Tell me anons, why arent you? It has something for everyone.
Tradition, change, honor, all these are core values.
Why would you choose to live in fear of sin, when you can honor the gods and live for honor? The gods are the only gods, no proselytizing took place, the people knew the gods in their hearts and souls. Now, in this day and age, we need the gods as an example to live by, as an example of what honor, law, and integrity should be.
Follow the true gods anons, don't follow any of the modern jew religions. Die with honor and meet the honored dead of valhalla to boast for eternity with honor.
Why aren't you a norse pagan?
You're right but I can't make myself believe something, also people think it's edgy due to groupthink.
The gods care not if you're able to believe, but still yet, you should follow the lessons of old to live and die with honor.
because i am not scandinavian. i am brown
Fucking larping cocksucker, fuck off with your imaginary gods you queer
Because all "gods" are part of the demiurge's hierarchy and they're harvesting our energy.
Christ is the only way.
>implying Jesus wasn't just a ploy to get people to worship the demiurge as well.
Nice one mr.npcnr685
You sure told them, shall I lead you back to rreddit?
Only false believers care about race. It originated in scandinavia, but it is not only meant to belong there. The gods welcome all into their ranks, as we are all the children of odin.
You may say what you want, but you may also be wrong
Christianity stole heavily from the pagans. Easter is not their own, but is stolen from eostre, the celebration of the god with the same name. Christmas was yule. Your false god and those who blindly follow he who is not real stole from my ancestors and made it their own, while killing those who did mot convert. Eyvind Kinriffi was killed because he refused to betray the true gods and his ancestors, alonf many others. If your "god" has to kill and force people to listen, he is not a god. The true gods were always in everyones hearts, no one forced them to believe, yet they did.
You will die in ignorance, and i will bask in thr glory of my ancestors and the gods. You proselytizers can no longer supress the belief of the true gods, so stay angry, i will die proud of who i am, and you will die fearing whatever sins you have commited against "god", when in reality you will suffer in the worst parts of Helheim.
>muh norse gawds
Because I am a Slav/Scandi/East German mutt and the only people involved are either scum or the very definition of larper, case in point Novorossiya.
I can find my own values and not be enslaved by another man's
That does not hold true in all places. I mean no disrespect to you, but that is a bad place to be, do not use people as a measure for a religion, to do so is foolish
Why is it always norse paganism. We know almost nothing about how these gods were worshipped and ehat we do know was recorded by christian monks.
The greek and roman pantheon is documented much better.
>do not use people as a measure for religion
I will if all it is is some cheap attempt for shekels, after severing ties with most if not all the other Patriarchs no less. Not to mention you arent so guilt free of that yourself.
Fuck if I know. Though I do believe there is a sort of revival of the Roman pantheons, Nova Roma or something like that.
Because I'm a slav
Hail Perun!
Codex regius, and specifically havamal, are untouched. The writings of snorri sturlusson do have hints of being touched by the christianization, but even still we have many a good idea, older documents and traditions exist, as for nearly 2 centuries people rejected Christianity. What we can do is worship the gods the best we can, in the ways we know.
Odin knows what happens on midgard, he can see what the christians did to our ancestors, he is a god of immense knowledge and would understand that no matter what our intentions were well meant. Even if it is not the true way, odin, being a god of wisdom, understands that thr change brought about would end up as the new ways of worshipping the gods. It is not what is done, but the intent of what is done. Odin will truly understand that even if i do not follow what nay have been the true ways, i did what i could with the knowledge spared by my ancestors and meant only to honor the gods. I have no fear of my actions being misguided, the gods will understand my intent.
You are right, i am guilty myself, and that is something i try to fix.
In my attempts to point out how christianity brough the oppression of my ancestors, a personal grudge comes into play, and i must work on keeping it out of my words, but thr history of what happened does still stand.
You're free to worship whatever gods you want, but you will be disappointed in death.
Because being a Paladin is cooler.
Also I can listen to Freedom call songs then.
Because I'm not a warrior so whats the point in following a warrior religion
Every religion has warriors, assuming norse is a warriors religion in and out is foolish. It is about living to leave a legacy, dying and leaving your mark on the world, entering the hall of odin an honored man.
Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise!
We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!
But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you." Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!
And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!
The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?
And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!
So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!
For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!
Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!
And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!
Because I'm a spic. As badass as the Aztecs were there is nothing left of them, they were wiped almost entirely and the lesser tribes that survived (that compose the modern meximutt) are not that cool.
>tfw cant even we wuz aztecs
i descend from africans, i have no idea which ethnicity and there is no generic african religion
I have said above and will say again, race matters not. There are few of the religion who think only those of certain color or descendancy are allowed to follow the gods, but they are not the gods. Nowhere has any god said those of different colors are not welcome to stand next to them in asgard. Because of the religion being called norse, it may seem only scandinavians can be in the religion, but the name is only from the location, not the race. If you so wish to follow the gods of old, those who were there long before the modern false gods, you are welcome. Odin cares not about your color.
because i'm jewish originamly
Live whatever way you decide, but do not complain in death when those beliefs are misguided and pushed by foreskin stealing proselytizers
I refuse to bow down or enslave myself to some dead guy's idea of the gods. The real god is the Sun, all else is lies.
You are misguided in beliving bowing down to the gods is what it is. Yes respects are duefully given to the gods, but it is not enslavement, you are not told what you cant do, only what you should. In the past, our allfather was kicked out of asgard, as he was loved among all else by thieves and criminals at the time. Many a castaway would write poems and pray to odin at night, causing other gods to be concerned it would make them look bad. 10 years is what is claimed he was cast out ot asgard, yet, no man was punished, despite them being criminals. The gods dont command loyalty, they only reccomend you live and die with honor, leaving an immortal legacy on this plane.
I don't worship a semen drinking faggot god
So its safe to assume you arent christian then
how about zeus worship?
My god is all powerful. Only one is necessary, you have to rely on dozens of weaker gods.
Zeus was a faggot
What does Odinn think about homosexuality
Your god and entire religion is false.
If your religion was so true and complete, why did it steal my holidays? Yule seems oddly like christmas, and eostre seems oddly lime easter. Funny how these things only came into christianity after they proselytized in scandinavia where these holidays existed for centuries.
So riddle me this, why suddenly did new holidays pop up almost verbatim to norse ones right at the time they proselytized in scandinavia?
I doubt you even realize how foolish you sound, but you will realize as you sit in Helheim.
>Why aren't you a norse pagan?
I'm not gay
I can mot give a 100% true answer as a large portion of what we know was wiped out by the christians, but never has it even been hinted at that those who love those of the same sex are not allowed into asgard. In havamal, it is said to be wary of a woman wed to another woman, but nowhere else i have seen in my readings of the eddas amd sagas has it said thag the gods dislike homosexuals. Norse is not about how not to live, but how to live, mainly focusing on dying with honor, so, i do not speak for the allfather, but i assume since it would be a way not to live, the gods would never say anything about it or dislike it, only instead focusing on your legacy.
I may be partial, but in my eyes, regardless of race, gender, or sexuality, all are welcome amongst the gods, those of such great power and wisdom would likely not hate any of their children over such a menial thing.
>why did you steal my holidays?
We got bored
Ah yes, bored of your false god and half finished religion. if easter was the day jesus was resurrected, then why was eostre stolen? It shouldve been a holiday from the start right? You fools will never admit you always filled the holes in your religion as you went.
Who cares? Paganism is obsolete and irrelevant. It will never come back into.
You're so wrong i can hear baldur laughing from helheim. Paganism in general, albeit small, has grown faster than any other religion in the western world. The numbers are shaky but the estimates generally range from 25,000 to low 100,000 worldwide. Saying it will never come back into is to ignore the fact that it has been.
This has nothing to do with our master and creator, The Sun, so I don't care what happened to your alfather or whatever. Call me back when Odin can literally fill the sky with light and the Earth with life.
The gods of the day and light would be sol and baldr, acting as if odin is the only god shows your foolishness.
You are outnumbered by billions. More people live in my city than practice your religion, and there are 200 larger cities in my country.
>it is said to be wary of a woman wed to another woman
Fuck me then
Cool, billions follow the wrong gods, majority does not mean correctness. My faith is stronger than their numbers.
It doesnt mean that its wrong, it just means to not be too trusting, but i believe that, at the time it may have been uncommon or taboo, now that it is a more normal thing, the gods would understand. They are beings of immense wisdom, they would not keep the same mentality over hundreds of years, especially odin. I said before i may be partial but i truly doubt any of the gods would think it wrong of you in any way, they love their children all, the only things the gods would want from you is an honorable life.
Religion is stupid as fuck. There's no evidence to prove any god exists
>They are beings of immense wisdom, they would not keep the same mentality over hundreds of years, especially odin.
I don't know much about Odinism, I thought he was pretty much omniscient after sacrificing a eye at this well?
Shintoism makes more sense to me. You are probably just some poor euro larper
I am not a Norse. I am an Anglo. I am above such filth.
One thing i ask is that you not refer to it as odinism, that name has been used frequently by racists and those who would use the religion and its symbols as a form of hatred. The modern names mostly used are heathenism or, more commonly, asatru, these ones are not associated with hatred.
But your question is somewhat true but not. When he sacrified his eye he did gain immense knowledge, but not universal knowledge. The knowledge was obtained form mimir, a being with great knowledge, was commonly a counselor of the aesir. The knowledge given then unto odin was great, but not universal. He is known for his knowledge for 2 other things. One is his sacrifice of himself unto himself, stabbing himself with a spear to understand the runes. These runes, written into yggdrasil by the norns, carried fates and prophecies that affected not only men, but gods, in both midgard and all other realms. The runes only revealed themselves to those worthy. Therefore odin sacrificed himself to himself for 9 days and nights, refusing thr aid of sny gods. When the runes revealed themselves to him, he gained much more knowledge, especially of the inner workings of the fates of men and the 9 realms
The final one that does make him even closer to omniscient are hos ravens, Huginn and muninn, who fly around the world and tell odin the happenings of the world, keeping him well informed of the happenings of men while he sits in asgard.
These 3 things give the allfather immense knowledge, but not universal. It is not true to say he has total knowledge, but to act as if he has not the knowledge he does is to be a fool.
TLDR: he is not omniscient but is very very wise and knows much about most things regardless
Also pic related, its the runes odin discovered from the norns, surrounding the valknut, the knot of the honored dead