reminder to femanons that flat tits can be very cute, but a flat butt is always gross
do you have a flat butt?
Reminder to femanons that flat tits can be very cute, but a flat butt is always gross
If a girl has a flat butt she's just lazy.
Nothing eating more and doing some squats/lunges won't fix
thats kind of a meme, you can't go from flat to fat ass just by working out, you can improve it a little bit though. this whole gym ass thing is just an instagram thot meme, they were born with asses like that.
It isn't flat, nor is it a buttle butt. It is a normal butt.
can i buttle your normal butt?
nah my gf is small in stature and had a flat ass, she hit the gym and started doing squats and it got noticeably larger.
I used that word on purpose, watch your words.
>thats kind of a meme, you can't go from flat to fat ass just by working out
Are you a fucking retard?
I guess you can't go from being skinny to being muscular either huh idiot
obvious implants you blind retard
lol stupid fuck
its unbelievable that you think she worked out for that ass. those are fake, are you fucking stupid?
it's unbelievable that you think a butt. that'smostly made of literal fucking muscle CANT GROW
kys brainlet
nothing else on her body has changed other than her tits and ass. you are sincerely fucking retarded
Can someone give me an example of what a flat ass looks like? I keep wondering if my butt is flat because every ass just looks round to me.
Disregarding the pictures, since you're too stupid to read.
Are you saying that asses can't grow from being worked out? SImple Yes , or no.
If yes, then you fucking agree and are a stupid fuck for arguing. If no, then neck yourself and do the world a favor cause we need less tards in the world
i literally said in my first post that you can improve your ass by working out, but nothing on the level of the pic. that pic is absolutely absurd and you're dumb as shit if you think you think that's possible just by doing squats... that is all plastic surgery, look at her fucking tits.
Holy shit you are absolutely retarded, my God you stupid fuck.
says the total dipshit that thinks this is possible through squats hahahaha what a fucking moron wow
>those are i-implants
>you can't p-prove me wrong
>he reverts back to talking about pics to keep himself from sounding like a retard
KEK, sure thing bro
lmao you just wont accept that ass is fake as shit hahahaha what an idiot
This is nonsense, flat butts are also wonderful, like every part of a girl is
If they have posterior tilt and flat asses yes.
Else it's either about gaining fat or taking external hormones. A flat ass doesnt signify lacking muscles bur rather lacking fat or a bad pelvic tilt.
Holy shit the stacy on your picture has a bad posture. Probably would get shin splints, back pain and pull her muscles after only running for 3 miles
Whether you subjectively think the ass is fake or not has nothing to do with my point and at this point is irrelevant.
Glutes are muscles and with enough stimulation and calories they will grow. Simple as that, and it's a FUCKING FACT! just get the noose
>A flat ass doesnt signify lacking muscles bur rather lacking fat or a bad pelvic tilt.
Plenty of people have hank hill asses even with good posture, and asses are made up of three muscles so yeah the shape is mostly dependent on that. It's the template. The fat is stored around it
>Whether you subjectively think the ass is fake or not has nothing to do with my point and at this point is irrelevant.
>Glutes are muscles and with enough stimulation and calories they will grow. Simple as that, and it's a FUCKING FACT! just get the noose
wow thanks for stating obvious facts about the human body. heres another obvious fact, her ass is fake and you're dumb. i guess i have to keep repeating myself, her body has not changed one bit other than an ass that grew 50x within 2 years, and her tits. gee, i wonder why?
>i guess i have to keep repeating myself
Retards usually do that, you're just arguing with yourself at this point.
Its not flat. Could be better certainly but honestly dont really care. Not like im a hot instagram model
It is NOT okay to be flat. Retards complain about women having high standards then try to cope by accepting any woman since they're starved of female contact. If you were a man and knew to pick out BETTER females due to having BETTER genetics (BIGGER boobs, BIGGER ass) you might not be such a incel op.
If those are implants then why is her ass bigger in 2015 compared to 2014? Did she get implants in 2014 then got them ripped out for slightly bigger implants in 2015?
not only is that possible, but that's not how it's done either you numbnut
I couldn't give less of a fuck about your silly debate about this exact girl, but you're not forced to only have 'one big implant' or whatever weird rule you got in your head, they just add more silicone (or whatever substance they use nowadays) on top of the rest, and there you go
look up pamela anderson, fag
worked out a lot as a teenager so it was perky and plump. then depression hit and i didn't want to eat/work out anymore so it got flat. i'm glad it did, i didn't like the attention.
realistically speaking the first picture is the only one shes not arching her back at least slightly. and the final one looks photoshopped as fuck.
She clearly gained weight between 2013/14 though and thats probably the biggest factor. the last two pictures are just incredibly flattering/edited. if not some kind of implant
Kys meat
robots always think in black and white desu. most non-overweight girls have just normal butts.
im assuming you have a flat butt
i know your tactics, robot, i won't post it.
pls let me spank your mediocre butt
i worry your sub 6" wrist would snap before it hit it.
then ill use my fucking face
what about my 6"+ cock?
i'm kiddding, user. nobody actually cares about that you see.
shoo, discord chad.
Im not Chad Im just a robot with a penis over 6''
I'm not him and I don't mind whether your butt is flat or fat, just marry me please
i love you, user. origami salami.
well okay then, no need to be mean about it
you want me to call you cute instead?
Im not like the autist arguing they got implants, but it is pretty obvious that most of the difference in those is that they learned to bend their backs for picture poses.
stop being such a weeb for fucks sake
and the only one allowed to call me cute is my wife, so unless you're ready to put out, no
>my wife
after you stop giving false hope to desperate maidens.
Not him. How old are you/what state do you live in?
this is what i deserve for being on burger hours anyway. night, anons.
fuck you, she's mine
good night senpai
the only hours that matter are burger hours. you must become one with the burger