What's with the lack of attention for NEETS? Starting a new general, let's hope it kicks off well edition
/NEET/ - #1
You're literally making a thread for attention. This is the least auspicious start a thread could have.
We have r9gay, uni threads and mbti. Didn't they all start for attention? Might as well have one for the majority that dwells here
If NEETs are the majority then what's even the point of having a thread specifically for them?
To contain all the excessive threads, what else? This is one of the main chans not to have a dedicated general for NEETS
>one of the main chans
Is this what 8gaggers actually believe? That they or any other chan are on par with their progenitor?
Woke up at about 10am today, took a shower and then actually went outside for once. I went to a tech market and looked at some cool iPhones and shit. Now I'm back to sitting in front of my computer for the rest of the day.
What are my fellow neets up to this week?
>Thinking Jow Forums is still the big boy of the internet
Hate to break it to you newfren but most oldfags left this place years ago, I'm only still here because this is the fastest r9k regardless of how much it's deteriorating with normal, b8 and fag shit
>oh hey you're neet too, what did you do today?
>haha nothing what about you?
>oh nothing lol
>most oldfags left this place years ago
Yeah, and they didn't go to any of the other chans. I've been to plenty: they're dead.
>I'm only still here because this is the fastest r9k regardless of how much it's deteriorating with normal
You're only proving my point.
I've finally found an olympic weightlifting club.
It's been a dream for years so I'm very happy. An old martial arts club I went to years ago has started again. That's great too.
I intentionally stopped everything so I could apply for jobs and not say ' I can't work monday night, thursday night, saturday morning' etc but still no jobs so fuck em I'm living my life till my savngs run dry.
This board is not for NEETs anymore. This is lgbt2.0
At least you left your cave even if it's once in awhile
>What are my fellow neets up to this week?
Going to be drinking on the spirits heavily until I run out of money, might start a new TV show soon desu
Oh no we can't have convos because we are use to being lonely how could we ever be creative? Oh wait how did r9gay go? "hey I'm gay" "yeah me too" Yet it still gets 100s of replies. GTFO retard
neets arent a majority here
why do you want to contain what this board is for in your own general stop being narcississtic
>I've been to plenty
Sure sure you would know all about where oldfags congregate wouldn't you fren?
>You're only proving my point.
Please elaborate on this point user
>Sure sure you would know all about where oldfags congregate wouldn't you fren?
Actually no, because they don't congregate anywhere.
>Please elaborate on this point user
You came back here because all of those chans are too slow and dead.
Yeah sure, let 3-5 threads about being a NEET shit up the board when it can all be contained in one thread. I thought this board use to be about originality
That's cool, I wish I could get fit like you but you see my anxiety is what's preventing me
We are already getting trans hate threads and anons trying to derail gay threads, it's unfortunate how things are now but I have a suspicion that jannies are using a psyop
By the power of 5, I am getting a JOB today, J-O-B you hear that OP? Neetdom be damned, I must leave forever
>Actually no, because they don't congregate anywhere.
Hmmm ok? so what you're saying is after they got fed up with this site they all decided to not use internet ever again? oh right they must be normal fags only visiting FB and shit right? Your autism is showing
>those chans are too slow and dead.
I'd rather wait for decent and well thought out posts then be only responding to retarded posts
Too bad user :/ maybe next roll
>Your autism is showing
In what way is that "autistic," even in the meme sense of the word? It's not, and also yes, I suspect most of them gave up on chans altogether.
>I'd rather wait for decent and well thought out posts then be only responding to retarded posts
And yet here you are.
this board is about neet shit though
You stole my 5 you faggot give it back
But it's right there.
Secretly everyone loves NEETS, they're just so cute and innocent
Here, now suck my feminine penis
Okay I'll refrain from calling you autistic since you're getting a bit butthurt over it but where do you think they now have dominion on the internet?
>And yet here you are.
Oh wow you sure got me user how could I ever have a retort? Did you notice that you can have multiple tabs and use different sites whenever you please. I must be talking shit since all I do is browse r9k, right?
Yeah, i-it's not like 85% of them are overweight hikikomoris.
only because of my card "Pot of Greed"
It let's me roll two numbers from my deck
I completely understand. I spent the first fuck maybe 10 years of lifting. Alone in my garage and taught myself through youtube and Jow Forums.
Looking back it seems so silly because gyms actually aren't judgemental at all and are the most supportive atmospheres anywhere but I wasn't to know.
>gyms actually aren't judgemental at all
I fear that because I don't know how to utilize the equipment my attempt at trying would make me look like a spastic
Is anyone else drinking to battle the depression? Drugs don't help (well at least what I'm prescribed) and I can't be assed ordering anything. I've been purchasing a bottle of whiskey or vodka every single night since Friday and I run out of it too quick, am I going to die an alcoholic?
yes, this is not the road you want to go down, dying from a trash tier drug
Currently on my quest to NEETdom, been in the psych ward for about 8 months now and have been paid 2k a month for 5 of them and will be paid that for the future, so the funds are secured now I just need to get the fuck out of here.
>trash tier
Haven't you built up your tolerance and can enjoy being drunk without being actually drunk? I've been on benzos, dmt, weed and seroquel and nothing could compare to the high of alcohol for me
I'm a self-employed NEET i.e. I don't have to leave my house to make a living. Is it just me but I don't feel bad at all for living the way I do. Being alone is comfy af.
Who do you think are the incels? Hard working wageslaves who are capable of maintining jobs, or people who are shut in with little to no success in society for whatever reason. Incels have been humiliated and demonized my the media and you faggots ate it up like the sheep you are. You forced us out and now you wonder why the quality of this board has gone down to facebook tier shit. So much for counter culture
How the fuck could you be there for 8 months? did you literally become brain dead and had to learn how to talk again? I've been 6 times and the longest was 6 weeks, I was fried and couldn't be normal for so long but eventually over the weeks I regained my senses. It's absurd that you've nearly been for a year, what country are you in?
I need to stop being a NEET.
thinking of buying a new compter or a guitar or anything that will make me happy for a split second when i receive it
What do you work as?
>ITT faggots who are in summer break labeling themselves as NEET.
These are the same type of people who say they are depressed because they had a bad day.
I absolutely hate all of you normal fags
So because of the lack of incels is the main reason why this board is going to shit is what you're saying right?
i dropped out of middle school and have been a NEET since then motherfucker you're projecting your life on us aren't you?
Damn dude are you feeding a small family there? Looks very unhealthy as well, not good user
Hi newfren, you still trying to fit in? Is it true that anyone that declares himself as a NEET is bullshitting? You seem really self aware desu
Software consulting business and I also dabble in the stock markets (mostly algorithmic trading; not very successful).
Nope, it's just for me.
i hope you die from the bottom of my NEET heart
I'm a mentalist NEET, so I get to live off the state
carve up my income into rent, bills, food, then drugs
life is very repetitive
i didn't understand a single part of that except the last bit i think
Yes surprise surprise misfits and loners are incels. Who would have guessed?
You can act as if the label incels is a naughty word and call me a loser, but that's what this board was for. Shut in losers who liked anime and made quality memes due to the lack of socialization, and you normal fags ruined everything
never bothered, no, and only weed in your list is actually enjoyable
I got in there by saying I was conspiring to murder people and was diagnosed with schizophrenia which in turn gave me higher welfare. plus I pissed off the doctor so he wanted to show me who's boss by letting me rot, jokes on him im just racking in money because I neither have to pay for food our housing.
also denmark
>He still thinks this board was originally made for incels
You're as annoying as you are stupid. Kill yourself normal fag
Weed gives me brain fog and makes me too paranoid so I'm going to have to pass on that if it's not only one joint and I smoke alone
same, I'm trying to become good at league of legends since I've wasted the last 9 years on this piece of shit game, hopefully people will watch me so I can buy more drugs in the future
>Kill yourself
>normal fag
Aww it's cute. He's trying to fit in, please insult me some more newfren
just build a tolerance bro it'll all go away and become very enjoyable :^)
You have a subreddit, incel. Go there.
huh, in the UK they don't pay you anything beyond rent etc if you're in hospital,it only starts again when you leave
yeah I would've killed myself already if I didn't live in the best country to be a leech in
...does that count as a high? Wouldn't you just fall asleep
Aww lol, he's ego is so big he can't lose a debate. How have you been enjoying your stay for the past few weeks, newfren?
low doses can be kinda euphoric like benzos can since they can kill anxiety, but yeah higher doses will just make you a drooling retard and put your ass to sleep
no one's given a fuck about being new for a long time you fucking retard, just fucking cocksuckers like you no one can stand. go be intolerable somewhere else.
I'm on 100mg and I feel nothing from it, I will probably have to go on a higher dose to get the desired effect
Have you fellow Neets found your reason to keep on living I often struggle with this I feel like im just coasting along not really doing much and end up feeling quilty about it.
>just fucking cocksuckers like you no one can stand. go be intolerable somewhere else.
>no one can stand
Yet you still reply to me because you're getting mad that you don't have the dominance you think on your favorite shit talking site, please give up, you're embarrassing yourself. Or continue I don't mind either way
I just go from chasing one dream to another but it keeps me sane
The two idiots who are arguing are the reason this place has gone to shit. They do not represent r9k and are mere imposters who leech off the creativity of others. Literal parasites
>set up argument so that I win if he doesn't respond and win if he does
you fucking gremlin
It's all about outsmarting your opponent:)
>They do not represent r9k and are mere imposters who leech off the creativity of others
You do realize everywhere on the internet no matter how creative they are there will always be arguments, if you think not you're delusional
LGBT people should shut up once and for all and enjoy themselves without the need to constantly bragging and feeling proud about it.
>Disabled in the highest degree (third)
>Zero disabillitybux cause short 120 days of mandatory social insurance
>on NEETbux which is 100 a month
>live in a hostel with 3 other guys in a room
>My father is ending his rent of a small apartment so that i could move in and live in peace starting next month
>he made sure to persuade the landlord to make me a contract starting next month
>the surety is 500 bucks
>yesterday i found out my bank account is in minus and seizure of 4k+ due to being asocial fuck and never paying health insurance
>mother was supposed to help me by paying the surety for me
>mother told me to block her and forget about her 4 days ago
>the social services told me (wrongly) that the option of having surety paid for by them is ONLY for single mothers (which by law it isnt)
>told me to check again on thursday
>tfw after 3 years spent without a home, in a psych ward or in a hostel i FINALLY get a chance to change my life forever
>tfw i am going to lose the opportunity because they wont pay the surety for me
I am thinking that if i dont get the money for the surety by the first of next month i am going to do one of 3 things
>Move in a nut house for as long as i can (3 meals a day guaranteed, outside i get one and not everyday)
>Pack my backpack and walk the earth until i die or something
>Kill myself
Shits NOT looking good brobots.
I am saying all of this originally though
any other NEETS getting TOPPED tonight?
Fuckin' pack your backpack and go walking bro. That shit sounds chad af
I've been living on bux for years.
Fuck off.
Wonder if there's a Discord of NEETS who live off neetbux.
im sure there are plenty of discords like that, but theyre all full of trash by now
Who else /NEET guilt/?
Can't do this without a bf
Tell me your dreams
That sounds wonderful
I guess it's not too bad but idk what I'm gonna do when I run out of dreams to chase