It's been 1 year since Four Loko user posted
It's been 1 year since Four Loko user posted
I wonder what happened to him? Maybe he died?
Yeah, I had him added on discord and a family member actually told me what happened.
He died due to heart complications.
Shit, really? Kinda makes sense considering his diet.
anyone can fake that information on discord
Proof or shut the fuck up.
4Lokoguy was trying to change his diet and eating less shit the last time he made a thread
People who change their diet usually end up having more health issues because they're trying to reverse the effects of long-term abuse
still waiting on that proof big guy.
He ended up finding a boiwife and stopped posting
Huh?? Is that what you tell people when they call you fat and criticise you
>tell fact
>"Durr, ur fat"
haha youre STUPID bc your FAT fatty mcFATTY triggerd?!
What the FUCK kind of bullshit is this?
Your body isn't shellshocked because you ate a vegetable you fat cunt!
you love fatties
you love fatties more
He left because he knew this board, hell, this whole site is going to shit. No use trying to talk to the dumbass literal shit posting zoomers.
i miss him a lot. i dont thin ki carry his torch in any way but i post threads about drinking once in a while and theyre always pretty comfy. hope hes in a better place and not actually dead
>He has a fat fetish and hates on fatties to hide it
there was a what's for dinner robots thread like 2 weeks ago. in the thread was someone eating a huge portion of fast food in a styrofoam tray with a four loko gold. if it wasn't him it was someone who saved his old pictures.
I hope he doesn't clog his arteries and die
damn well it looks like people did save his pictures. I hope his heart didn't explode
How the fuck can you even eat all that shit?
I'd only be able to eat the carne asada fries and thats after not eating anything else the entire day
you would choose to eat the fries covered in green slop over the quesadilla/rice on the left?
What a wonderful way to go.
Are you Raging Bitch IPA user? Your threads are always comfy.