What does r9k think of white men? What's your experience interacting with one?
What does r9k think of white men? What's your experience interacting with one?
I feel like all white men think they are superior but only Chads actually outwardly express it.
the only good thing about whites is that they aren't niggers
>all men think they're attractive looking but only attractive men look attractive.
I'm kinda done with white men. They've become too insecure and lazy.
Black man here. Grew up in the projects which was mostly black and seen the city become more white not saying its bad. For the most part you white men are cool. Some a bit too uppity though.
I like how I can see different worlds of race having grown up in the inner city but interact with more whites in the business district.
White men is too broad a category. My area is almost entirely white. I have only seen a few non-white people here.
It's awesome being white. I can understand the jealousy it breeds amongst the other races, lol
Why are your women so goddamn ugly? How can you look at them and feel turn on by their hideous faces and bodies?
There are plenty of good looking black women. Can't really change your mind.
I don't know man. I've never met a white man in real life that actually did something I disliked, they're all cool and high standard I guess.
The best white people I really ever interacted with is metalheads at concerts.
>black woman
>good looking
White people seem to have a much looser family relationship. They talk back their parents, they have different friend groups than their siblings, etc.
Old school white guys are cool. New whites are either cringy wannabe nazi edgelords or complete beta bitches.
this. theres alpinoids and theres Hitler's Aryan master race.
alpinoids cause too much damage in the name of the white race, there should be a distinction between Hitler's Aryans and alpinoids.
I do not hate men, yet whenever I see them I just feel a burning fury from within. Doesn't make sense because 90% of my colleagues are white.
I don't live close to them. I've never had a bad experience with them.
Black women are cute to me. I like their DSLs and dark skin looks better to me at least. I guess you have to be black to like them, all races naturally prefer their own so I don't expect you to like them.
Why do they make you feel burning fury from within?
>all races naturally prefer their own
I've met tons of black guys who exclusively date non-black women and said they find black girls ugly.
That's just an anecdote though
If you're white and intend to racemix just know that your children will end up being self hating mutts that have a very high rate of depression, personality disorder and will have a hard time finding organ donors.
>your child will be human
I'm black myself kek
>I don't live close to them
Mutts have higher rate of depression, suicide, personality disorders and health related problems than non-racemixed people. And they're often social outcasts as they have nowhere to fit in and no real identity.
they're mostly entitled fags, who say the n word despite you politely asking them not to, and then use ebonics awkwardly while not coming from the african american background. Which is just cringey as hell, whenever they mutter something along the lines of "On gawd", or "Yuh feel me cuz". Then they're always listening to some wack ass shit from like 2007 or 1999, or just outdated hip hop music because they dislike all contemporary hip hop for some reason and will only listen to it when its 4+ years old and most people have already forgotten about it. Also when you're a well spoken black man, they oddly feel like they know more about the African American community than you do despite the fact that they literally no nothing about anything beyond memes. Constantly challenging my blackness for reasons beyond my understanding. Constantly asking me stupid ass questions about my hair, "Do yall wash yalls dreadlocks"? Yes you dumb fucking bitch holy shit. " Do you twist your hair every night"? No you fucking retard and if you literally ever just interacted with other black people you would have known the answer. Always trying to get an N word pass from me, as if I can stop them from saying Nigga, and Nigger constantly, repeatedly as if it's the first word they've ever learned, as if they have tourettes or something, they're so obsessed, it's disturbing. Shit is just weird quite frankly. Sometimes they also get this ungodly fascination with me like i'm a demi god just because i'm black and well spoken, or they just see me as a pariah amongst my people, and assume me less black, despite themselves not even knowing anything about what that would entail beyond ebonics, because apparantly to white people we're all just funny talkin, dancing, rappers who come from the hood. The ignorance I experience from 95% of my white colleges literally parallels a Boondocks episode verbatim, but it's unironic and just cringey.
In conclusion white men are peculiar and ignorant.
>my opinion is fact
all humans suffer, mutt or not
Just how white am I? For reference I'm Mexican.
Not an opinion, it's backed by statistics.
youre talking about wiggers you idiot. but youre american so i mean basically everyone you know is a retard
opinions are based on something, that doesnt make it fact. mutts dont suffer anymore than other humans
Don't have kids, there's already too many mexicans and with their high birth-rate they'll replace the entire US population in 50 years.
>nothing is factual even when backed by statistics and scientific studies.
no i'm not talking about wiggers, i'm talking about the average white male. Maybe where you're from they don't behave like this, but where i'm from this is basically the norm.
>doesnt understand his opinion are not fact
the word nigger is really funny but yeah everything else sounds annoying to deal with, I don't think anyone likes wiggers.
I know a whitey. He is fucking perfect. Great dude. Beautiful. Intelligent. Not racist.
I know another whitey that is a fucking nazi psycho. He works on BOPE. Deeply racist and evil. But he is pretty cute and he is a Chad bully.
Another whitey I know is cute, but I don't think he is a Chad. He is a musician. Knows How to play a violin, but he is a rock star.
alright i guess it always seems like they stare me down when i don't dress formally though this is MUCH MUCH worse with women.
im from europe and all well-behaved people are white and literally anyone else is legally retarded
You sound like a black women. Don't racemix, your children would suffer.
Why do black people smell so bad?
T. Wh*toid with superior musk that requires minimal showers
Somalians are the only group of people that are noticeably worse smelling than other groups in my experience
I think they have weaker smelling senses and probably don't realise how disgusting they smell just like how they have weaker facial recognition and therefore lower standards. If you observe them long enough you'll notice they also have a lower range of facial expressions.
I'm not reading all of that, literal nigger.
I'm not talking about wiggers tho, this is the average white behavior where i'm from. Always stealing lingo, and dances and behaving like how they perceive black people while secretly not liking black people. This is literally all white people in America. Saying "it's lit senpai, and then calling each other their nigga despite being white as fuckin snow, and then listening to skrt skrt by Kodak black, which came out 4 years ago, or a lil wayne song, and then smoking weed and buying a gram overpriced. This is all they do here. There's no escape from them.
Mostly they seem to live inside a bubble. Hippie bubble, farmer bubble, gangsta bubble, etc.
they rarely see outside of this bubble.
This is why frequently male politicians with indignantly cry "Why, that doesn't affect anybody but women and non-whites!" without realizing that includes every person except white men. they see themselves as "average" and default.
as a result they rarely consider other viewpoints.
>If you observe them long enough you'll notice they also have a lower range of facial expressions.
What do you mean?
>I don't like reading on a text based forum
Then go be retarded some where else faggot
Bad diet. Lots of blacks eat unhealthy foods and are obese. I eat healthily and don't smell. Hygiene is important too.
White boi here
>Blond hair
>Blue eyes
What are your questions?
Sending white supremacists to the balkans would be like sending feminists to the middle east. Nobody would return with his or her worldview intact. At least blacks assimilate to the culture they grew up in. They talk, move, think just like locals. The way I see it, the american concrete jungle apes are intentionally marketed a dehumanizing culture.
Oi, what are the projects?
>they rarely consider other viewpoints.
Why should they give a shit about you? Why can't your own people build and invent things for themselves?
You don't have a problem with native Americans right? My mom said they are secretly racist against redskins but I have never experienced any racism to my knowledge
Would you be happier if only beautiful healthy white people existed? No spics, chinks or niggers
Do you consider yourself a robot when many women would fall you based on those traits alone regardless of things like income?
"My own people" do build and invent things for themselves.
They should give a shit about me because I'm part of the world's majority that white men have control over. If they wish to remain in control they will have to compromise.
>implying balcucks are white
They look like turkroaches, some spics even look whiter
Lmao whites are controlled by jews and so are you
>You don't have a problem with native Americans right?
No, but to be fair, I've never met anyone who was a native American.
>Would you be happier if only beautiful healthy white people existed? No spics, chinks or niggers
No. I like people of other races, and I like my own. It's super naive and idealistic but I really wish we could all respect each other's mutual beauty and differences -- but we live in a chaotic world, and I think that dream might be impossible. But we can still try.
As for beauty and health, I do wish that for everyone.
I don't know if I consider myself a robot anymore. I've been on Jow Forums before the first wipe (so for years now), but in that time I've had a gf and a few other flings. And I've been told by many asian and latina women that I'm quite attractive and handsome.
I'm also single and significantly bipolar, so go figure. I'm doing the best I can. Hope you are too, robot.
I think we're pretty cool. Wiggers can fuck off tho.
The Koch brothers aren't jewish. The Waltons aren't jewish. Bill gates isn't jewish. There's only 6 jews in the united states senate out of 100 members. The numbers don't add up, brother.
like every other spic, we put them in a pedestal and we all believe hitler was right
>Why can't your own people build and invent things for themselves?
Lmao white people unironically believe they invented everything. I have some bad news for you.
were mostly white men you idiot
You've been lied to. Most robots, weebs, incels, and the like are brown mystery-meat third world peoples.
I'm a white latin-descendent (not latino) with black straight hair and brown eyes, do I still count as a white man?
Well lay it on him. Tell him about all the great inventions and discoveries made by blacks.
yeah, spaniards and pork-n-cheese are still white.
one of my best friends is white i love my white niggas
>Latino here
I mean they're just sort of there. Had terrible interactions with some but I'm not stupid and realize that's not because they're white. They're just a huge majority so they'll run the gamut. I don't really have an opinion except I think the people who think they're superior for it are hilariously stupid. Congrats you were born white like most people tend to be. It really doesn't matter.
Youre such a obvious Jow Forumsfaggot that yo cant even follow your own fucking red pills. Most third world fags could easily get pussy because of their low IQ. While despite most white populations able to live like chads and stacies. All the incels, Weebs...etc have come from the genetic failures of the white race. Honestly fuck off you dense retard.
I have met people like you and people like the types you find on this website. Nearly every single one was either indian or southeast asian. Sometimes black but mostly those two.
My conclusions aren't conjecture. They're based in fact, and i'm surprised at the offense you took at my comment.
Good Lord you are a condescending twat. Get over yourself
I used to believe the same fucking thing I swear. I thought that the incel phenomenon was mostly among white men. Until i actually met them.
The "bobs and vagene" stereotype is real dude. Most of these brown people come from vastly different societies and have absolutley no idea how to behave around women.
Truly the master race. 10/10 on all accords
>two smart to have sex
"it's because my IQ is to high I swear!"
Btw Im the original took offensed guy, twat guy is pretty cool but still, no matter their circumstances they still have the village slut while we are so genetically fucked in the head that despite having a chance to get with a girl, our day and age just simply makes us apathetic to do so. Also what do you mean by met people like me?
white skin awakens the protective instinct.
>they still have the village slut
Well thats kinda my point. Their societies had stuff like this in place. India had arranged marriages for example.
Buy since becoming westernized, these people have effectivley lost the mechanisms they had in place to make sure the lowest common denominator still got some ass. Regardless of how retarded they acted.
Socially retarded try-hards with redeeming qualities but a fuckton of insecurities. Can't find their ass with both hands, but whitepilled and autismo about one or two things. Fail to give them what they want, and they'll ruin your life. Basically what Jews are to whites, whites are to everyone else. White chads are literally gods in human form, but they still get cucked by below average ghetto kids with game.
They literally have the worst type of woman though and i don't mean it in like a racial superior type way but iike you can literally see a white dude walk with his "tradwife", and he has no idea that she's fucked like 8 different ghetto mexicans in the same month. Shit's tragic.
>t. black
I like white guys and I feel very inferior to them as a non-white. I wish they would be more open so I can be friends with one
why don't you just google it you dumb fuck.
>inb4 hurr durr see you don't even have any
no i'm just not wasting my time on ignorant people. If you want to learn, then go learn. If not just continue shitposting like a retard who never finished elementary school
They care too much about race
Blacks calling anyone other race insecure lmao
They are okay. Some are nice and cool, but white people in general can not be trusted. They are all snakes in the grass.
Live on easy mode.
Non-black females have life on tutorial mode.
Black females have life on hardcore mode (their life is easier but if they fuck up no one cares about them anymore)
Non-white males have life on hard mode.
The supreme race.
White men accomplished like 75% of everything on this planet.
If youre non white and a normalfaggot you should die screaming.
bet you can't walk into a fast food restaurant without getting sweaty palms, buttlet.
first human made fire was made by africans
first wheel was build by africans
White and work in a warehouse of mostly blacks
Theyre pretty cool honestly, when they group up theyll be rude to me ive noticed though
I mentored a black kid for a year through a volunteer program so i will attack the shit out of people that try and shift the social dynamic to idignation and me being racist immediately which happens with random blacks but not the ones ive worked with which is cool
Good bants, they all drool over this chubby grandma at my work which is lulz
because they can actually get laid
How can a black guy be complaining about not getting laid. Just show them your dick bro
It's 50/50 for me. A lot of them are straightforward and polite, but you get that occasional guy who wants to be a prick (kind of like a ghetto rat, but smarter and more obsessive about things)
You need to cancel your subscription to Blacked.com my guy.
If they're born attractive they'll join the work force and fight over woman, not really making any real friends and coping with weed or stims.
If they're not attractive like me, they'll delay work as long as possible, or dive into work and devote themselves to money. Admire escapism , try and make friends and get stabbed in the back, or kill themselves.