*teaches children*
*teaches children*
How unironically fucked up do you have to be to see a young adult teaching elementary school kids and start getting upset because they happen to be female and make your peepee tingle and such a person teaching kids is somehow bad ?
My god
High schoolers are barely children.
>How unironically fucked up do you have to be
Desgustaang! Do you have more documentation?
Teachers are held to a higher standard and shouldn't be provocative
bait but just imagine a man doing the equivalent
ok /thread pack it in boys
Absolutely disgusting she needs to cover up her ankles
we know that she's only there so she can devour shota dicks
If "microaggressions" can be considered psychologically damaging, then involuntary sexual arousal should be as well. A young man does not choose to be distracted by a provocatively dressed woman; he literally cannot help it. To display legs, or tits, or ass is to hijack the brain of any nearby young man, instantly stimulating an explosive cocktail of neurotransmitters to go haywire in the man's brain, causing any number of problems for him ranging from poor concentration at work or at school leading to economic consequences, all the way up to lives being cost due to having women in the military in the name of equality. For millennia, civilizations the world over understood this. They made one simple constraint on women, and it was: Please go away so we men can concentrate.
This would be the equivalent, not that bad.
Funny thing, can't remember a single good male teacher in my school
Top 3 were all women, worst one was a male that ruined math for me
>How unironically fucked up do you...
This is Jow Forums fren
kek retard.
Basically you say that some of us are such retards/perverts that they would rape a teacher or that they couldn't concentrate so we should ban it.
No you take chemical castration emotional faggots.
If all m*n were castrated, this wouldn't be a problem.
just saying.
back to tumbler with your cancer.
women who display their legs in a place where concentration is required and men are placed are fucking degenrates that should be homeprisoned for the rest of thier lives.
she could easily wear something that doesn't show off how "sexy" their legs are but they don't because muh liberty. truly selfish degenrrates that make everything about themselves forgetting the child's. and ofcourse basedboy cucks like yourself enable them to get free niceguy points.
i hope HIV evolves where it targets these attention whores that oppose decent clothing in professional areas
t. legfag
Kek sandnigger muslim faggots getting trigerred by women showing their legs
You are so fucking dumb and underage
l want to hike that skirt up and burry my face in her plump ass
I see nothing wrong with young sexy teachers.
>castrate the horniest men
How unironically stupid do you have to be to think castrating the highest of T males wouldnt lower the global birth rate to 0?
>that skirt
fucking slut, she belongs in a brothel
No it would basically be just castrating jihadists and whimps like you.
i said ALL m*n. also
>implying that would be a bad thing
homeprisoning every female is cheaper, easier and more productive, it's the female's natural habitat
How does getting horny when I see legs and ass make me a whimp or a jihadist?
Is Chad getting castrated too??
>implying that would be a bad thing
Yes, it would very much be a bad thing
How is the world market economy going to continue if our children dont exist when we die???
Thats the sound of billions of shekels not being made
>How is the world market economy going to continue if our children dont exist when we die???
Why should it continue?
>Why should it continue?
Oh, I dont know
So we can eat
So we can keep our houses
So we can continue watching anime
So we can continue playing vidya
So we can continue jerking off
You are seriously retarded
Not OP but at my school the male teachers weren't allowed to have shorts while the female teachers wore shit like this I just don't like the double standard
fuck our houses, apartment war now
Sexy teacher. I had a sexy teacher too, no one complained, some guys wanted to fuck her but meh, who cares.
What i rather find unsettling is that she boxed
an electron the same way like other elements.
Can you consider an electron an element by itself ? Maybe if you are talking about ion transfer/current and you want to simplify.
>implying it's emotional and not physical
>implying we would have electricity or electric motors if tesla was surrounded by sluts dressed in revealing clothing
One of the reasons that society is so shit today, is women being so fucking obssessed with distracting every man online and irl with their fucking bodies,all of it without any consequences,and the elite making huge profits out of it with camgirls,pornstars,social media.
stop slut shaming her , summer is hot
tfw no russian gf. I hear lots of russian towns have more women than men because of alcoholism
being horny is an emotion faggot. So much to that.
If feminism taught me anything, emotions are real and need to be respected
If poltards have taught me anything it's that we shouldn't introduce ALLAHU AKBAR, shitty kebab jihadist regulations.