The reason people don't want you is because you were born with the wrong face
Itt:Suicide Tier Pills
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Free will doesn't exist and we're all merely trying to keep our genes from going extinct. We're mindless creatures
No matter how hard you try you can not change who you are from the inside. Your subconscious will continuously reaffirm you of your experiences and define you none stop. The only way for you to change is for the world to have a drastic shift that will never come. Even so if you have been born weak the chances of you being able to adapt reduces your success chance my a lot. You'll probably falter and die off
Even with all of our knowledge we still can be certain of the nature of this reality and our deaths still remain a mystery. Suicide will always be scary because of this reason.
No. It's because you are a fucking coward. Down to the smallest everyday things. You lack courage, lack resolve.
People probably ((((like)))) being friends with you because they can walk over you all they like and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Even when you are feeling down about >tfw no gf, all they say to you is
>just look for a good life partner
>just be a decent person
>you are bound to meet someone eventually
because they aren't actually interested in you becoming a better, i.e. stronger person.
This is case by case, the truth is most people would rather have abusive friendships than being alone. Personally I do not have friends even tho it reduces my chances of living a fulfilling life. Funny how your mind forces you to suffer and endure this cruel existence.
All people only care about you because you're useful to them or have potential to be useful in the future. Unconditional love doesn't exist.
You are at fault for everything that's wrong in your life and until you learn to take responsibility for your mental illness and the abuse you've suffered at the hands of your partners friends and family you will never ever be free.
>responsibility for your mental illness
That's fucking retarded get out of here with your normal faggotry
Oh but what if they want me but i reject them due to being no self esteem having shitcunt??
You will never be free user
Humans are blank slates your experiences define you and you have little control over your existence due to the limitations your subconscious has established for your own safety and well being.
>making people who have no strength to fight back feel like shit
is this how you get your kicks?
I'm ugly and have a Gf.
That's babies tier.
teenage tier
you can change your subconsious ding dong, but getting warmer to some real suicide fuel.
I agree with the first part and not with the second. We don't know what happens after death, but that's part of the excitement. The great wait, my dudes. I call earth The Waiting Room.
Both of you are retarded and so am I.
Untrue, although VERY close to suicide fuel. Unconditional love DOES exist, often for very short periods of time. It also tends to injure mentally and physical all people involved. Love is a time bomb.
Go tell that to a schizophrenic and they'd chop your balls off for being more delusional than them. You can't just boomer your way out of mental illness.
>Just keep your chin up and stop your mental problems with sheer mental force and christian believes champ! Hooraah!
I think its important to believe in God user It cured my mental illnesses and freed me
Then go ahead and tell us something. Or are you just going to bitch and not say anything meaningful?
You're here, right here and now lokking at suicide tier pills
Consider why
Why would that make you kill yourself? Functionally, it just means that choices matter.
I actually agree with you but the way it's worded opens this post up to logical phallacies. Is a person in charge of their birth conditions? This one guys got strangled by the umbilical cord on the way outta the womb and now his IQ is only in the double digits. Is it m- his fault?
I'm just going to bitch and not say anything meaningful. Are you nuts? Whatever I post as a suicide tier pill would be, at best, teenage tier. I wanna kill myself because I hate myself. Doesn't that make me stupid? You bet it does. I also wanna die because I'm scared of reality and pain in general. I'm I a stupid, babby tier, thinker in my own head? Yes, I am. There's nothing inside me of worth user. So, no. I would post something meaningful but you can clearly see, I have nothing to say.
oh okay you're just an idiot projecting his stupidity onto others to cope. Gotcha
there is only one thing worse than death itself and that is hell
you're going there
>closer to 2030 than 2000
>dying is easy
Fuck you im happy haha when im drunk thats enough for a drone
That tooth you removed last year, won't come back.
That pain you have in the upper neck, it will get worse.
That person you have stopped talking, she won't talk you back.
You are listening to sad songs more and more often.
You finally got a job, you realise it's nothing special. The number you see on your bank account, doesn't seem to make any difference.
Every one is so bland. Manchildren.
Your mother was the only person you could really trust loving you. She's no longer around.
Videogames pick 90% of your free time.
user shot dozens of people in a mosque. You don't feel anything about it.
Kids, sorrounded by kids.
You realised some years ago that life has no meaning apart from the one of keeping going.
You realise that you won't be able to do continue this.
Your grandpa died alone. Your mother died alone.
And at this point, you're 38, why should you keep waiting.
What choices are there to make. Everything is already written. You're merely following the script that your subconscious believes to be true. You can not change who you are, at least not willingly. This is why self affirmation doesn't work
If you start to question everything its easy to lose track of who you are.
Animals and nature do not deserve sympathy. This world is not worth saving.
Because I want to pass my ideas, my thoughts, convictions... undepedant of how trash they are in the form of a videogame, anime or movie.
But I can't even put myself to do that, so why try, really, this world aint changing anyway...
Humans are capable of sympathy but we're all still selfish in the grand scheme of things. This prevents us from ever being happy
Yes it's true, what did you expect? Jow Forums is where people like me hang out. It's for the talentless, skillless, hobbiless, hopleless people like me. Nobody likes me in real life. Nobody likes me on Jow Forums. I'm a bad person. I am an idiot and I do project it on others. I am violent and stupid and worthless. That's why I post on Jow Forums. That's why I live my life here and not anywhere else. Because I don't need to stink up a nice smelling place. So I stay here. YOU came to Jow Forums and you should've known that people like me post here. What do you expect? Something insightful from a literal subhuman like me? No. I'm just an idiot and a loser. Whatever comes through me is worsened.
you aren't in control of yourself
it may feel like you're the one succeeding at something, or failing at something, or making decisions, or getting carried by the flow
when you think of something happy, or when you think of something depressing, even that thought wasn't originated or terminated by "you"
you are merely an observer without a choice of walking away
your waifu isn't real and a real relationship is going to be more akin to a job than something romantic, especially if you are a late bloomer.
Humans are incapable of accurately remembering the past. What we believe is wrong, who we are is also wrong
>look at me how smart i am because im able to self diagnose
shut the fuck up retard
>You can not change who you are, at least not willingly.
It's more like you CAN willingly change who you are but you can't willingly change your will, but that's not exactly true either. You can do all sorts of things to make yourself more motivated or less motivated to do X or Y thing.
Maybe think of it this way. It's scripted that Romeo and Juliet die having felt the joy of love and grief of loss, but everything they do or have done to them up to that point led them there, it wasn't going to "just happen". This means that you are going to wake up or not wake up tomorrow but it's going to be by your decisions or what's been done to you by all the forces surrounding you that ultimately decide that. All of these are also preordained but they're necessary nonetheless. You need to behave or be affected in certain ways to meet certain ends, these aren't going to "just happen".
What I'm saying is that it's not good to let determinism turn you apathetic because we don't live in a universe where an apathetic race of naked chimps "just happened" to progress the way we did. It's all determined but apathy is (worse than) death.
How do you change your subconscious?
I got my retardation diagnoses from a doctor.
That is to say, Low IQ and severe Autism. What about my post implied I thought I was smart? And don't call me retard only I'M allowed to call me that.
>but it's going to be by your decisions or what's been done to you by all the forces surrounding you that ultimately decide that.
it's going to be by your decisions and/or what's been done to you*
Don't even think my face is bad but that's how it be.
>you are actually less intelligent than you think you are
Nothing is true, that is the ultimate red pill. Humans flat out refuse to acknowledge Halo Effect and how emphasis we put on facial aesthetics. Humans like to spout off "LOOKS DONT MATTER" so they can pretend they don't or guilt trip their fellow men into ignoring Halo Effect. Looks don't matter but for some reason, normies always find good looking people to have positive personality traits and people they don't like looking at to magically have bad personality traits. Even when both people do the literal same actions..
Humans will never stop projecting good qualities onto the good looking humans and vice versa until we're well aware of it. We're slaves to Halo Effect and the shallow judgement of humans until thing.
Well, to clarify I don't mean you can change it at will. But an example of what I mean is like this experiment here;
People were shown a series of words around a subject, like money or family. Then they were asked to find words in a crossword / word search puzzle. People were more easily able to find or think of words which were related to the series of words.
WHAT I'm getting at is this; What you consciously decide to observe / think about changes your subconsious. A person who thinks about saddness a lot is more likely to be sad. A person who thinks about saving money a lot is more likely to save money. A person who thinks about spending money a lot is likely to spend money. A person who reads a lot of words and listens to a lot of talking might think in more inner-monolouge then others. A person who observes and thinks about abstract art might think more abstractly.
Sometimes I believe that the only way humans could be happy is if they were individually and separately set inside a sandbox with omnipotence. That way they can create an artificial heaven
You are no one.
In the sea of people you realise no one cares about you. And you have no one to take care of.
You tough as a kid invisibility was a cool power to have, yet you're invisible and it doesn't feel so nice.
If you'll die they'll hardly notice.
So turn the nozzle of that helium tank a couple of times to match your breath, and fade into dreams user.
Fade into dreams.
You can't trust your family. They want you to think you're safe with them to make you vulnerable. There's nothing stopping them for exploiting you for their own gain.
these have been kinda tame to be honest, come on lets hear some really insightful and dark as fuck pills
I wish I could, but I just dont feel like a could die just yet, neither I need to use a gas tank, I have a 10 meter fall bridge near here, to jump, and say goodbye.
Besides, I really never felt alone, just dissapointed, frustrated, because of injustice, they only thing I was always waiting for was anime, videogames and the such, and I still do. I always want to be a teen, but I know that impossible, that the world sucks, and...
I dont know about else, really.
You are already dead.
Original tho
he is not a 38 year old boomer like you, he Is a zoomer living with his parents and doesn't want to make mom sad
the world we know is ending in one way or another and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
I'm pretty sure our decisions aren't purely in our logical control for our wants and needs, and emotions are a result of that.
No matter how hard you try to fit in you never will
humanity has evolved so much we strayed from our nature and our lives will never be of fulfillment, there is always something lacking
You will die alone and you will realize every single mistake you made and think of every single person you pushed away only when it's far too late
There are people out there right now that have the power to kill you and get away with it, and in history have done it and are revered for it.
Savour the crumb.
Death is inevitable. You can die anything. Either, today, tomorrow or next month.
>You can die anything
We're not sure if god exists or doesn't. There is a possibility that god exists and is a malevolent god that will burn you in hell for eternity.
There is someone out there cumming balls deep inside your oneitis
Fuck. This is my biggest fear. This is why I am afraid of death. No amount of atheism or hedonism can cope this.
Well, I can, for me its certain there is nothing after you die, kind of the same feeling that I somehow remember when I was born.
Even if there is, I couldn't care less, even if my belief are shaterred,
Who cares? Im dead anyway.
The only thing over the logic I belief is cute magical girl godesses user.
I also got to cum in my oneitis so I guess I'm pretty satisfied. Didn't get to fuck him in the ass though.
>Humans are blank slates
>Nothing is MORE true.
Is what I meant.
I knew it. Girls who say they like people's personality are lying.
Your present life is entirely determined by the choices you made out of your own free will. All external circumstances you've faced are meaningless in comparison.
'But free will doesn't exi-' there is no scientific or philosophical consensus on the problem of free will or determinism, for all practical purposes free will is what we instinctively know it to be.
This sounds like one of those iconic anime quotes.
If you dont have friends, you will feel lonely. If you do have friends, you will always feel lonely inside.
You are right, it sounds even better.
>free will
>there is no scientific or philosophical consensus on the problem of free will or determinism
Look at this retard.
It's not even about hard determinism- even in a probabilistic copenhagenian universe, you still don't have any free will.
Most victims of bullying got that role for a reason
Actually school is just an elaborate ploy to systematically indoctrinate the youth into the work force, but yes teaching social ques plays a big role into that as well.
>you will always be mentally ill and autistic
gets me every time
bumping this thread with a not very original black pill: probably gonna die a virgin or at least without experiencing even 1/100th the amount of romantic satisfaction i'd always hoped for
Most bullies get to walk away and live their lives in bliss with no consequences to their actions (because the adults never gave a shit) while their actions and words haunt you ever single day and are one of the biggest contributions to your low self esteem.
>never lived in the same town and school long enough to have a bully
>but always had one
>but not one that would remember me
>my face when i was bullied by everyone
>all the time
They'll never think of me ever
people are entirely egoistic, even such things as empathy are just complex ways of self esteem service.
>life ain't fair
But it shouldn't be unfair either. Civilization was built through teamwork, not egoism.
When someone says that, it doesn't mean anything unless you actually can feel the other person's pain.
Thats commonly called PTSD and you can manage it with drugs
Will the drugs take away my low self esteem, overly self conscious personality, and several other problems that formed as a result of the bullying?
This. Adults really don't give a fuck, they pretend to but they're too busy trying to find more sex to care about the current generation of sexual byproduct.
Our existence on the planet has been highly confrontational, we either kill animals or other humans, but we do it all the fucking time, there were a lot of wars throughout history and to this days murders everywhere. Our species is rather violent.
the world is fucked the way it is. You guys are just incapable to fall into blissful ignorance the beautiful people get to experience instead, since they get positive feedback from the people surrounding them.
speak for yourself. that really sucks if you have no free will.
heres a real suicide pill:
being an edgy teenager for more than 10 years will give you crippling depression, and you'll eventually see ugly people who didn't give up who have amazing lives, stupid people who believed in themselves who are rich and healthy, and exceptions to every other edgy rule you made for yourself to protect against growing up. we learn through pain but your inability to face pain early on almost always creates a much more devastating pain in your later life, and there won't be much more time to learn anything except regret.
Shit man I wish I still enjoyed vidya this much
I got diagnosed with schizophrenia and had to stop smoking weed forever. The meds made me actually wanna kill myself, I stopped taking them and so far my symptoms aren't back but we'll see. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore, gotta make money I guess and continue this empty existence for the sake of my parents.
The only skills that really matter are the ones that make you money. In the end you're defined by how you make money. I spent so much time practicing music and martial arts, which was enriching as I was doing it, but has ultimately proven useless. Kinda makes me wonder what the point of doing anything is, other than going to school for something lucrative. Wish I realized this before the age of 25.
>philosophical consensus
dumb nigger
Time is a blackpill like no other. In your teens, you let your goals and ambitions hold off until youre in your twenties. You can do drugs, sleep in late, and nobody is going to tell you anything because youre getting your sense of independence. Five years pass by and you thought that youd take the pass on college, working out, and banging your high school crush. You want to climb up the corporate ladder at some job you got a few months ago and you think youll be hitting six figures in no time. Youre in your thirties, and sooner than later those aspirations you had when you were young and bright are in the rear view mirror, and they are only getting farther away. You come to the truth, the harsh truth. Very few people making anything notable of themselves in this world, and you didnt make the cut. Time to live the normal life. Things are getting less exciting, the days are going by faster, and all of a sudden youre 45 and all of those things you put off as a teen are all you can think about because all of your days are the same, save for the occasional vacation or night out to do copious amounts of psychedelics or party drugs. You could have done more. You couldve made something of yourself if you just took the few leaps this life asks of you. Here you are, rotting in a house or apartment and you know that dying wont have an impact on anyone. Youre not that young kid with the future anymore. You ruined everything that could have been. This is the truth that stings like no other. This truth is like melting plastic, it sticks to you and it reeks. Worst of all is that when it comes to you, its far too late to undo the damage.
what symptoms did you get when you smoked weed?
Heard voices like crazy, and insane delusions, paranoid about the craziest shit like friends putting hits on me and shit, I'm not sure it would still happen, but especially now that I'm stable I'm not gonna fuck with it too much. Had these symptoms months later whilst totally sober too when I stopped taking my meds, but I went on them, and stopped again (cause they fuckin suck) and now things are a-ok but it's only been a couple weeks.
There is no fate, like the mystical type of shit, but there is a way to completely predict what you will do. We are animals, big, advanced apes, so even in the modern era, if you like something, like a video game, you will absentmindedly have a default instinct to think about that game, want to play that game, and when you completely surround yourself with that game, you will soon begin to become obsessed with it. Once you realize this, it is easy to learn how to break someone. If you take a man and chain him in a room - a dark, blank room, completely derived of any experience - and then beat him for hours every day, he will gain an instinct to think of that pain when he is not doing something else, and since he is deprived of distraction, he will constantly think of that pain. First he may begin with fear, and every day you can inch him closer and closer into being indifferent and then to liking it. After a while, he'll become obsessed with it, feeling like he can't live without that pain every day, just like you would with a video game, and once that happens you have completely broken him. You can do this with anything, and you can even do this to yourself; we do it everyday with sugar, self harm, or browsing Jow Forums every day. Through the manipulation of instincts, we unintentionally force ourselves to become obsessed with self destruction, just like how a caveman becomes obsessed with the glowing aura of fire.
That's why I'm going to kill myself while I'm 24
Thats right my dudes, wish hard enough and the sky fairy will get rid of your diagnosed autism
>Had a couple of one should I say
>Always got away with them and forget about it
>High school
>Find a couple more.
>Remember they day one pissed me off so much I had too call him out as the faggot he is.
>Fag, Fag, yes you are a Fag!
>You could tell how pissed off he was
>Put me against the wall
>You can see the "ok go ahead, I dont care in my eyes"
>Lets me go, also classmate said to stop
>Begin calling them, and wassaping up it like we are m8 or something.
>The only thing that gave me PTSD, was one of his friends, Barbie, pissed me off much and couldn't do shit, since It wasn't directly too me, just regular school vandalism.
>Deteriored mentaly so much I was pretty much looking for a fight at the end of the trimester, 2 Years later, in Bach.
She doesnt like you back. She is just being nice. She is the heroine in your story and you are not even a background character in hers