>tfw had anxiety attack
>Masturbate to ease the existencial pain.
>Can't use PC, since I have OCD, and I must purify myself before touching it.
>Take a shower, existencial shit hits, since it's the norm.
>Finish and get dressed, still cannot use PC since I don't feel clean enough.
>Give up, lay on couch.
>Fap, sigh.
>tfw I'm stuck shitphoneposting until tomorrow, when another oportunnity of purifying myself comes.
>Can't take two showers, skin would hurt.
>Can't watch anime or play vydya in good res
I hate this type of days.
Help me to cope robots.
Im dying.
I'm here.
Still around, user?
how are you feeling bro?? any better?
>Can't use PC, since I have OCD, and I must purify myself before touching it.
I'm impressed.
I'm gril and you impressed me today with this.
Go brag about that to all your virgin friends OP
Yes, I am, I dont have anywhere else to go, really.
Probably not feeling well until tomorrow, but the wait is killing me.
your disorders are made up nobody cares, be more apathetic
get OCD meds. I am on them and I'm not this autistic anymore.
I know nobody cares, so do I.
Well, I would want to say that, but its a lie.
Cant do, Im a NEET with limited income, even then, Im sure the feeling of not having washed myself properly would go away.
since when/what age/events you have this kind of ritual for pc usage OP?
sad. but with such OCD, I am sure you managed to clean yourself thoroughly enough to use the PC, right?
I think it all started when buying a dakimakura.
Even when I was a child, I would do a lot of shit outside, take care of the dogs, and child explotation in short, for the jokes, it wasn't that bad, except for the mental abuse of always being worthless.
I like to take care of my stuff, not like anybody else, that also included my personal hygiene.
Before, I could get away using my PC,
Only washing and damaging my hands like a maniac.
Back to it, "make sure to clean yourself and your surrodings, no pets, the hair is hard".
I thought, that makes sense, for everything even...
But what helped the most was working evening after evening, fuck school and studies, Am I right?
From dirt, to oil, cold, sweat, smoke, gasoline.
I worked with all these things, of course I would need a shower.
But it kinda lasted, ongoing with my mental problems, and I can only do thinga certain "clean" way, or I cant be at ease.
It easier for know, I'm not working with those things, but some day, "cum", or any other shit, "suvirved" the shower,
and I couldnt do nothing for it.
This is not usual, I can get along with my rituals, even surpase them, but they come back, and I must remain clean...
Sorry for the pasta,user.
do you speak english tho
Yeah, for normal people standars or something, but not for myself.
Even if I do it right to myself, if I feel unease I just cant do it, so they remaning thing to do is wait...
Fairly enough, try to make sense of it yourself, since Its not my native languague and people who are, always ask this...
it makes sense faggot
but it's really bad written
I'm also not american
Well, still that kid who got 9 at english courses and could do 3 exams in 50 min while the rest of the class struggled with just one.
And I mean High school,no,
Fucking Bach, I still can't make proper sentences on an anonymus IB, yeah amazing, nothing I can do, I like to slack a lot in that sense.
just get on your fucking pc before I come beat the shit out of you
Are you me OP? OCD and semen fear is hell. Over the last years my case has progresses to the point I only masturbate like once every 3 months. And also a convoluted ritual must be done but I found a way around it using plenty of latex gloves, condoms and a pringle cans so that I dont have to soak my hands in bleach for 15 minutes each time I clean myself.
Last time I did it I went to sleep at 7am, it fucking sucks,
I wish, No can do, I'm not clean, and I must wait for the holy water to erase my sins.
I also can defend myself, never feared that, the only thing I fear is getting my stuff away badly, not getting it away, I mean, but mistreating it, and it gives me more anger and reasons to snap and commit murder now that I think...
Also got kicked out of Schoolarization, for deviant behavior, you see, but maybe those anime remixed scared the theachers more than I thought...
Lol man, I did the glooves thing, it helped a lot, but also needed to be washed since Rubber didnt smeel nice, and my touch was uncomfy...
In my case it didnt interfer with my nighty faps, but since one day, I just could do it,
You cant use PC, because of it now, happened...
Rutine has changed, so I guess it does not help either
Where did everyone go?
Hope you are at least enjoying a meal or smt.
>21 replies
>7 posters
op, just kill yourself, you've hit an all time low
what the fuck are you on about, retard? a 3:1 ratio is perfectly normal
Worth is defined by number of posters.
Then trannies, cuck,chad, and no sex anons sure are worth, huh..?
>didnt smeel nice
yeah natural latex has this weird odor to it, it actually smelled as much if not more than cum itself, but at least prevented that lasting sticky feel on my hands. Thats why I started washing the gloves days before using them, another task in this pointless, tiresome ritual. Have you ever thought of buying a second, emergency cumposting computer? I did, it was a netbook but specs were so shit I prefered using my phone and sold it.
Not really, having and expensive smartphone is enough, cortesy of my mom thought, funnily it never happens with someones elses stuff.
Also, there were times I would be so tired and throught with all the stuff, I just sleept on the floor near all my bags of unclean clothes, and phoneposted liked this, before passing out and waking up to get back to hell.
>Tfw your shower gel supports OCD.
Srry if the pic is rotated, high tech phone, you see
Shameless bumpo.
R9k muter evasion edition.
>just sleept on the floor near all my bags of unclean clothes, and phoneposted liked this, before passing out and waking up to get back to hell.
Man I know that feel, when I first started doing the pringles can method I'd often stuff the can with too many sponges, the pussy can would be too tight to penetrate so Id keep humping until I came but I came so hard my bedsheets were all covered in cum at 6am. I couldnt use the washing machine and slept half awake trying to not worsen the mess. Bad times. I know some anons live like this like its normal but I couldnt stand it for a single night.