>be roughly a 6/10
>didnt lose virginity until the start of the year but since then have been able to fuck multiple girls
>no matter how attractive, ugly, fat, skinny, tight or loose i am unable to cum in front of a female
>not even fapping in front of them will work so sex and oral are discarded too
>they all leave me within a month because i "hurt their self esteem and i dont find them hot" which is a complete lie
>find another girl a week ago and tells me she has never been able to cum
>get to sexytime
>she comes 3 times and i as always leave blueballed
>could see her face of dissappointment after she offered me oral and after 5 minutes i told her to stop
>expect her to dump me next week
>tfw i am eternally damned with sex without any pleasure
Is mgtow the right choice Jow Forums? Each time i enter a new relationship i get anxious as fuck because of this
Be roughly a 6/10
you're hyper repressed gay dude.
go try a man, start with a crossdresser or something if you're scared.
What is it about girls that doesn't let you cum? Fucking faggot.
get gone, normie faggot
While fucking her think of her pussy as a male anus. That should help you.
>I keep engaging in activities from which I cannot derive pleasure
>woe is me
You do not gain my sympathies
However, as someone from the medical field, I suggest you get your situational anorgasmia checked out by a professional psychiastrist
Too much jerking off and porn
Get off the SSRIs, bro
maybe gay??
An orgasm is a display of lack of control.
Lack of control is weakness.
Women despise weakness in men.
Women leave men who they despise.
Prove me wrong.
Disgusting. Subhuman to have such low testosterone that females don't attract you. So fucking pathetic, I almost puked reading this post. Are you trying to let other incels tell you to become gay? Do you need validation from a shitty forum for being a FAGGOT ? Be a man and go to army or play russian roulette, hopefully the thrill of almost dying gets the GAY out of you.
Maybe you're just asexual, my man?
Am I still gay if I get hard in front of her and i only fap to straight porn?
I had anal sex once and it didnt work either. I literally cant feel my dick when im near a naked female
If your mind integrated that the proper way to have sex is you alone in your room in front of your computer... yeah it's going to have consequences. Surprise surprise, your brain and subconscious mind don't give a single fuck about how you think you work.
>b-but fapping to porn is normaaaaal Mr Shekelsteiner told meee
Your brain doesn't care.
Why am i the only guy that cant cum normally then? 99% of men masturbate and i dont see this issue brought up at all. I dont even masturbate compulsively just once a day sometimes 2
Women listen to there emotions and how they feel only unlike men. During sex they feel like they want you to cum inside them cause nature. Therefore it makes them feel good when you do. You also controlled having sex with her. An orgasm is pleasurable not something one needs to stop no need to control the 10 seconds or so it lasts.
Complete retard.
Don't listen to the trannyfags, you've probably just got nerves and are too focused on the act rather than letting go. It's good for her since you're not a one pump but you've gotta lose yourself in the pleasure.
Women want amazing, decently lasting sex where both of you cum.
>Why am i the only guy that cant cum normally then?
You aren't, it's a widespread issue.
Should I just nofap then. I tried 2 times but in both the girls i was seeing at the time dumped me before i was sensitive enough to cum so i relapsed. I can see this girl dumping me too before i finish the nofap
Relax I have had this problem too and it's all because you fap too much and as a result your dick is desensitised. Go nofap and no porn for 2 weeks and you'll cum trust me. I know it's shit not been able to cum and it makes you feel degraded but yea seriously stop jacking off. This is more common than you think but most guys will never admit this to anyone. Why do you think girls end up leaving guys because of their "porn addiction"? Hint: it's not the porn that ends the relationships
You should go noporn forever.
What do you think about what said. I think i may have this problem too.
Ill definetly do the nofap user 2 weeks is easy. Thanks for not telling me to fuck trannies user
dude tell her that you're planning to do nofap
she will be happy to know that you're trying to move past this and she'll encourage and help you, otherwise she's a prick.
you're meant to openly talk about these things when you're in a relationship
Weve only seen each other twice do you think its wise to tell her i have a severe porn addiction that cripples my sex life
Both times i went into nofap for this reason i told the girls in question and they didnt give a shit