme
as for ADHD, I know my fair share of people diagnosed with it & let me tell you;
you can clearly see that they behave differently
people with ADHD clearly show signs of
>lacking the ability to focus
>not able to keep attention on any subject for extended amount of time (reading for example)
>are very loud
>often need to release their energy in form of movement/noise
>can't sit still
>getting distracted very often
>do meaningless/retarded shit that seems like nonsense to a normal person
As for autists, it is harder to identify imo. Nowadays most introverted people are called autists by extroverts. The difference is that you can be introverted and still live a normal life in society. You still manage to fit in somehow.
Real autists on the other hand
>have a hard time making friends
>can't hold a conversation
>can't hold eye contact
>don't like things normal people like (no own music taste, ..)
>can't empathise with other people
>have problems interpreting feelings/thoughtpatterns/irony or humor in general
>hyperfocus on something ultimately meaningless
>are sometimes very good at something random (math, memory, ...)
>are completely disfunctional in other areas, especially social ones
And no, just because many of those autist points may apply to you that doesn't mean you're automatically autistic. You may just show symptoms due to lack of social interaction & such. If you can still manage to turn your life around and become a semi-normie, you're no real autist. Autist have to live with this shit their entire life.
No psychologist so don't take my word for truth but these are things I've read & experienced myself through personal experience or the ones of friends.
autism makes the persoon bang walls or himself
this autism of normal functioning humans doesn't exist
don't be fooled like this retard
there is no such thing
That just sounds like people who were not properly raised, you can unlearn all of that shit, it's like saying spitting on the ground or not showering are mental disorders .
>have adhd
>dont buy meds
take that Mr. Noseberg
>meme disorder
the world isn't black and white boy.
There are inbetweens too, you know?
So the reason why you think ADHD is a fake disorder is because people get diagnosed with it even though they don't have it.
That is simply due to big pharma wanting to milk their amphetamine products and thus urging doctors to identify people with ADHD.
That doesn't mean ADHD doesn't exist at all though, just that the borders are not clear cut but rather fluent. This is making it easier to say someone with a slight attention deficite automatically has full blown ADHD.
But again, saying that ADHD doesn't exist at all is stupid, if you've ever seen someone that has actual ADHD without his meds IRL.
>can't hold a conversation despite being brought up in the same family/school/enviroment as his non autistic brother
>can memorize & draw the skyline of a city in nearly perfect detail, even though he's never been there, by just flying over it once
Ye clearly this is due to not being raised properly and not an illness that is medically proven to exist
>the same family/school/enviroment
No one lives the same life
>memorized skyline
That's a skill you can develop albeit a useless one, also it was not perfect and it even may have been fake like most shit on tv.
t. autist in denial
OP here (not the guy ur conversing with)
how do I get diagnosed and what do I do with it? does it cost money? I suspect I might have the tism and i feel it's a legitimate impairment (don't think my country gives gibs for that but still)
do it professionally with a doctor or just look shit up on the internet for free.
I literally went to the first website for symptoms, here you can check which matches you:
>Abnormal Body Posturing or Facial Expressions
>Abnormal Tone of Voice
>Avoidance of Eye Contact or Poor Eye Contact
>Behavioral Disturbances
>Deficits in Language Comprehension
>Delay in Learning to Speak
>Flat or Monotonous Speech
>Inappropriate Social Interaction
>Intense Focus on One Topic
>Lack of Empathy
>Lack of Understanding Social Cues
>Learning Disability or Difficulty
>Not Engaging in Play With Peers
>Preoccupation With Specific Topics
>Problems With Two-Way Conversation
>Repeating Words or Phrases
>Repetitive Movements
>Self-Abusive Behaviors
>Sleep Disturbances
>Social Withdrawal
>Unusual Reactions in Social Settings
>Using Odd Words or Phrases
i was diagnosed with autism when i was 14 years old, but it was suspected since i was 3 that something wasnt quite right with me. You dont just Get rid of autism but you grow up and learn how to 'be normal" making it seem like your autism has diminished. But it always shows itself in basically everything we do.
also ADHD is a real thing because we live in a society that is so detached from real life with internet and cellphones we dont know how to NOT do anything. We expect things immediately and we dont want to wait. Thats instant gratification and a short attention span when you have to wait for something. Its no wonder that ADHD is becoming more common these days.
Autism is an excuse fore social ineptitude and the to-go-to excuse for parents who failed their children.
>ADHD is not properly raised children
Educate yourself, retard.
>I posted a link so I win
How about you tell me in your own words what you believe and not that you believe.
Don't ignore the evidence you faggot.
>"The results from our study confirm that people with ADHD have differences in their brain structure and therefore suggest that ADHD is a disorder of the brain," added Dr Hoogman. "We hope that this will help to reduce stigma that ADHD is 'just a label' for difficult children or caused by poor parenting. This is definitely not the case, and we hope that this work will contribute to a better understanding of the disorder."
If you're not going to bother to even read the less than 500 word summary you can just fuck off. It's not too hard for you, I promise.
ADHD is a real disorder that we CAN treat.
>Tfw autism and ADHD
unfortunately these are very real disorders which frequently coincide along with shit like Bipolar and social anxiety, fucking you from the beginning so you never stand a chance at fitting in