This thread is for manlets to commiserate.
DISCLAIMER: if you are over 5'11'', please leave this thread. You do not understand suffering and you never will. Like a woman, your life has been determined by your looks.
This thread is for manlets to commiserate.
DISCLAIMER: if you are over 5'11'', please leave this thread. You do not understand suffering and you never will. Like a woman, your life has been determined by your looks.
I'll be dumping some suicide fuel further expounding on why short men are in fact the only creatures aware of suffering, and why tall men simply cannot comprehend this aspect of existence, much like women.
It is an undeniable reality that if you are 6'0'' or over, you are losing on tutorial mode.
It is impossible for tall men to comprehend feelings of ostracization, unwantedness, and loneliness.
we manlets are universally despised. Society tacitly approves of our suffering, and people are encouraged to bully and ridicule us for reasons outside of our control. Yet this callousness is not extended to other people who suffer from physical or mental disabilities.
Like women, tall men are given a societal "pass"--they are able to seamlessly blend and be welcomed into any situation provided they uphold the bare minimums of hygiene and fashion. Manlets, on the other hand, can physically, financially, and emotionally excel, but still be considered flawed due to one factor completely out of our control.
Tall men complain about not getting women on this board, yet fail to even try. They blame their "spaghetti" and other things completely within their control.
They complain that women do not directly approach them and offer themselves. This is because the world has given them the expectation that they should be rewarded simply for existing.
In the mind of the lankie, "injustice' simply means not being rewarded. In the mind of the manlet, "injustice" means being unduly punished. This is the primary cognitive difference between manlets and lankies.
Manlets lack any kind of power dynamic. Lankies, even in a losing argument, can simply refer to their opponent as a manlet and they are deemed the "winner." Women do not care about argumentation, logic, or evidence, and will therefore always side with the emotional appeal that "big" men have.
There is absolutely no recourse. Being afflicted by manletism is a death sentence in today's world, yet still we endure a never-ending litany of insults--for what? Because we were born incorrectly.
Ultimately, manlets are caught in a catch-22. If they resign themselves to their mediocrity, they are ridiculed--e.g., "little man," "timid," etc.
If they choose to behave with courage and confidence, they are ridiculed as having a "Napoleon" complex.
Ultimately, no one but manlets can understand suffering. We are the one and only true "outlier" from the human race. It is socially acceptable for every group, gender, corporation, government, school, etc. to mock us.
It's likely this thread won't receive any replies. If lankies do reply here, it will either be to further ridicule manlets or complain that their height has not given them magical superpowers that instantly compel women to have sex with them. They will complain that they even have to try.
This is the way it has always been and will always be: manlets create civilization through our suffering, endurance, hardship, and stoicism-- while lankies simply enjoy its fruits.
This thread is such bullshit. If your insecurity of your height trumps your ability to attract people and obtain a personality that people see you by, then yes you're fucked. People will always see faces, not heights or looks. Despite you not thinking so, you'll always be treated like a person by others. It's just that you're acting like a lil bitch about it.
>Tfw 6'11 and aortic aneurysm from Marfans
Suffering comes in many forms, height doesn't exempt you
How tall are you, by chance?
>lil bitch
Like clockwork. How many times have you been called a "lil bitch" in your life?
Sure, pal. Being tall must be really tough, especially with all that "depression" and "anxiety."
What the fuck is that virgin doing at that shitty normie party anyway? This is your problem. You try to go to places you don't belong, try to fit in where you don't. That's why you're unhappy. I went through it myself.
>tfw there are tall virgins
lmao how
>just don't go to the party lol no one wants you there anyway
Great advice, Chad, never thought about it like that!
I'm 5'4, been called "lil bitch" as many times as you think I have. Just be kind to others. People aren't as mean and degrading of you as you say they are, I know this. Insecurity turns from sadness into bitterness or even downright hatred for others. And over what? Life has been wasted over such small hurdles.
Short men suffer. Tall men exist.
good post, user
despite all of this we can succeed, my father did after all that's why I'm here
You're so far gone, man. I do appreciate you though. But still, normies only care about what they see. The world is purely visual. You give people way too much credit. They might not laugh at you to your face but they'll sure do it with your back turned.
Mine as well, but to what end? The expectation now for men is 6'2'' minimum. We might find some way to procreate, but then our sons will simply inherit our misery.
We should honestly form a breakaway civilization of just short people and leave the tall people to their own devices. The few women that realize where their bread is buttered can come and live with us.
That's ok, honestly. They'll say what they will about me.
>the world is purely visual
You have a lot of learning to do friend. You keep letting internet sites determine what you are
You try needing custom made fucking everything, breaking and bumping into shit constantly, being in constant pain from joint issues and having people treat you like a freak of nature only appropriate on a fucking basketball court. Entitled little faggot much. I'd gladly trade places with your ungrateful ass.
oh those problems are horrible I'm sure, nevermind the respect and attraction people have for you when you put minimum effort into looking good
>looking good
U wot, I'm a fucking gargoyle. Gheorghe Muresan is like a much bigger version of me
This picture killed all my hopes for normal life.
t. 5'7
Good. Let the hopelessness course through your veins. See what "people" you share the world with. This is our fate. We are not even seen as people.
well there goes my last hopes
I literally don't understand how other manlets can be confident and not constantly feel little and useless
Gain some weight so at least you wont be weak.
where is my 6' squad ?? 184cm of pure manlyness, get rekt manlet incels, i can't even see you, you are just to short.
Hahahahahahahahaaha, you should have eaten more as a child. Don't forget to est your veggies smallboy
Same. It comes up in every fucking social situation. Girls always remark on it. Guys always talk about how tall they are. Height is fucking everything to normies. Being physically large means more than anything. It's so fucking unfair bros why couldn't I just have been born 6' fuuuuuuuuuu
Reminder that even if you're were tall, you would still have an ugly face. Saying that you would be a chad if you're were above 180 cm is a massive cope
>those proportions
Dear God why
Is this the good kind of manlet thread, where we tell our success stories?
Or the bad kind? where everyone is depressed?
I have a great face and a great personality. I'm not even a virgin--I've had multiple relationships. But you know something? No girl wants to stay with me because they think they can always do "better." And fuck--I guess they're right! They always date someone taller in the end. Seriously fuck off--height is all that matters; women would rather have a 6'10'' ogre than a handsome 5'9'' man.
It can be either, but it's trending toward the latter. Share some of your success stories desu. Turn this ship around.
Being tall actually increases your chance of being ugly because proportions scale worse and you have a lot more testosterone causing jagged bone structure most of the time. 6-6'3 is the sweet spot for looks and bulk.
>like taller girls
>have gf taller than me
y'all cant even phase me, im living my dream
I wont brag, but instead I'll offer this easy three step program-- for people of all ages, heights, and temperment.
>Step 1: Be good looking
>Step 2: Be interesting
>Step 3: Be charming and have a high sex drive
You literally cannot go wrong if you can somehow line up those three steps. Or at least 2.
I literally can't keep up, atm
Not true, I'm 6'8 247 and my best friend who's 5'6 is drowning in pussy. I don't have that kind of appeal. Cope harder.
im short and i dont need this thread
Cope alert. Face > Height
There is a difference between being tall and being a literal giant skeleton, Marfans only makes that worse.
>inb4 urr lanklet
I am 69/70 inches tall, I believe that is around 176.5-177cm, at the most. Far from.
child vs man in one picture
Manletism is not game-breaking in itself as long as you have good looks in general (probably only 10% wouldn't meet this qualification if they weren't fat and had good hygiene) and at least "something" out of the ordinary going for you. Like for example, you can be cute/feminine enough to attract girls into cute guys, or if you are fit enough or bulky enough you get girls who like muscles or well proportioned physiques. Hell, if you got niche fetishes you got a corner on the market for the girls with that fetish. Turn hobbies into means to connect with like-minded women (admittingly vidya and anime are harder than others).
Given of course tall men need literally no other qualification which is bullshit. But far worse is how businesses view short people. If you aren't rich, you are seen as not as capable as taller men and they often get the better jobs and pay just because of the appearance additional presence and capability. That is where the real bullshit lies, fuck women who care that much about height anyways why would you even want to date such thots.
Sup manlet bro's
I'm 5'5 and an ugly soab. But don't give up! You just gotta keep going. Pic related, from yesterday or the day before that.